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Flag making! =)

To: alt.religion.orisha
From: (Lee Thompson-Herbert)
Subject: Re: Flag making! =)
Date: 13 Jun 2002 15:15:14 -0700

In article ,
IyaOshuntoki/Manbo C. Lavi  wrote:
>Thanks Lee-Thompson,
>Ok, so how would you secure the material to the glass and allow for
>the beading?  If the material is tauntly pulled around the bottle and
>then secured with seam reinforcement, how would you be able to get the
>sequine and beads on?  Should we use and invisible stiching appraoch?

If you use a stretch material, It will have enough give for you to get
the needle in and out.  Using a curved needle makes it easier to bring
the needle back up in a short space.  Once you've sewn a couple rounds
of sequins, the material won't come off, because it no longer stretches
where you've stitched.  Unless you use elastic thread, which I wouldn't
recommend.  If you use non-stretch material (like the Ezili Danto bottle
referenced earlier), you'll have to fit the material to the bottle, but
don't sew that last seam.  Go ahead and embroider it off the bottle.  When
you're done, fit it around the bottle and slipstitch the covering closed.
Since it doesn't stretch, it won't be coming off the bottle.

You will have to shape your fabric foundation to fit the bottle, which is
why most craft books suggest using stretch fabric.  It's eaiser, and you
don't have to use shaped pieces to match the shape of the bottle.  Most
bottles require more work than just a cylinder-shaped piece of fabric.
I'd suggest the easiest method is to make a cylinder of fabric the same
height as the entire bottle.  Slit the fabric down to where the bottle
begins to taper at the neck.  Now, overlap the slitted fabric so it 
fits tightly to the bottle.  Use a ladder or slipstich to secure your
darts, making sure to fold the raw edges underneath as you sew.  This
method is best done the first couple times by pinning the pieces together
or using tape to hold the pieces together while you stitch.  You'll end
up with a bottle-shaped piece of fabric.  If you haven't closed the side
seam, you can slip it off to embroider it in the hand.  You can also just
go ahead and embroider it on the bottle, but most people find that much
harder to do.

Upon rereading, let me clarify:
	When you slit the fabric to make it fit to the bottle neck, make 
sure you have made at least four sections to use while overlapping (so
three slits).  If the bottle is small, you may be able to get away with
fewer overlapping sections.  However, the more sections you use, the less
lumpy your final results will be.  The cheap and sleazy alternative is to
wrap your excess fabric in embroidery floss or some cotton thread, winding
it down tight to the bottle neck.  In that case, you _will_ have to do
your embroidery on the bottle.

Lee M.Thompson-Herbert	      KoX 1995, SP4
Head Muso, White Rats Morris
Member, Knights of Xenu (1995).  Chaos Monger and Jill of All Trades.
"A head-on collision between Morticia Adams and Martha Stewart"

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