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Tantra East AND West: Osho

Subject: Tantra East AND West: Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rasneesh)
	Devi asks:
	Oh Shiva, what is your reality?
	What is this wonder-filled universe?
	What constitutes see?
	Who centers the universal wheel?
	What is this life beyond form pervading forms?
	How may we enter it fully, above space and time, names and descriptions?
	Let my doubts be cleared!
	...Philosophy is concerned with the mind. Your head is enough. 
	Your totality is not required. Tantra needs you in your totality. 
	It is a deeper challenge. You will have to be in it whole and sole. 
	It is not fragmentary. A different approach, a different attitude, 
	a different mind to receive it is required. Because of this, Devi 
	is asking 'apparently' philosophical questions. Tantra stars with 
	Devi's questions. All the questions can be tackled philosophically.

	Really, any question can be tackled in two ways: philosophically or 
	totally, intellectually or existentially. For example, if someone 
	asks, 'What is love?' you can tackle it intellectually, you can 
	discuss, you can propose theories, you can argue for a particular 
	hypothesis. You can create a system, a doctrine -- and you may not 
	have known love at all.
	To create a doctrine experience is not needed. Really, on the 
	contrary, the less you know the better because then you can 
	propose a system unhesitatingly. Only a blind man can easily 
	define what light is. When you do not know you are bold. 
	Ignorance is always bold; knowledge hesitates. And the more you 
	know, the more you feel that the ground underneath is dissolving. 
	The more you know, the more you feel how ignornant you are. And 
	those who are really wise, they become ignorant. They become as 
	simple as children or as simple as idiots.
	The less you know, the better. To be philosophical, to be 
	dogmatic, to be doctrinaire -- this is easy. To tackle a problem 
	intellectually is very easy. But to tackle a problem 
	existentially -- not just to think about it, but to live it 
	through, to go through it, to allow yourself to be transformed 
	through it -- is difficult. That is, to know love one will have 
	to be in love. That is dangerous because you will not remain 
	the same. The experience is going to change you.  The moment 
	you enter love, you enter a different person. And when you come 
	out you will not be able to recognize your face. It will not 
	belong to you. A discontinuity will have happened.  Now there 
	is a gap. The old man is dead and the new man has come.  That 
	is what is known as rebirth -- being twice-born.
	"The Book of Secrets", Rajneesh, pgs. 4-5.
	Devi asks, 'What is your reality, my Lord?' He is not going 
	to answer it. On the contrary, he will give a technique. And 
	if Devi goes through this technique, she will know. So the 
	answer is round-about; it is not direct. He is not going to 
	answer 'who am I'. He will give a technique.  Do it and you 
	will know.
	For tantra, doing is knowing, and there is no other knowing. 
	Unless you do something, unless you change, unless you have 
	a different perspective to look at, to look with, unless you 
	move in an altogether different dimension than the intellect, 
	there is no answer. Answers can be given: they are all lies. 
	All philosophies are lies. You ask a question and the 
	philosophy gives you an answer. It satisfies you or it 
	doesn't satisfy you. If it satisfies you, you become a 
	convert to the philosophy, but you remain the same. If it 
	doesn't satisfy you, you go on searching for some other 
	philosophy to be converted to. But you remain the same; you 
	are not touched at all; you are not changed.
	So whether you are a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Christian or 
	a Jain, it makes no difference. The real person behind the 
	facade of a Hindu or a Mohammedan or a Christian is the same. 
	Only words differ, or clothes. The man who is going to the 
	church or to the temple or to the mosque is the same man. 
	Only faces differ, and they are faces which are false: they 
	are masks. Behind the masks you will find the same man, the 
	same anger, the same aggression, the same violence, the same 
	greed, the same lust -- everything the same. Is Mohammedan
	sexuality different from Hindu sexuality? Is Christian 
	violence different from Hindu violence? It is the same!  
	The reality remains the same; only clothes differ.
	Tantra is not concerned with your clothes: tantra is concerned 
	with you. If you ask a question it shows where you are. It 
	shows also that wherever you are you cannot see: that is why 
	the question. A blind man asks, 'What is light?' Philosophy 
	will start answering what is light. Tantra will know only this 
	- that if a man is asking 'What is light?' it shows only that 
	he is blind. Tantra will start operating on the man, changing 
	the man, so that he can see. Tantra will not say what is light.  
	Tantra will tell how to attain insight, how to attain seeing, 
	how to attain vision. When the vision is ther, the answer will 
	be there. Tantra will not give you the answer; tantra will 
	give you the technique how to attain the answer.
	"The Book of Secrets", Rajneesh, pgs. 5-6.
	'Tell you what, I will take both of them. I accept both.' 
	And suddenly through this acceptance there is a transcendence, 
	because there are not two. Anger and compassion are not two. 
	Love and hate are not two.
	That's why you know, you observe it, but you are so 
	unconscious that you don't recognize the fact. Your love 
	changes into hate within a second.
	OSHO Secrets


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