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Tarot and Authority Sources

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.tarot,alt.divination
From: "Asiya" 
Subject: Re: Tarot and Authority Sources (was talking about ...)
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 08:57:02 GMT

"nagasiva"  wrote in message
> 50020825 VII om
> Asiya:
> >> Court de Gebelin was the first to attribute the Hebrew letters to
> >> Tarot Trumps, in his essay 'Du Jeu des Tarots'. In the essay, he
> >> attributes the Star to Heh and the Emperor to Tzaddi. Crowley
> >> likely read this essay at some point, considering it is first
> >> listed in Waite's bibliography for 'Pictorial Key to the Tarot'.
> if you have the text, could you lay out the various Trumps and their
> attributions under de Gebelin here in usenet so we can trace it step
> by step as it develops into Golden Dawn materials and beyond?
> if not, I may be able to dig it up. since you mentioned....

The sequence is inverted. Thus:

XXI. World - Aleph
XX. Judgment - Beth
XIX. Sun - Gimel
XVIII. Moon - Daleth
XVII. Star - Heh
XVI. Tower - Vau
XV. Typhon - Zayin
XIV. Temperance - Cheth
XIII. Death - Teth
XII. Prudence (Hanged Man) - Yod
XI. Strength - Kaph
X. Fortune - Lamed
IX. Hermit - Mem
VIII. Justice - Nun
VII. Chariot - Samekh
VI. Lovers - Ayin
V. Hierophant - Peh
IV. Emperor - Tzaddi
III. Empress - Qoph
II. High Priestess - Resh
I. Magician - Shin
0. Fool - Tau


From: ~tiny ibis~ 
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.tarot,alt.divination

Subject: Re: Tarot and Authority Sources (was talking about ...)
Followup-To: alt.magick.tyagi
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:56:22 +0200
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Xref: alt.magick.tyagi:34439 alt.magick:315010 alt.tarot:108496 alt.divination:20302

> Asiya wrote:
> "nagasiva"  wrote in message
> news:THga9.14126$
>> 50020825 VII om
>> Asiya:
>> >> Court de Gebelin was the first to attribute the Hebrew letters to
> the
>> >> Tarot Trumps, in his essay 'Du Jeu des Tarots'. In the essay, he
>> >> attributes the Star to Heh and the Emperor to Tzaddi. Crowley
> most
>> >> likely read this essay at some point, considering it is first
> thing
>> >> listed in Waite's bibliography for 'Pictorial Key to the Tarot'.
>> if you have the text, could you lay out the various Trumps and their
>> attributions under de Gebelin here in usenet so we can trace it step
>> by step as it develops into Golden Dawn materials and beyond?
> thanks.
>> if not, I may be able to dig it up. since you mentioned....
> The sequence is inverted. Thus:
> XXI. World - Aleph
> XX. Judgment - Beth
> XIX. Sun - Gimel
> XVIII. Moon - Daleth
> XVII. Star - Heh
> XVI. Tower - Vau
> XV. Typhon - Zayin
> XIV. Temperance - Cheth
> XIII. Death - Teth
> XII. Prudence (Hanged Man) - Yod
> XI. Strength - Kaph
> X. Fortune - Lamed
> IX. Hermit - Mem
> VIII. Justice - Nun
> VII. Chariot - Samekh
> VI. Lovers - Ayin
> V. Hierophant - Peh
> IV. Emperor - Tzaddi
> III. Empress - Qoph
> II. High Priestess - Resh
> I. Magician - Shin
> 0. Fool - Tau
> Asiya

De Gebelin, in his essay "Du Jeu des Tarots", mentions the Hebrew alphabet 
only once, when he says:

"L'ensemble des XXI ou XXII Atous, les XXII Lettres de l'Alphabet Egyptien 
commun aux Hebreux et aux Orientaux, et qui servant de chiffres, sont 
necessaires pour tenir compte de l'ensemble de tant de contrees",

i.e. he simply equates the Egyptian Alphabet with the Hebrew alphabet.

In his discussion of Trump I (Le Joueur de Gobelets, ou Bateleur), in 
preparation of Compte de Mellets companion article, he mentions that "it 
seems, however, that the Egyptians began to count with the highest value, 
to descend from there to the lowest."

"Nous commencons par le no. I pour suivre jusques au 21, parce que l'usage 
actuel est de commencer par le moindre nombre pour s'elever de-la aux plus 
hauts: il paroit cependant que les Egyptiens commencoient a compter par le 
plus haut pour descendre de-la jusqu'au plus bas. C'est ainsi qu'ils 
solsifioient l'Octave en descendant, et non en montant comme nous. Dans la 
Dissertation qui est a la suite de celle-ci, on suit l'usage des Egyptiens, 
et on en tire le plus grand parti. On aura donc ici les deux manieres: la 
notre la plus commode quand on ne veut considerer ces Cartes qu'en 
elles-memes: et celle-la, utile pour en mieux concevoir l'ensemble et les 

It is in Compte de Mellets companion article "Recherches sur les Tarots, et 
sur la Divination par les Cartes des Tarots" about the divinational uses of 
the cards that we find actual attributions of Hebrew letters to the cards, 
which correspond to the ones you have given.

~tiny ibis~
"Walk this world with me"

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