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What is Wicca?

To: alt.religion.wicca
From: auntykreist@aol.comeondown (Aunty Kreist)
Subject: Re: What is Wicca?
Date: 13 May 2003 05:46:02 GMT

>Subject: What is Wicca?
>From: "Julie White" 
>Date: 5/12/2003 9:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>What is Wicca?
>WICCA (sometimes called Wicce, The Craft, or The Old Religion by its
>practitioners) is an ancient religion of love for life and nature.

Wrong. Wicca is an initiatory, oathbound tradition that was created by Gerald
Gardner in the 40-50's. There is nothing ancient about it. Your grandmother is
older than Wicca.

>In prehistoric times, people respected the great forces of Nature and
>celebrated the cycles of the seasons and the moon.

Cavemen did this?

 They saw divinity in the
>sun and moon, in the Earth Herself, and in all life. The creative energies
>of the universe were personified: feminine and masculine principles became
>Goddesses and Gods. These were not semi-abstract, superhuman figures set
>apart from Nature: they were embodied in earth and sky, women and men, and
>even plants and animals.
>This viewpoint is still central to present-day Wicca. To most Wiccans,
>everything in Natures -- and all Goddesses and Gods -- are true aspects of
>Deity. The aspects most often celebrated in the Craft, however, are thr
>Triple Goddess of the Moon (Who is Maiden, Mother, and Crone) and the Horned
>God of the wilds. These have many names in various cultures.

Unless you are an initiated Wiccan, you couldn't possibly know what their
beliefs are.

>Wicca had its organized beginnings in Paleolithic times, 

Absolute crap. Put down the SRW books and get some real ones.

co- existed with
>other Pagan ("country") religions in Europe, and had a profound influence on
>early Christianity.


 But in the medieval period, tremendous persecution was
>directed against the Nature religions by the Roman Church. Over a span of
>300 years, millions of men and women and many children were hanged, drowned
>or burned as accused "Witches."

Wrong. It has been estimated that 40,000 people were persecuted, and proof
states that the majority were CHRISTIAN.

 The Church indicted them for black magic and
>Satan worship, though in fact these were never a part of the Old Religion.
>The Wiccan faith went underground, to be practiced in small, secret groups
>called "covens." For the most part, it stayed hidden until very recent
>times. Now scholars such as Margaret Murray and Gerald Gardner have shed
>some light on the origins of the Craft, and new attitudes of religious
>freedom have allowed covens in some areas to risk becoming more open.

Tell you what. READ Gerald Gardner before you use him as a source.

>How do Wiccan folk practice their faith today? There is no central authority
>or doctrine, and individual covens vary a great deal. But most meet to
>celebrate on nights of the Full Moon, and at eight great festivals or
>Sabbats throughout the year.
>Though some practice alone or with only their families, many Wiccans are
>organized into covens of three to thirteen members. Some are led by a High
>Priestess or Priest, many by a Priestess/Priest team; others rotate or share
>leadership. Some covens are highly structured and hierarchical, while others
>may be informal and egalitarian. Often extensive training is required before
>initiation, and coven membership is considered an important committment.

Training is always required for initiation.

>There are many branches or "traditions" of Wicca in the United States and
>elsewhere, such as the Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Welsh Traditional, Dianic,
>Faery, Seax-Wicca and others. All adhere to a code of ethics. None engage in
>the disreputable practices of some modern "cults," such as isolating and
>brainwashing impressionable, lonely young people. Genuine Wiccans welcome
>sisters and brothers, but not disciples, followers or victims.
>Coven meetings include ritual, celebration and magick (the "k" is to
>distinguish it from stage illusions). Wiccan magick is not at all like the
>instant "special effects" of cartoon shows or fantasy novels, nor medieval
>demonology; it operates in harmony with natural laws and is usually less
>spectacular -- though effective. Various techniques are used to heal people
>and animals, seek guidance, or improve members' lives in specific ways.
>Positive goals are sought: cursing and "evil spells" are repugnant to
>practitioners of the Old Religion.

Really? Cuz I know a few Wiccans that could hex you into Kingdom Come.

>Wiccans tend to be strong supporters of environmental protection, equal
>rights, global peace and religious freedom, and sometimes magick is used
>toward such goals.
>Wiccan beliefs do not include such Judeao-Christian concepts as original
>sin, vicarious atonement, divine judgement or bodily resurrection. Craft
>folk believe in a beneficent universe, the laws of karma and reincarnation,
>and divinity inherent in every human being and all of Nature. Yet laughter
>and pleasure are part of their spiritual tradition, and they enjoy singing,
>dancing, feasting, and love.

Thank you for informing me what I believe.

>Wiccans tend to be individualists, and have no central holy book, prophet,
>or church authority. They draw inspiration and insight from science, and
>personal experience. Each practitioner keeps a personal book or journal in
>which s/he records magickal "recipes," dreams, invocations, songs, poetry
>and so on.

Each? Really? Are you very sure?

>To most of the Craft, every religion has its own valuable perspective on the
>nature of Deity and humanity's relationship to it: there is no One True
>Faith. Rather, religious diversity is necessary in a world of diverse
>societies and individuals. Because of this belief, Wiccan groups do not
>actively recruit or proseletize: there is an assumption that people who can
>benefit from the Wiccan way will "find their way home" when the time is
>Despite the lack of evangelist zeal, many covens are quite willing to talk
>with interested people, and even make efforts to inform their communities
>about the beliefs and practices of Wicca.

Yes, they even have books with correct info in them!

Love, Aunty   xxx

And out of the darkness, the Zombie did call
True pain and suffering he brought to them all
Away ran the children to hide in their beds,
for fear that the devil would chop off their heads  - Rob Zombie

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