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Qabala and Magic

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.divination,alt.pagan.magick
From: hara 
Subject: Qabala and Magic
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 03:00:37 GMT

50021127 VII

333 quotes "Magick"'s ToC:
>> is the Table of Contents
>> of "Magick in Theory and Practice" (Part Three of "Book Four") 
>> by Aleister Crowley, derived from that in "Magick" edited by 
>> John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, Arkana Books, 1973:
>> ... 
># PART III (aka "Magick in Theory and Practice")
># 	0 The Magical Theory of the Universe
># 	  *Describes and explains the magical alphabet, and
># 	   the correspondences of the Qabalah as a convenient
># 	   system of classification of the Universe.*

>   Crowley describes the Qabala as convenient, while also describing 
> it in other works as Holy and Sacred. A true revolutionary would 
> create a new system, 

this is an interesting point. in fact, it seems Crowley worked on
what appears to be a system of English gematria using a trinary (or
perhaps quaternary) code, though its composition appears to be only 
in a single brief essay that he notated with some of his poetry
(Liber Trigrammaton Sub Figura XXVII, which may be found at:  )

'creating a new system' could include all kinds of things, but 
if you are just talking about gematria, it seems to me that the 
revolutionaries did their work elsewhere. there is an extensive
history beyond Crowley's meager efforts to create revolutionary 
reworkings of Judeochristian constructs in reflection of Greek 
and previous cultures. expositors such as Eisen (in his "English
Cabala"), JStratton-Kent (lately and online with his "EQ" or 
"English Qaballah"), and numerous others before them have 
contributed to it, though sometimes with particular ends in mind 
(e.g. adhering to Liber Al vel Legis as a scriptural derivative, 
or maximizing the results in variation of the cipher).

the primary opposition to a 'magical alphabet' being made of the
English alphabet, it seems, is that its letters derive from the
older languages upon which it draws (rather than being composed of
individual letter-words that double as numbers extending back prior
to conventional historical accounts of their origins) and that these 
are not generally considered identical with numbers as such (compare
the Greek alphabet and Jewish alephbeth). 

to this end I have prepared what I think is a reverse-engineering 
document using the Ulian Schemata and the English alphabet (ay-bee;
revised and expanded with the help of Frater AShTON VQ'QL) uploaded to:
in which the same principles would apply, but the legends concerning
the sacred origins of the letters and numbers would be consigned to
metaphor while the operational procedures would remain largely the
same in a new 'alphabetic' (aybeesic?) context. other 'revolutionary' 
trajectories could be undertaken, as I'm sure you are aware.

> but instead he chose to use a system that 
> weighed down his efforts due to religious baggage inherited through 
> its adoption. The use of Qabala simultaneously as an instrument of 
> magick and religion creates a dilema in defining the underlying 
> nature of magical effects. Are such effects a product of cause and 
> effect, or arbitrary results due to interaction with non-human 
> beings?

wonderful analysis. it would seem his choice was based on his training
with the Golden Dawn and his Christian upbringing (imposing both
tradition-adhering and tradition-destroying tendencies upon his mind),
drawing primarily from von Rosenroth as regards Kabbalistic ideas.

of course Pico della Mirandola and others pioneered 'Christian Cabala'
prior to the Golden Dawn, who drew on these extending competitive
systems to make their ceremonialism. integral to this appears to be 
the idea expressed at least in Jewish mysticism that the letternumbers
of Hebrew were provided by the divine directly and constitute therefore
a unique and nonreplaceable element to the gematrian construct within
Jewish Kabbalah and much Christian Cabala reflecting off of it.

description of the underlying nature of magical effects is influenced
by the cosmological and metaphysical baggage which may accompany any
magical system selected. I'm unsure that what was chosen, as you have
described it, REQUIRES any accompanying baggage per se, though in 
order to remain *convincing* to a good number of Judeochristian 
occultists, it may have to come in an attractively-traditional wrapper.

others who move beyond Hebrew or Greek have sometimes attempted to
optimize the results rather than remain stuck on any particular cipher).
corrections welcome.


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