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Invoking Babalon and the Beast for two.

From: "Joseph Max.555" 
Subject: Re: Invoking Babalon and the Beast for two.
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 1996 10:18:23 -0700 (PDT)

Well, you asked for any rites that might be similar in nature to what
you're looking for, so since I haven't posted this in a while...

There are a lot of reasons to think that Lilith and Babalon are nearly
indistiguishable from each other, which I'll gladly go into if anyone is

         The Invocation of Lilith -- A Rite of Dark Sexuality
              by Joseph Max.555 and Lilith Darkchild.777


Lilith is the mythological first wife of Adam. She, like Adam, was created
by God "from the dust of the earth. . . in the image of God He created
them, male and female He created them" (Gen. 1:27) being the first
reference to human life in the Bible. It would seem that Eve came later,
fashioned from a rib taken from Adam while he slept : ". . . this is to be
called Woman, for this was taken from Man". (Gen. 2:24) This strange
anomaly can only be explained by assuming that there was a female human
before Eve. Since only Eve is subsequently present in the Garden of Eden,
her predecessor must have departed before Eve's arrival on the scene. One
can only assume that Lilith's near total absence (aside from oblique
references to "screech owls") from the Judeo/Christian Bible is a matter
of prejudice on the part of the male patriarchal authors.

Semitic legend describes Lilith as having a "base" nature and a taste for
biting Adam and drinking his blood. She had refused to submit to Adam's
authority (and a preference for being "on top"), and in a fit of pique,
she uttered the ineffable name of God and flew up into the air, only to
only to be cast down by God into the desert wastes where she took up
residence. (The only mention of Lilith in the standard Christian Bible is
in Isaiah, where a passing reference is made about her living in the
desert.) Lilith is described as either a winged serpent or a screech owl
(or a anthropomorphic combination thereof) who murders infants (it would
appear from the perspective of modern medicine that infants who succumbed
to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome  would have been thought to have been
victims of Lilith), and who torments men at night who sleep alone -- the
original succubus. 

Various other legends describe her as:

- Having returned to Eden in the guise of the Serpent, who tempted Eve
with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. This was a recurring image in
Christian art of the Middle Ages, where the serpent is depicted with the
head of a woman.

- Having once been the consort of Lucifer in Hell, but she proved to be
too much even for the Prince of Darkness to handle, who eventually
banished her back to the desert.

- As the first vampire, who came to Cain after he was banished by God for
the murder of Abel and together they begot the curse of vampirism on the

- As the breeder of "Lilum", or the earth-bound demons -- hundreds(!)
every day, according to legend.

- Some say that Lilith ruled as Queen of Sheba, and again in Zmargad; was
the demoness who destroyed Job's sons; and appeared before Solomon's
throne disguised as a harlot from Jerusalem. All this is possible because
though she was human, she escaped the curse of death which overtook Adam,
since they had parted long before the Fall. 

The Invocation of Lilith:

Lilith is a primal egregore of the dark anima. She is unfettered sexual
dominance and power. This invocation should not be attempted by those with
little background in ceremonial magic, nor by those who harbor unresolved
psychological problems related to sexuality.

If blood is to be drawn, or sexual activities ensue, all precautions
pertaining to the prevention of diseases borne by blood or sexual fluids
should properly be observed.

Events must be allowed to transpire as they will. Anyone fearful of the
possible psychological effects of this rite would do well not to
participate in it in the first place. It is not for the timid.

With these caveats, all discretion pertaining to these matters is left to
the participants. The authors assume no responsibility for the
irresponsibility of the participants in performance of this rite.

You have been warned.


- 	Black, and/or purple candles
- 	Musk incense
- 	A silver chalice
- 	A scourging whip ("cat-o-nine-tails" type)
- 	Black cape, preferable satin (for Main Operator)
- 	Red wine
- 	A (sterile) scalpel or x-acto knife (to draw blood)
- 	A fairly decent music playback system, and an ominous, sexual 
musical selection. (Diamanda Galas, "Deliver Me From My Enemies", This
Mortal Coil, "Filigree and Shadow" or even Ravel's "Bolero" are excellent
choices, but this is left up to the participants.)


Lilith is the primal feminine aspect of dark sexuality. For that reason,
it is the opinion of the authors that invocation is more likely to succeed
if the Main Operator is female. This is not to deny the possibility of
success with a male M.O., but he must be able to contact his primal
feminine nature strongly enough to succeed at invoking she who is the most
fundamental of all feminine daemons. The participants may be either male
or female or a mixture of both in any proportion.

One participant is designated the Secondary Operator (S.O.), and it is
recommended that s/he perform the initial banishing. The S.O. should be
experienced in magical ritual work, as s/he is responsible for the calling
forth and final banishing of the egregore of Lilith at the end of the

The applications of this rite vary considerably. Lilith is both a goddess
of sensuality and of death, and the interface between the two.

Since it is a combined  Lunar/Saturnine working, it may be approached as a
ritual rehearsal of death (where, as in Tibetan Chod rites, the egregore
is summoned to destroy the summoner), or used as psychodrama to confront
the participant's sexual fears and transcend them. As presented here, it
is a ritual of liberation and is also used to bring forth a Word Of Power
from the egregore for subsequent use by the participants; therefore the
Statement of Intent reflects this purpose. The Statement should be
tailored to properly express the intentions of a particular working.

The Rite:

0.	Large black candles are arranged in a circle around the temple
space and lit, as is copious quantities of incense. The room should be
thick with smoke.

