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Secret Rituals of the OTO

To: alt.magick
From: (M.  Spencer)
Subject: Re: Secret Rituals of the OTO
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 17:08:23 GMT

The book was actually published in the 1960's as an innocent "miskake"
during the Germer period of the OTO( as you noted in the original post
it was "pre Alpha"). It was during this time that all initations were
suspended and for all intents and purpouses the order was morbound.
(interestingly this was also the perios in which the infamous Solar
Lodge appeared in Calafornia wreaking much havock and bad publicity
for the Order, enough to land them a chapter in a Charles Manson
biogoraphy. The OTO denied any afilliation with this "Lodge" )
Crowley did in fact rewrite the original initations by Thelemic
standards at the request of Reuss. It is impossible at this juncture
to tell just how much revision occured as these degrees unavilable to
the best of my knowlege even if you are of a corrosponding grade in
the "modern" OTO. (It is worth noting however, the original issues of
Der Orraflame can be purchased thru the OTO. This was Reuss' occult
Journal and featured some articles by Crowley (in German))
Basicaly it seems that King, like many others, thought the OTO was
defunct and decided to pull an "Isreal Regarde" with the documents he
has in his possession and recreate an "OTO System" in a manner
similiar to what Regarde produced with the Golden Dawn material.
Shortly after the book appeared it was seized upon by the order and
withdrawn from circulation. It is common practice among OTO brethren
to mail any copies that are discovered to the Caliph for
"destruction." I doubt this occurs often in reality. :>
It is highly likely that these discrepencies are on accound of
Caliphate revision of the rites thekmselves but from ersonal
experience I must say the discrepencies I have seen are very minor. I
am not privy to the higher degrees of the OTO though so it would be
interesting to explore this matter further.

>Sir Aleister Crowley re-wrote all of the degrees as O.H.O. of O.T.O. and
>his rituals differ from those which were in use during the time of
>Theodor Reuss, who was Crowley's predecessor as O.H.O. of O.T.O.

>From this, we may conclude that the O.H.O. of O.T.O. possesses the
>authority to change, modify, or completely re-write any and all O.T.O.

>As I recall, the publication of Francis King appeared before the present
>revival of O.T.O. lead by Grady McMurtry achieved its present prominence.
> Francis King was a serious student and practitioner of occultism, and I
>doubt that he wrote with any deliberate intent to deceive the public. 
>This raises the question of the origin of any discrepancies between the
>published Francis King version and the present rituals of O.T.O., or the
>rituals as they were re-written by Sir Aleister Crowley.  Perhaps we
>should form a commission to look into these discrepancies.  Please e-mail
>me if you are interested in sitting on such a commission.


>PS  Francis King was a member of a GD Temple in Bristol known as
>Hermanubis Temple, which was a subject of one of his letters to Francis
>Israel Regardie. Certain claims had been made about the lineage of
>Hermanubis Temple which were later retracted by Francis King when they
>were disproven.  This fact proves that King was a serious researcher who
>would change his mind when confronted with appropriate evidence.


>-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
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