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Notes on Kami Worship

To: alt.magick,alt.lucky.w,alt.magick.tyagi
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Re: Notes on Kami Worship
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 01:44:18 GMT

Buttsex Optimus wrote:
> I ran across this post in the luckymojo archives:
> ...and have some uppity additions to make, for those who are
> interested in these things.
> > ... Shinto, she said, is the official state religion of Japan  
> > and holds as a tenet that the Emperor is descended from the  
> > Sun Goddess. Kami worship, on the other hand, does not hold  
> > this as a tenet.
> This is a bit more of a schism than a case of two entirely 
> different religions. IIRC around the time that Japan shifted 
> from being tribal to imperial - the Yamato period [around the 
> third century AD], then culminating in the establishment of 
> the Imperial capital in Nara (during the Nara period, 600 
> and environs AD) - the imperial family took steps to consolidate 
> its power on all fronts. One of these fronts was the theological; 
> it was during this period that the  imperial family declared 
> that all kami are inferior to the sun kami, or the Sun Goddess 
> Amaterasu Omikami, and that the emperor is a descendent of the 
> Sun Goddess.
> (The fun part is that around the Meiji period there was an
> overwhelming drive to establish the geneology as lineal through 
> the male line. Recently the Crown Prince and Princess of Japan 
> had their first and to date only child: a girl. And the mother 
> is 37 or so, and there is a question about whether she can have 
> another child, and so Japan might have a ruling Empress some day 
> despite the efforts of the past!)
> > ... She was a Kami worshipper, 
> > she said, and expressed some distate for Shinto. Strangely, 
> > she, like many Japanese people, also "prayed and bought
> > incense" in Buddhist temples (not Zen Buddhist temples, just 
> > regular Buddhist temples) on the major Buddhist  festival days.
> This is also an unusual part of Japanese culture, which has from
> ancient times despised death in all its forms - a principle of
> vitalism. Even the records of kings reflect this; when a king 
> becomes a kami, there is no reference ever made to his dying. The
> life-annihilating aspects of Buddism have always butted heads with 
> the Japanese religious undercurrent of vitalism. Homes with Shinto 
> and Buddhist shrines have *separate* shrines for this very reason.
> There is some noteable anthropologist or historian who described
> Buddhism as the religion of the *mind* of the Japanese, but
> kami-worship was the religion of its heart. (To be taken with as 
> much salt as any quote for which I can't dig up the source.)
> > Basically, as
> > she explained it, the priests function as blessers and mediators
> > between the Kami and the people for those festivals held in 
> > temples, but there are also folk-festivals in which the populace 
> > deals directly with the Kami by making offerings at home.
> Historically the priests were chieftans of the tribes, and when the
> imperial family was consolidating power - well, you know how that
> went. So the kami-priests are one of the last great representatives 
> of Japan's tribal past.
> Kami worship shares a few qualities with classical Greek paganism -
> there seems to be a kami for everything - but it's unique in that 
> many of these kami are manifestations of *awe* at particular natural 
> events or objects: great trees, mighty kings and warriors, things 
> like this, as well as the more obvious sun, ocean, moon, and so 
> forth. Appealing to these kami is an indigenous folk-magick in 
> Japan.
> ("Indigenous" is important - incredible amounts of Japanese custom 
> and religion and politics and metaphysics and so forth were imported
> wholesale from China and Korea (and from China through Korea.))

Thanks for a great post! You filled in a lot of blanks for me.

cat yronwode 

The Esoteric Archive ---------

From: tight@helpmejebus.WHOREScom (Buttsex Optimus)
Newsgroups: alt.magick,alt.lucky.w,alt.magick.tyagi
Subject: Re: Notes on Kami Worship
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Xref: alt.magick:281236 alt.lucky.w:10602 alt.magick.tyagi:30624

On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 01:44:18 GMT, catherine yronwode

>Buttsex Optimus wrote:
>> This is a bit more of a schism than a case of two entirely 
>> different religions. IIRC around the time that Japan shifted 
>> from being tribal to imperial - the Yamato period [around the 
>> third century AD], then culminating in the establishment of 
>> the Imperial capital in Nara (during the Nara period, 600 
>> and environs AD) -


Asuka period was around late 500s to 710 or so, and 710-79x was Nara.
Much of the concentration of power was during Asuka, but actual
Imperatoring, to neologize, was the Nara thing.

>Thanks for a great post! You filled in a lot of blanks for me.

Not at all. As long as I've got your attention, I've been
spellchecking and reformatting the copy of _Chuangtse, Mystic and
Humorist_ I found at your site (the Lin Yutang translation, which is
happily my favorite [there's a translation by Clae Waldham which just
isn't as graceful, IMO.]) I intend to post it to alt.binaries.e-book
when I'm done; I don't suppose you would want a copy as well? I'll be
compiling plaintext and HTML versions and I'd be happy to email the
files to you or let you know when I've posted to ABEB. 
Why don't you hold off on calling me a fuckhead for three
fucking minutes?        * *

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