1.	Banish by LBRP, GPR, Star Ruby or other procedure as desired. A
strong, well-executed banishing is recommended.

2.	The Main Operator, naked beneath the black robe, takes position in
the middle of the circle. She holds the scourge in her right hand.  Other
participants sit in a circle around the M.O. The music begins.

3. 	The Statement of Intent is declared by the M.O. and echoed by all

"It is our Will to invoke the egregore of Lilith, so that by her 
spirit we are liberated from the fear of Sex and Death and obtain 
her Word Of Power!"

4.	The following passage (see notes) is recited by the M.O. to
invoke the persona of Lilith into hir body and mind:
"I am the daughter of Fortitude and ravished every hour from my youth. For
behold, I am Understanding, and science dwelleth in me; and the heavens
oppress me. They covet and desire me with infinite appetite; for none that
are earthly have embraced me, for I am shadowed with the Circle of the
Stars, and covered with the morning clouds. My feet are swifter than the
winds, and my hands are sweeter than the morning dew. My garments are from
the beginning, and my dwelling place is in myself. The Lion knoweth not
where I walk, neither do the beasts of the field understand me. I am
deflowered, yet a virgin; I sanctify and am not sanctified. Happy is he
that embraceth me: for in the night season I am sweet, and in the day full
of pleasure. My company is a harmony of many symbols, and my lips sweeter
than health itself. I am a harlot for such as ravish me, and a virgin with
such as know me not. Purge your streets, O ye sons of men, and wash your
houses clean; make yourselves holy, and put on righteousness. Cast out
your old strumpets, and burn their clothes and then I will bring forth
children unto you and they shall be the Sons of Comfort in the Age that is
to come."

5. 	The participants then begin chanting the mantra of Lilith. As they
chant, the Main Operator must sink into a deep gnostic trance and invoke
the spirit of Lilith into hir body.

	"Flesh she will eat, blood she will drink!" (repeat)

6. 	As the chant continues, one participant (the Secondary Operator)
recites the following:

"Dark is she, but brilliant! Black are her wings, black on black!  Her
lips are red as rose, kissing all of the Universe! She is Lilith, who
leadeth forth the hordes of the Abyss, and leadeth man to liberation! She
is the irresistible fulfiller of all lust, seer of desire.  First of all
women was she - Lilith, not Eve was the first! Her hand brings forth the
revolution of the Will and true freedom of the mind! She is
KI-SI-KIL-LIL-LA-KE, Queen of the Magic Circle! Look on her in lust and

7. 	The participants begin to chant "Lilith! Lilith! Lilith!"
repeatedly as the M.O. invokes the Lilithian egregore. One by one they
pass around the scalpel and cut their left thumb and anoint their
foreheads with blood. They then pass around the chalice (which is filled
with red wine) and touch it to their foreheads one by one.  (Note: The
original conception of this rite called for a drop of blood to also be
placed by each participant into the wine. In our opinion, this increases
the power of the invocation considerably. But the participants must gauge
the health risk posed (however slight) by this procedure for themselves
and act accordingly.) After all have done so, it is taken to the M.O. who
drains it in a single draught. This is the climax of the invocation.

8. 	If the invocation is successful, all participants should feel the
emotions of simultaneous fear, lust and the urge to submit. Forced
over-breathing or another variation of Death Posture should be used to
deepen each participant's level of gnosis until they come close to
fainting. As they are overcome by these emotions, they should fall to the
ground and prostrate themselves before Lilith.

9. 	What proceeds next is not specified, but left up to the will of
the egregore. She may choose to scourge the participants, or mock them or
entice them or seduce them. She may command them to commit various acts of
lust upon her or each other. All participants must submit to her will,
whatever it may be - it would be dangerous in the extreme to do otherwise;
do not risk the wrath of Lilith!

10. 	Eventually the energy of the group will begin to wane. At this
point, the S.O. will rise and face the M.O. and recite the following in a
commanding voice:

		"Black Moon, Lilith, sister darkest,
		 Whose hands form the hellish mire,
		 At my weakest, at my strongest,
		 Molding me as clay from fire.

		 Black Moon, Lilith, Mare of Night,
		 You cast your litter to the ground
		 Speak the Name and take to flight
		 Utter now the secret sound!"

11. 	The M.O. from within the depths of the Lilith-trance, will call
out a "name", as the legendary Lilith did call out the unutterable name of
God to rise up from Eden into the heavens. It is not known in advance what
this word will be, but it will most certainly be a Word of Power to be
used subsequently by the participants in further magickal work.

12. 	If all has been done properly, the spirit of Lilith will flee the
M.O. at the calling of the Name, and she will likely fall to the ground,
spent. If not, the S.O. must repeat the above command with greater force
until the spirit of Lilith departs. The S.O. should then draw an upright
pentagram over the M.O., a full facial lustration of cold water is
administered to her, and she is called forth by her ordinary name until
she responds.

13. 	The temple is banished and closed.


The invocation is the text of a message delivered by an unidentified
spirit entity to Sir Edward Kelly in 1592 during a scrying ritual. Kelly,
along with Dr. John Dee (Queen Elizabeth's Royal Astrologer), originated
the Enochian system of magic. The vision of this entity so frightened
Kelly that he abandoned the working of magic from that day forward. Though
Kelly never identified the entity, in our opinion it represented the
Lilith egregore.

The calling forth of Lilith is adapted from "The Hymn to Hecate" by Frater

-------------- (c) 1995 by Joseph Max and Lilith Darkchilde --------------
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