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Believing Things About Tahuti's Book

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.divination,alt.tarot,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick
From: nagasiva 
Subject: Believing Things About Tahuti's Book
Date: Sun, 04 Jan 2004 07:18:51 GMT

[someone asked for help in getting in touch with Tarot,
 'answering Tarot's call', and this was in part my reply]

begin by faking it, do what you consider to be "readings" 
and look for meanings in the cards that come up. don't worry 
about form at this point. draw single cards in response to 
your inquiries, or if you get cocky, throw down a few cards 
and see if it confuses you. ask very specific questions of 
Tarot, such as

        * Have I purchased the right deck?
        * Have I purchased the right book?
        * Should I get someone else to buy a deck for me?
        * Is there a most reliable source of information about Tarot?
        * Should I proceed from here by doing more readings?
        * Is studying books about Tarot going to help me answer
                      your (Tarot's) call?
        * Is there anyone I know whose advice I should follow
                      pertaining to the way I answer your call?
        * What do you (Tarot) have in store for me such that I may
                      benefit from having so answered your call?

etc., and see what Tarot says. if you get no discernable reply,
consider whether the problem is the deck, your method of reading,
or your inexperience, and then consider addressing these.

        deck -- if the problem is the deck, get another one,
                using the best sources you have available to you.

        method -- try introducing more formal and concentrated
                  means to your readings; light some incense;
                  light a candle; possibly bathe or shower before
                  the reading; put some olive oil you blessed on
                  your forehead and temples; enter into a light 
                  trance before shuffling the deck and posing a 
                  question inwardly; consult your favourite new 
                  book (or all the books in the bookstore) in 
                  view of the single card responding to your query
                  of Tarot about the best method of interpretation
                  you can utilize so as to get clear meaning from
                  the cards; if this doesn't satisfy, try another 
                  book, and if books don't satisfy, ask people who 
                  seem like experts on the Tarot what they think 
                  the reading means (they'll be your Tarotic 
                  Priests until you don't need Training Wheels).

        inexperience -- nothing addresses inexperience like doing
                        things: carry around a different card every
                        day and focus on it at every opportunity;
                        get readings done for you and watch how the
                        reader interprets the cards; pretend like
                        you know everything and write down your
                        presumed interpretation of a 3-card draw;
                        consult your favourite authorities and see
                        how these compare; put an entire deck on
                        on some cardboard with rubber cement and
                        paste it to your wall, contemplating it;
                        rearrange it into interesting patterns;
                        play games with your deck, then reverently
                        smudge it with incense, place it within a
                        fabric covering, inside a box, and chant
                        famous syllables over it to empower it 
                        and attune to its energies; name the deck
                        and carve the name of it on the box.

 "You're not supposed to let anyone touch your deck unless 
  you're doing a reading for them, and they only get to cut 
  it three times while thinking of a question, then you 
  deal and interpret the reading."  do you believe this? :>

why believe anything?


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