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To: alt.satanism
From: (IX Corp.)
Subject: Re: Xepera-l (an interesting note)
Date: 12 Jan 1999 00:38:51 GMT

In article <>,
Balanone   wrote:
> wrote:
>> Dr. Lao asks Michael Aquino to reveal the mysterious Helm's Papers with no
>> reply:
>> *Waiting*
>> Still no answer.
>Dr. Lao's first post was time-stamped Sat 09 Jan 1999 21:19:04 GMT, and this
>second post was time-stamped Sun 10 Jan 1999 03:55:43 GMT, a whopping 6
>hours, 30+ minutes, Saturday afternoon. 
>Dr. Lao may choose to spend his Saturday afternoon glued to alt.satanism,
>but I suspect Dr. Aquino chose to spend that afternoon doing something more
>enjoyable. He may even be away for the entire weekend for all we know.
>Dr. Lao should perhaps discuss the oriental virtue of patience with his
>Balanone generally doesn't consider any response "late" or "missing" unless
>several days have passed -- he assumes that most people who also post on
>newsgroups have a life, and most of them have reasonably sound priorities
>concerning that life.

Dr. Lao and Bra. Lupowski have awaited a reply for this question since
September. No answer is likely to be forthcoming other than silly stories
about the cigarette smoking man.

Bra. Lupowski, for one, thinks now would be an excellent time to hunt
disgusting republicans, like Jesse Helms. Hustler magazine is offering
large rewards for republicans getting blowjobs from secretaries.
Conspiracies to persecute army officers because they belong to a minority
religion are much more serious than blowjobs, as they are illegal.
If any time is a good time to release such information, it is now.

~Date: 23 Sep 1998 18:05:55 -0400

Michael Aquino wrote:
>Copies of the Helms-Marsh letters reached me [by complete surprise]
>courtesy of a Pentagon insider who obviously didn't like what was
>going on.
This is powerful information. Since Michael Aquino is so good at
posting legal documents to the web, perhaps he would be so kind as
to post the Helms-Marsh letters. Dr. Lao does not make this request
frivolously but seeks assurance of Michael Aquino's credibility.   
This should present no problem if, as Michael Aquino states, this
information is publicly available under the freedom of information

Dr. Lao

**"Sidewinders do not attain to any great size. In fact they are
among the smallest of the crotaline snakes."**


"The mind is its own place, and in it self can make a Heav'n of Hell, a
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