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taoism and reality

To: alt.philosophy.taoism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.newage,talk.religion.misc,alt.consciousness
From: (xiwangmu)
Subject: taoism and reality (was Re: to be a real taoist you must...)
Date: 15 Jul 1996 13:03:29 -0700

49960715 AA1 Happy NULatix!!

Gr8tao :
|>|>Strike out the alchemy but keep the rest. (peter li'ir key):
|>|why not alchemy?<

Gr8tao :
|>The main focus of alchemy was to find the "elixer of Immortality" (peter li'ir key):
|the notion that herbology (chinese medicine) and taoist alchemy
|can be separated easily is specious.

those who disrespect the complex and arcane will throw out that which
 we do not understand and call it 'deadly' and 'not worth our time'.
 this is the value of eclecticism and an honoring of tradition

|>|why just the tao?<

|>I start with focus on Tao and let that focus be drawn how it will ... 

that is the only way to focus upon, the only taoism there is

|what is taoism?  

that varies with the geographical region.  in China it appears to center
 on mountain hermits and, within urban centers, upon writings attributed
 to someone called 'Lao Tzu' or 'Old Boy'.  this we can of course not
 substantiate, but the story of Lao Tzu and the text attributed to him
 is important to the religious and mystical traditions

there are others, such as Wang Ch'ung, Huai-nun Tzu, Lieh Tzu and of
 course the Mo Tzu to Lao Tzu's Kung Fu Tzu: Chuang Tzu.

some of course accept other origins of taoism, such as the legendary
 magician and reputed alchemist, Chang Tao-ling of the Yellow Hats,
 and this results in a magico-religious complex within China too.

but taoism is not restricted to China except by the over-cautious and
 small-minded.  those who focus upon tao for their source and guide
 and thereafter take up a movement into the Way are also taoists,
 whether they care to acknowledge this through sinological naming or no

|>|why is ancient important?<

|>wisdom and experience is part of ancient teachings.  It is not necessary
|>for people to forever reinvent the wheel.  

|wisdom is wisdom.  why does it matter if it is reinvented?

it does not, except to hermeneuts and fundamentalists

|but why ancient lineage?

"ancient lineage" is seldom borne out.  it is used within most religious
 tradition so as to constrain language and control through oppressive
 political maneuvers.  constantly, constantly, new things are being called 
 "ancient" according to the desires of the religious, all the while
 under the blankets the history and in many cases teachings are revised
 for sincere and sometimes coercive intents

|>|>... hold taoism as sacred

|>|why not?<

why - to hold *taoism* as sacred is to constrain its spontaneity to a
 mere shadow of itself, like surrounding a marsh with a concrete barrier.

why not - to not hold *taoism* as sacred is to free us to begin to see
 the tao and experience the sacred way of nature
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