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An Insider on Sir Chaos

[originally from ] 

Subject: An Insider on Sir Chaos
   Here is whoopie doo doo from my contact in the CoS. His/her name,
   of course, is DELETED for obvious, doh doh reasons. What was Sir
   Chasm TRYING to say?
Session Start: Thu Dec 07 20:20:45 2000
 what's up?
 -- snipped some convo about other things, weddings, etc. --
 Sir Chaos, (LMAO) is still whining about. He tried to
get into satanmuse when services were down, but our bot banned him out.
 he just can't GO AWAY and play in Andre's sandbox now
that I SHOVED him into it.
 The workings of Sir Chaos's mind are a real
 I haven't seen Andre for probably half a year now.
 "sir chaos" and "mind" ? incompatible !
 really? wow, I wonder what happened to Andre. huh...
 well, Chaos is shoved off the fence by us, right into
where he wanted to be.
 So then, WHY is he bothering us? lol?
 The cos would SUE US if one word we said in exposing
them was false.
 NO ONE in cos is saying a word to me or any of us.
 what's his problem?
 we do our own thing, have our own thing. the exposing
is DONE, finished with.
 I can't figure it out!
 UNLESS....we really meant a LOT to Chaos, or something
like that. Otherwise, I can't figure it out.
 whose problem ?
 What's your take on that?
 Sir Chaos- what's HIS problem. He keeps bothering us.
Or trying to.
 read what I FOOD is ready!
 his problem is that CoS told him to go away and die.
 and he doesn't know where to go now.
 The COS told him to go away and die?
 read what I wrote :)
 he is banned here
 everyone in CoS spits on him
 he is laughed at.
 so what if he's banned. He has his own room.
 Is he still IN the cos?
 i don't think so.
 oh gee, DO YOU HAVE LOGS????
 that piece of shit is out.
 Well, I imagine they say the same shit about me.
 no - i wount waste my HD space on such a scum.
 What is it they think he did?
 We know what we think of them, and the exposing stuff
(on websites now) is well, THEIR OWN WORDS.
 And we despise them for it.
 And we HAVE gone our own way. :)
 He's not in the cos, but he asks for COS membership
proof in his chat room???
 Are you sure he's kicked out?
 he is nothing to ask for anything.
 Are you sure he's kicked out?
 i am not even sure that he was ever in :)))
 yes, he most definitely was a member. Absolutely.
 he is a clay pigeon
 there isn't a single cos member/official who does not
laugh at him
 About you? They say nothing.
 you're kidding!
 They say, they have their way - they left.
 YOU ARE JOKING? They say NOTHING about the "awful
terrible horrorible thing" ?
 the reaction is normal.
 nothing "awful and terrible".
 yes. indeed.
 what do they perceive about Sir Chaos that he's
laughed at and hated?
 OH, do tell! He's acting like COS big defender online!
Trying hard to BOTHER us.
 he has a reputation of a weakiling, fence straddler,
spineless universal traitor and moron.
 LOL LOL...yup, that's him. Sit on the fence with me,
however, I shoved him off it. HARD.
 Who thinks this about him? Schlessinger? Gilmore? WHO?
 damn - everyone.
 LOL...oh dear..
 He must still be a member cause he's trying
desperately (and futily) to fuck with us, online.
 same applies to stewart
 He has no clue: he's fucking with Peter Gilmore's
 what a moron.
 he's fucking himself.
 Who, Stewart or Chaos?
 What's your "take" on that?
 what is necessary to explain ? No one in CoS likes the
shithead. No one takes both of them seriously. It is well-known to all
apart from these morons.
 HA! Too much.
 by trying to serve those who (rightfully) spit on them
and kick them
 they make a good laugh out of themselves.
 The tragic thing is, when we DID work with him, we did
NOT spit on him at all.
 a pity.
 It seems to be the story of his life.
 because human shit like that deserves only that.
 and should be sent to "showers"
 showers, LOL LOL....oh gee...
 i am proud to be probably the first to have a go on
these morons.
 ages before it all happened.
 Explain. What did you do?
 me - told chaos to fuck off
 blasted him off frigging net
 told andre to ban his ass
 mocked him down to hell etc
 fucking weakling.
 LOL, when did you do that? Before I was online or in
 Oh dear. must have been in #coscentral back then.
 Well, obviously, no one banned him back then or hated
him. But now?
 back then, Gorgos banned him.
 so what's his problem with us, or me? Why is he trying
SOOooo hard with his reinvention of what happened?
 we have all the damned logs and more, the emails.
 if one word was false, COS could sue us.
 his problem is that he thinks that he can achieve
anything with CoS/in CoS by sucking up. But he is wrong.
 he is a typical case.
 that is why i found him boring
 gonna leave out. Catch ya later on... or another time.
Session Close: Thu Dec 07 21:36:25 2000


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