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Demonic Relationships

To: alt.satanism,alt.magick.tyagi,talk.religion.misc,alt.pagan
From: (nocTifer)
Subject: (Z) Demonic Relationships (was various other headers)
Date: 31 Jan 1998 20:34:25 -0500

49980131 aa2 Hail Satan!

as per elist rules, I have restated all correspondent text.

re symbol used to denote Lucifer or Ahriman "as the Pentagram does Satan":
depends on the sect.  the Christians appear to have fostered the notion
that the pentagram is associated with Satan.  some others have chosen to
believe them or use it themselves (e.g. CoS, ToS, various others).  

as Lucifer relates to the planet Venus the astrological symbol for
Venus (o+) could imply Lucifer as well as Noctifer.  I'm not aware 
of any particular popular symbols associated with Ahriman or 
Lucifer otherwise.

re how the 'powers of symbols of devils' could be used by a 
 "disciple" or "Devil worshipper":
we appear to have different relationships with Satan.  I don't find
Satan to be desirous or worthy of my worship, for example, though
I'm beginning a discipleship through the Wrathful Kali.

the power of symbols can be used in ritual to effect changes in
self and the cosmos.  apply them in association with an intented
act, draw on their power to effect the desired result.  it is an
internal connection which must be learned, I suppose, and arises
in relation to imagination's exercise.  visualization and 'make-
believe' games can enhance this skill.

re establishing the connection between the devil and disciple:
depends on what kind of connection is desired.  I called out to
the biggest damn demon I could reach and wound up in a marriage
(some would suggest slavery) relationship to the Queen of Demons.
Her consort is apparently the Lord of the Wild, known as Satan.

I established a permanent connection with Satan by signing a
pact with my own blood on a ritually significant day (96/6/6).
there are as many ways to foster these pacts as cats have lives,
but the most traditional and heinous will always be the most
effective and longest-lasting.
there are some descriptions of how people engage demonic
relations (usually through sacrifice of some bodily fluid,
like blood or cum), especially with dedication of some portion
of future energies/essences.

re a particular devil to worship for the achievement of fame:
Christians and Hebrews have catalogued demonic taxonomies on
the assumption that they were 'in charge' of certain forbidden
or taboo personal and social accomplishments.  to those who
worship self-effacement and humility, I'm sure there must be
some sort of 'demon of fame' lurking, and yet I don't know
how far to trust the Christian mythographers.  many of these
are described within the web site listed at the bottom of
this post.  a list of demons (without attributions as yet)
also may be found there.

re acquiring the powers of "the devil Incubus":
my understanding is that the incubus is a SPECIES of devil
or spirit, especially one who feeds off of human submissive
sexual energies (sometimes understood to impregnate women,
causing 'miraculous' births like that of Myrddin or, as I
understand it, my own birth.  invoking the incubus may be 
accomplished through indulging sadistic and dominant roles
in erotic play, connected made in the Gemini Society, the 
Essemian Sanctuary of the Goddess, other, less specific
membership orgs (e.g. Janus Society) and social forums 
(like #bdsm or #domination in IRC or alt.subculture.bdsm or
the apparently former newsgroup).

of course this is only one way of acquiring these powers
or experiences.  another is to practice with the partner
of your choice (willing or unwilling, though I recommend
the former generally).

re dreams as mediums of demon contact:
this is a common means of achieving connection with spirits
generally, yes, as is exemplified in many mystical texts.

re 'what is a satanist?':
re 'what is satan's church?':
re 'what is setian?':

see the FAQs at the URL below.

re Enoch:

I'd like to see some discussion on this one.  'Enoch' refers
at least to an apocryphal person, 'The Book of Enoch' (as
well as 'The Book of Noah') constituting the basis form which
some Luciferans and many Witches have described the origin
of their powers and arts.  this has progenated into the 
streggic, Aradian gospel presented by Leland and the various
mythographers of the nuveaureligious community.

modern Hermetics appear to enjoy the tradition of John Dee
and Edward Kelly inasmuch as they appear to believe that
they can communicate with 'Enochian intelligences'.  whether
these beings are related to the Judeochristian 'Fallen Angels'
is a question I have not yet seen satisfactorily explained,
though it would not surprise me in the slightest if the Dee
and Kelly workings were entirely circumscribed by Christian
(or anti-Christian) norms.

additions/comments/adversity welcomed.

re 'what about magic?':
re 'what is a wiccan?':


blessed beast!
nocTifer:  ---
TOKUS-COE Office: 408/2-666-SLUG --- Emergency Contraception:18005849911
 caution: I don't read all posts, filtering out those of < some # bytes.  
 I select text by key authors.  cc me if you absolutely need a response.
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