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Invoking Allah's Names For Spells

From: (haramullah)
Subject: Re: Invoking Allah's Names For Spells (was Allah's (SWT)...)

50000510 IVom

assalam alaykum, my kin.

a correspondent wrote:
>...In posing this question, I was actually thinking of a regular
>guy-on-the-street using these names without understanding their power, not
>someone on a Sufi path who has all the built-in-protection of a guide who
>knows better than him how to best use them for spiritual process.
>Spiritual process is not the only use the human being will imagine these
>Names to be for.  That was what gave rise to my question.

yes, you are talking about magical purposes without regard to mystical
(spiritual) result. I know that you were addressing this question to
Brother Hafizullah, but as you asked it in Tariqas, I thought that I
would respond anyway.

I have quite a bit of experience with the world magical. my wife and I
run a shop in which we sell all manner of charm, amulet and spell for
any and all purposes one might imagine. we have purchased items from
all over the world and provide them for sale on the internet as part
of a business and as an intercultural service (since we receive very
little ourselves in recompense for the venture -- you may see this
shop at

granted that this is the case, and that I have been much more involved
even than this (a member of a magical order, studying the various types
of magic and mysticism which I could find in my environ for the last 
few decades as well as through books for longer), I have thought long
and hard over the dangers and difficulties attendant to the kind of
activity you are describing. many have offered me advice as to the
risks and remedies that may be encountered in a variety of situations.

>Suppose that a guy who suffered a great wrong and was bent on vengeance
>repeated "Ya muntaqam" or "ya mudhill" or "ya qahhar" while envisioning dire
>punishment for the author of this wrong?  Would anything happen to his enemy
>as a result?

strictly speaking, my experience is that it depends entirely on the
individual attempting to use these names, the character of his qalb
(heart), and the strength of his will. generally my impression is
that the names of a divinity cannot be used for purposes adverse to
the will of the particular deity, and that an attempt to do what is
considered 'evil' in the deity's name will result in at the very
least failure, and at the most some kind of nasty consequence
depending upon the nature of the offense and the wrath of the deity.
it is therefore very important to understand the nature and desires
of the deity in question before attempting any kind of operation.
>Conversely, in many Muslim countries there are folk traditions 
>of using certain Names to resolve marital disputes, to make a 
>couple conceive, to get rid of sickness, etc.  Can the Names 
>be used by such individuals to gain their personal ends?  

if one's ends coincide with the will of the divine, then yes,
my understanding is that this is quite possible. however, it
may be advisable to develop a strong relationship with the
particular deity so that this will can be plainly known,
perhaps supplementing one's knowledge with a divination of
some sort known to the individual at risk (at times people
may be instead hired to facilitate this divination).

>Wouldn't it be safer to assume that God has some sort
>of plan and whether you repeat "Ya Sabbour" a hundred 
>times or not, He'll send you a baby if and when it is 
>in His plan?

yes, infinitely safer. then again, if one's motivations
are sincere and one's heart is pure, if one comes to know
the will of the deity, what is the problem with, at least,
cheering one's divinity onward? the worst aspect of this 
I can see is the possibility of arrogance, and yet even 
those who avoid magic at all costs can enter into 
arrogance by partaking too greatly of what they perceive 
as "virtue", so that course is no guarantee.

accepting failure as a measure of the divine favour (and
uttering "alhamdilullah" at each attempt to communicate one's
preferences and assist the manifestation of the cosmos),
there is no soul-damning problem with magic that I can
see. the safest course is the Straight One -- avoiding
all manner of occultism and strange religious customs,
yet folk magic in line with Allah is no sin by my meager

>Basically, what I am wondering is this:  Can the power of 
>the Names be bent to the purpose of the unguided individual?  

unguided by what agent? if one is unguided by Allah, then
it is unlikely that any result will be obtained. if one
is unguided by any agent other than Allah, then it would
depend upon one's ability to interpret the signs and omens
(or the whisperings) of the Most Compassionate as to
whether the Names might be used according to Hir will. I
don't think that they might be "bent" in any direction.
either they are designated as to be of use for the person
and are therefore available or will not work.

>Or will such exercises hurt/help the person only, and not 
>cause any external effects?

that is an interesting possibility. again, I think it
is dependent upon the will of the Great One. a worse
case is an attempt to twist, malign or corrupt these
Names on the part of one antagonistic to the divine.
these may suffer some sort of harm by virtue of having
their intentions and energies rebound upon them. again,
for those who are greatly concerned lest their acts
corrupt their soul and place in heaven, then avoiding
all of this would be the best and safest course.

peace be with you,


ps, if there are any who know about the seed 'Spand'
which is used to ward off the Evil Eye, I would be
very greatful for your advice in private email as to
from what plant this comes. thank you very much.

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