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Real Sufis

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.sufi,alt.islam.sufi,alt.religion.gnostic,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.consciousness.mysticism
From: (haramullah)
Subject: Real Sufis (2)
Date: 23 Dec 1997 21:55:40 -0800

49970918 aa2
assalam alaykum, my kin.

Frank LoPinto :
# My understanding of this is that it is not that they are concealed so much
# as unnoticed. 

this makes much sense to me.

	The Sufi

	He may be like Khidr, the Green One, who travels the earth in
	a variety of guises, and by means unknown to you.  If it be his
	'station' he will be found herding the sheep one day, sipping
	from a golden goblet with a king the next.

	If he is your teacher, he will make you benefit from his
	luminescence, whether you know it at the time or not.

	When you meet him, he will act upon you, whether you
	know it or not.

	What he says or does may seem inconsistent or even incom-
	prehensible to you.  But it has meaning.  He does not live
	entirely in your world.

	His intuition is that of the rightly guided, and he always
	works in accordance with the Right Way.

	He may discomfit you.  That will be intended and necessary.

	He may seem to return good for evil, or evil for good.  But
	What he is really doing is known only to the Few.

	You may hear that some men oppose him.  You will find that
	few men really do.

	He is modest and allows you to find out what you have to
	find out slowly.

	When you first meet him, he may seem to be very different
	from you.  He is not.  He may seem to be very much like you.
	He is not.

	    _The Way of the Sufi_, by Idries Shah, Arkana Books, 
	     1990; pp. 295-6.

# there is some esteem accorded someone to whom the moniker Sufi was 
# attached. 

why?  can we take the steam out of the label so that it will mean something 
like 'friend' (I don't know the Arabic) or 'divine lover' (Habib)?

# This would have the unwanted effect of inflating the ego of the person 
# upon whom this title was bestowed. 

all the better to disassemble it and tarnish it a little.  what if we
treated all people as sufis?  oh well, they may not have the same practices
or values, but does this mean we will divide people up into categories?  
we may depart from those who seem to have other values and beliefs and we 
feel Allah is moving us in difference directions.  we can be polite and 
allow them to be a sufi for us, even if it looks horrible.  perhaps they are 
inviting us to practice assisting them in their difficulties.

# ...since true Sufi's have no problem recognizing each other, the title is
# unnecessary under ordinary circumstances, 

why is it that true sufis have no problems recognizing one another?  is it
a tattoo or a button they wear or a special identification card?  :>  some
say that it is an Order (my Order has secret handshakes and code words).  
for these, I say, bravo!  an Order of sufis is beautiful.  watch the 
sheikhs carefully.  see if they are muslims.  perhaps they may inspire.

# nor are special clothes or other affectations of "spirituality".

special clothes can be a *manifestation* of spirituality, despite how many
may choose to adopt the affectation.  let them puff themselves out.  quickly
they will be seen for affectation.  let the sufi wear special clothes (say,
a turban or other hat, and maybe robes).  quickly they will be seen for their
spirituality.  the style of one's clothes does not guarantee anything, just as
temporary kindness does not mean a deep and faithful heart of compassion.
here's some more excellence from a different source (tell me if these are 
not sufis who Shah is quoting):

	The Sufi Path

	Sufism is the teaching as well as the fraternity of the Sufis, who
	are mystics sharing the belief that inner experience is not a
	department of life, but life itself.  Sufi means 'love'.

	In the lower reaches the members are organized into circles and
	lodges.  In the higher -- *sakina* (stillness) -- form, they are
	bound together by *baraka* (blessing, power, sanctity) and their
	interaction with this force influences their lives in every way.
	Sufism is a way of life, believed by the members to be the essence
	and reality of all religious and philosophical teachings.  It leads
	to the contemplation of mankind and womankind, through the
	institutions of discipleship, meditation and practice.  The latter
	is the 'living of reality'.

	Wisdom or completion, according to the Sufis, is to be 
	distinguished from intellectualism, scholasticism and the like,
	which are merely tools.  The Path teaches to what extent these
	tools can be used; and also how to amalgamate action with destiny.

	'Sufism', says a teacher, 'is the Path taken by Sufis in their
	actual living and working according to a form which is not like
	other forms: which leads them to the full development of their
	mental physical and metaphysical powers.  They are organized
	initially in groups under the guidance of a Guide (teacher) until
	the relationship which is self-perpetuating is established.

	'The Fraternity is called the Brotherhood, the Order, the Way,
	or Path.  It may be called the Building, on the analogy that
	something is being built by the association of the members.  The
	teacher is called the Master, Sheikh, Sage, Knower, Guide, Leader,
	Ancient, or Director.  The Disciple is called a Directed One, 
	Devotee, Lover, or Postulant.

	'The Lodge is called a monastary, temple, hermitage, and so on.
	It may or may not have a physical form.'

	In addition to being a metaphysical system intermeshed with
	ordinary life, Sufism holds that its members will excel in their
	chosen vocations.

	Sufism is taught, not by tedious methods 'A to Z' textbooks or
	teachings, but by the interplay of the minds of the teacher and
	the taught.  Eventually, when the relationship is well enough
	established, the Sufi continues on his own, and becomes a
	'Perfected Person'.

	Ibid., pp. 294-5.

# I remember a story about a teacher who was one day addressing students in
# his hall. A dervish entered from the rear and interrupted the Master,
# calling the teacher names, disparaging his mother, lineage, children, pets,
# choice of shoes, and generally being verbally abusive.
# This continued for quite a while; the teacher did nothing to stop it though
# his students, who were outraged, called for it many times. After a while,
# the abusive man left the hall, and the students asked why it was that the
# Master did not put an end to the shameless display by asking his more than
# willing assembly to "take out the trash" (so to speak).
# The Master answered that the man was doing him a favor. "What favor?"
# "When one stands up here everyday and is adored by students, revered by the
# public, and pretty much considered a saint, the personality can become
# distorted and warped if a corrective is not applied. That man you saw was
# applying the corrective."

lovely!!!  that reminds me of a similar story (not quite the same) which I
quote from the same source as above:

	The Sufi Who Called Himself a Dog

	Maulana Dervish, chief of the Naqshbandi Order and one of its
	greatest teachers, was sitting one day in his Zavia when a furious
	cleric forced his way in.

	'You sit there,' shouted the intruder, 'dog that you are,
	surrounded by disciples, obeyed by them in every particular!
	I, on the other hand, call men to strive towards divine mercy
	through prayer and austerities as is enjoyed upon us.'

	At the word 'dog', several of the Seekers rose to eject the

	'Stay,' said the Maulana, 'for "dog" is indeed a good word.
	I am a dog, who obeys his master, showing the sheep by signs
	the interpretation of our Master's desires.  Like a dog I
	infuriate the interloper and the thief.  And I wag my tail 
	in pleasure when my master's Friends come near.

	'Just as barking and wagging and love are attributes of the
	dog, we exercise them; for our Master has us, and does not
	do his own barking and wagging.'
	Ibid, Naqshbandi Order, p. 162.

# it depends on the task at hand that determines how the teaching 
# situation (school) will manifest itself.
# After all, the secret protects itself. It don't need no help.

	The Secret

	     The secret must be kept from all non-people:
	     The mystery must be hidden from all idiots.
	     See what you do to people --
	     The Eye has to be hidden from all men.


	Ibid., Omar Kayyam, p. 65.

peace be with you,

(emailed replies may be posted);; 408/2-666-SLUG
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