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Wiccan Grounding and Centering + Reference

To: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.pagan,alt.religion.wicca,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.pagan,alt.witchcraft,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick
From: (lorax666)
Subject: Wiccan Grounding and Centering + Reference (LONG)
Date: 20 Jan 1999 12:59:05 -0800

49990120 IIIom 

"Bunyip" :
# I have been studying paganism, particularly Wiccan-style 
# paganism for just under a year. I understand about casting 
# circles, calling the quarters etc, and I also think I know 
# how to set up an alter [s/b 'altar' btw -- 666] appropriately. 
# I am slowly building up my BOS and am very much enjoying my 
# "magic" education.

are you studying within a particular group (if so, why aren't
you asking these instructors?), or on your own with books?
the terms which you mention are conventions of Wicca that
have made it into print so I can't tell and I'm curious.

# What I can't find an explanation of, however, is 
# "ground and center". I know it usually goes before casting 
# the circle, but I have no idea how to do it. 

as I had it explained to me, grounding and centering
is a personal orientation with respect to the present --
entering into the here and now. it is a dwelling in the 
consciousness of emphasized presentness prior to engaging 
altered states of consciousness as encountered within the 
rite, sort of like establishing a base from which to
experiment or explore so as to be able to return here
easily.  there are certain physical and/or mental symptoms
which can be ascertained quite easily and can be as obvious
as asking someone what the date is or who the current
political leader is within the resident culture (i.e. 
"what is the President's name?  what year is it?").

I have been told all of my life that I am 'well grounded',
'solidly grounded', 'very centered', etc., and this is
on account of my attention to detail, focus of attention
in conversation, ability to remain quiet and connected with
my discussion partner, and ability to remain 'on track'.

when I explored the disciplines of meditation (there are
a goodly number which are described by this name), I
learned about zazen and hatha yoga (mainly because they
were popular in my 70s-80s CA physical and textual 
environment and they appeared approachable).  I complemented
these with candle-watching and noticed that all of them
came relatively easy for me despite the usual
difficulties that most experience when taking them up
(anxiety over distraction and indiscipline of mind, the
psychological pain of self-examination, etc.).

when I began to learn about Wiccan ritual style I
understood that the effect of the guided visualization
which often preceded the rituals we created was to bring
us to a more present state of mind, convinced of a deep
connection to the world within which we normally live,
centered upon the activity that we were about to undertake.

you can probably find quite a few 'grounding and centering'
visualizations online or in Wiccan publications.  if my
library were in order I might recommend a few (the first 
source I'd try would be Starhawk's _Spiral Dance_, but that 
is probably because this was considered a standard during the
time I was studying Wicca as it manifests in Gardnerian
lines; you might also look to Buckland or the Ferrars).

these visualizations often seem to incorporate an imagined
arboreal or vine-like extension of the bodily nervous system, 
transcending corporeal form, and connecting with the globe I 
call Terra, sometimes also extending outward to encompass 
starstuff and the outer reaches of space. this is the general 
conception behind the Hermetic 'Qabalistic Cross' rite that is 
integrated into many Western ceremonial styles (with pseudo-
Christian overtones, luxocentric in liturgical bias).

extending outward and establishing and retaining that
connection with the world, one is then directed to return
like a tidal wash or contracting rubberband back to the
present, refreshed by the contact we have made and readied
to direct the variety of energies we now have at our
disposal to the tasks we accept in our Circle.

# I don't want to start any magick before I know how to do it the
# right way, and these two aspects seem important. 

there is no right way. those who affirm a right and wrong way
need the impetus to carry through with the Act. those who stick
with the studies come to understand that structures are
elementary and provide valuable crutches and training wheels
with which the Master may dispense or vary depending entirely
on hir whim or need.
in terms of Wiccan sensibilities, the grounding and centering
and Circle casting are important elements, along with calling
of quarters, for PREPARATION and ORIENTATION.  the competent
witch, even in Wiccan lineages, is fully capable of doing
spellwork without these ceremonial props.  some will tell you
that recipes are more for FOCUS and INTENSITY, and that, given
their ability to focus in the present and the degree of their
intense attention, they no longer need the ceremonial support.

grounding and centering is like drawing out the boundaries
of your artistic landscape, finding your place and style in
the world so as to feel capable of moving on to the Art proper.
it can be assisted by such simple measures as having had
sufficient (but not overly-indulged) food, sleep, and reflective
time prior to entering the Circle. it can be enhanced through
avoiding (or ingesting) certain substances at key times,
taking a hot shower or bath prior to ritual, and resolving
all outstanding emotional issues with loved ones such that
one feels comfortable and stable in one's life generally.

# Yes, I have read Cunningham's A guide to Solitary Wicca, 
# but I'm still as clueless.

interesting if he didn't cover it. I have not delved deeply
into that text, but noticed its value even in its scanty info.
for better information on Wicca and Neopaganism generally I
would consult the variety of internet forums on the subjects
in question -- you'll get a wide variety of response, but it
isn't difficult to separate the whackos from those who seem
to know something about the subject.  I have cross-posted
this response for the benefit of just such a discussion and
review of what I have presented here.  good luck and blessed

internet research recommendations:


	 Gehennom Goo
	 Hollyfeld Archives


	 Generally consult the GOO or Usenet newgroup notices
	 here's one I ran across just recently that appears
	 to be attempting to accumulate URLs for other lists:


lorax666 of the Evul Wikkhunz 
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