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CoS, Pre and Post and Pythagorean

Subject: CoS, Pre and Post and Pythagorean

In The Cloven Hoof issue no. 128, the last issue while Anton LaVey was still alive, Blanche Barton wrote:

Our philosophy can be traced directly back to the Pythagoreans (not only in their reverence for mathematics and angles and their correlation with music harmony, but in their blending of the rational with the metaphorical) and the Epicureans, and later directly through the Alchemists (who were the scientists of their day), and down through all those heretics, ...

First of all, the Pythagorean Tradition has far more in it than just Math and Music. Some of it is explained in The Three Gates on Vad's website. There are FIVE Daimones in our tradition - not 4 crown princes bullshit. There is NO heaven or hell in our tradition. There is a definite DEITY in our tradition and it is "apeiron" meaning boundless darkness - seen as a guiding hand, not a being. They did not blend the rational with the metaphorical: they blended the rational with the METAPHYSICAL and considered it Black Magic. They had not only FIVE Daimones which we named in the Tantra, Vajrayana and Pythagoreanism article, but FIVE defending principles, which we also named, some of which can be found in Pre-Socratic literature which neither COS nor Anton knew ANYTHING of. They were not the heretics, as she states. They were the people that founded guilds and preserved the real skills and crafts, not just mathematical and pharmaceutical, but metallurgal. The COS is NONE of this. They furthermore had Three Political Ideals symbolized by 3 lines on the star - Equity, Unity, and Liberty! Even early on, Pythagoreans were known to stir up riots or revolutions. These three words are the calling cries of American, French and Bolshevik Revolutionaries - ALL of whom were from the same tradition. The COS is not only NOT that, but the founder of that got NO response from such quarters when he first set out to "find them."

--quite a leap from her statements of today when LaVey has passed away. If she is to explain that the dark doctrines are now invalid, she'll have to acknowledge that she was lying in her Cloven Hoof 128 essay, and that the CoS has NO ROOTS save the philosophy of a single person.

Gee, the COS told a lie? Nawwww, lol.

To top that off, here is an example of GILMORE on Tani and Phil's coat tails:

This article, a new one from Gilmore, is at this address below. HOW DARE he use information he got from US - the DARK DOCTRINE PEOPLE? I quoted only the relevant portions where he is riding on MY coat tails. Mine, Jeff's and Phil's. NOW who is riding on who's coat tails?

Inserted into Gilmore's new article, are where he GOT IT FROM US - and there is no way in hell he'd have known this or been able to get it anywhere else. My notes are in [ ] in capital letters.

From under history.

The History of the Use of the Sigil of Baphomet in the Church of Satan

Peter wrote:

"The word "Baphomet" dates back to records of Templar trials, and there are ongoing discussions concerning its derivation and meaning. However, there is no clear evidence that the SYMBOL which we call "Baphomet" is derived similarly; it might be, it might not-the evidence, if any, has not yet been released in ANY public forum. [PUBLIC FORUM IS RIGHT]."

The pentagram (pentalpha) [OUR DOCTRINES EXPLAIN THIS, HE WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN THE WORD IF NOT FOR US] comes from the Pythagorean tradition [OUR DOCTRINES EXPLAIN THIS, COS NEVER KNEW ANY OF THIS]. The goat's or ram's head within it refers to the Goat of Mendes, a symbol of the Egyptian Neter Amon, who was called "the hidden one, he who abides in all things, the soul of all phenomena" and is thus the closest Neter to the Dark Force which permeates and motivates all nature. The two concentric circles which contain the word "Leviathan" written in Hebrew (starting at the lowermost point and moving counterclockwise) stem from the traditions of the Ophite (serpent) Jews, [OUR DOCTRINES EXPLAIN THIS HE NEVER KNEW OPHITES OR WHAT THEY WERE OR HAD BEFORE NOR DID COS] and this is the essence of the Dragon of the Abyss, sometimes symbolized as an ouroboros (serpent biting its own tail forming a circle) [ACTUALLY IT IS NOT THAT AT ALL, IT'S A STRIKING FORM OF THE SERPENT - BUT I NOTE NOW GILMORE IS RIDING ON EGAN'S COATTAILS]. Thus, in one sigil, we find a confluence of several cultures' approach to embodying what we call Satan. [OUR DOCTRINES EXPLAIN ALL THAT].

HOW DARE he use information he got from "TANI AND PHIL AND JEFF?" He has NO RIGHT to information we know of. NO permission to use it.

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