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Sex Worship Books of the 19th Century

From: catherine yronwode 
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tantra,alt.lucky.w,
Subject: Sex Worship Books of the 19th Century
Date: Thu, 03 Jul 1997 20:22:44 -0800

In response to the post from Pete Rhode about his phalic charmstone
bibliography, i would like to add the following expansion. These are
books that i have found on the subject that date from this era, along
with some notes on the attributions for authorship 

Note: All of these works are listed in chronological
order of publication rather than alphabetical order, for ease of
understanding their relationship to one another. I have noted
below those that i have seen in matching cream vellum bindings
with red stamping, as issued; which indicates strongly that they
may be the work of a single author, or at least privately printed
by the same printer. I have noted other bindings as well, for the same
reason. If there is no note on binding, i have not seen the book in its
original edition or in other than a library binding. 
[Anonymous] (attributed by some bibliographers to Hargrave
Jennings, q.v.)
Phallic Worship
Privately Printed, 1880,   London
A fine tome on phallic worship. PR

Jennings, Hargrave
Phallicism, Celestial and Terrestrial, Heathen and Christian, Its
Connexion with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and its Foundation in
George Redway, 1884, London; reprinted by Health Research, 1982
An important work in its time; a survey of sex worship and
its impact on sacred architecture around the world. For a
companion volume of the same era see Clifford Howard -- and see also the
several books on Phallism, Phallicism, Nature Worship, Temple
Architecture, and Sex Worship by "Anonymous" which were privately
printed in London from 1880-1891 and which some bibliographers have
attributed to Jennings. My copy bound in quarter morocco leather with
hand marbled end-papers, not in cream vellum with red stamping. CY

[Anonymous] (attributed by some bibliographers to Hargrave Jennings,
Phallism: A Description of the Worship of Lingam-Yoni in
Various Parts of the World, and in Different Ages, with an
Account of Ancient and Modern Crosses, Particularly the Crux
Ansata (or Handled Cross) and Other Symbols Connected with the
Mysteries of Sex Worship
Privately Printed, 1889,   London.
viii + 107 pp., with a bibliography
Cream vellum binding, red stamping. CY

[Anonymous] (attributed by some bibliographers to Hargrave Jennings,
Phallic Objects, Monuments, and Remains; Illustrations of
the Rise and Development of the Phallic Idea (Sex Worship) and
Its Embodiment in Works of Nature and Art
Privately Printed, 1889,   London.
viii + 76 pp. 
Cream vellum binding, red stamping. CY

[Anonymous] (attributed by the bibliographer Gershon Legman to the
otherwise unknown Abisha S. Hudson)
Ophiolatria: An Account of the Rites and Mysteries Connected
with Origin, Rise, and Devlopment of Serpent Worship in Various
Parts of the Word, Enriched with Interesting Traditions, and a
Full Description of the Celebrated Serpent Mounds and Temples,
the Whole Forming an Exposition of One of the Phases of Phallic,
or Sex Worship
Privately printed, 1889, London
viii + 103 pp. 
Cream vellum binding, red stamping. CY

[Anonymous] (attributed by some bibliographers to Hargrave Jennings,
Nature Worship: an Account of Phallic Faiths and Practices,
Ancient and Modern, Including the Adoration of the Male and
Female Powers in Various Nations and the Sacti Puja of Indian
Privately printed, 1891, London.
105 pp. 
Cream vellum binding, red stamping. CY

[Anonymous] (attributed by some bibliographers to Hargrave Jennings,
Phallic Miscellanies; Facts and Phases of Ancient and Modern
Sex Worship, as Explained Chiefly in the Religions of India: an
Appendix of Additional and Explanatory matter to the volumes
Phallism, and Nature Worship
Privately printed, 1891, London
viii + 104 pp. 
Cream vellum binding, red stamping. CY

Howard, Clifford
Sex Worship
[-] 1898; 5th edition: Chicago Medical Book Company, 1909
Comment: A survey of world architecture dedicated to sex worship; there
are no illustrations, but the author appends a good bibliography of
other (now very rare) 19th century books on this topic. For a companion
volume see Hargrave Jennings -- and see also the several books on
Phallism, Phallicism, Nature Worship, Temple Architecture, and Sex
Worship by "Anonymous" which were privately printed in London from
1880-1891 and which some bibliographers have attributed to Jennings. For
modern works with a similar premise, see George T. Meaden. CY

Hell on Earth Made Heaven; or, the Secret of Marriage Revealed
The Orange Blossom Society [Los Angeles], 1905 [or 1903]
I read this slim volume in my parents' antiquarian bookstore in 1962 or
so -- along with John Lloyd's The Karezza Method; or, Magnetation; the
Art of Connubial Love -- and it had a profound effect upon me. The text
consisted of true accounts by anonymous married people who had practiced
karezza or tantra-like sex and who wanted to tell the world about the
spiritual effects this had had upon their lives. The title, publisher
and dates are given from memory; they may be in error but not by too
much. I would pay a GREAT DEAL OF MONEY for a copy of this book. CY

catherine yronwode
The Lucky Mojo Curio Co.:

The Lucky W Amulet Archive:  
Hoodoo Catalogue:
Freemasonry for Women: 
The Sacred Landscape:
Karezza and Tantra:

Path: Supernews69!!!!!!!Sprint!!!!!brz
From: (R. Brzustowicz)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tantra,alt.lucky.w,
Subject: Re: Sex Worship Books of the 19th Century
Date: 7 Jul 1997 20:54:36 GMT
Organization: University of Washington, Seattle
Lines: 31
Message-ID: <5prl2c$>
References: <>
NNTP-Posting-User: brz
Xref: Supernews69 alt.magick.tantra:4347 alt.lucky.w:1688

In article <>,
catherine yronwode   wrote:

>Hell on Earth Made Heaven; or, the Secret of Marriage Revealed
>The Orange Blossom Society [Los Angeles], 1905 [or 1903]
>I read this slim volume in my parents' antiquarian bookstore in 1962 or
>so -- along with John Lloyd's The Karezza Method; or, Magnetation; the
>Art of Connubial Love -- and it had a profound effect upon me. The text
>consisted of true accounts by anonymous married people who had practiced
>karezza or tantra-like sex and who wanted to tell the world about the
>spiritual effects this had had upon their lives. The title, publisher
>and dates are given from memory; they may be in error but not by too
>much. I would pay a GREAT DEAL OF MONEY for a copy of this book. CY
            Author: Savory, George Washington, 1856-
             Title: "Hell upon earth" made heaven; or, The marriage secrets
                     of a Chicago contractor,
           Edition: 3d ed.
         Pub. Info: Claremont, Cal., The Order of the Orange Blossom 1907
              Year: 1907
    Physical Descr: 158 p. 17 cm.
             Notes: PUBLICATION TYPE: Book
           Subject: Sexual ethics.
Other Author/Title: The marriage secrets of a Chicago contractor.

R Brzustowicz (

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