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Flag making! =)

To: alt.religion.orisha
From: (Lee Thompson-Herbert)
Subject: Re: Flag making! =)
Date: 12 Jun 2002 18:37:34 -0700

In article ,
IyaOshuntoki/Manbo C. Lavi  wrote:
>Hey Hon',
>You know what, the bottle making thing, that is going to be serious.
>I think that the stocking idea is good though.  There is glue at most
>arts and crafts stores that will permanently secure material to glass.
> I will go out and get some and do a little test run and see how it
>works out.
>The question is how do you get the sequine and beads on the bottles? 
>Well I have an idea.  I am thinking that if you sequine the material
>first, then place the material onto an already previously pasted
>bottle, using an adequate amount of force to stretch the material
>tauntly over the bottle that the material should adhere rather
>securely.  Then reinforce the seams of the bottle with a little nylon
>thread and cover the seam with sequine.  How about that?  I say let's
>try it and see what happens.  In fact we can trade.  :)
>Manbo D.

Okay, let me give you guys some advice, since I _do_ make beaded and
sequined items.  If you're just going to glue, you don't need a fabric
covering at all.  If you're going to use a fabric foundation, remember
that neither your glue nor your thread will stretch.  So trying to force
the finished item onto the bottle will likely break threads, loose sequins,
and generally be a frustrating mess.  I would suggest if you want to sew
the sequins down, to carefully sew your stretchy cover directly onto the 
bottle (yes, by hand), then use a curved upholstery needle to sew down 
the sequins.  This is exactly how some sequined and beaded hats are made.
Another thought is using sequin "chain" trim.  It's a long strip of sequins
that have been machine-stitched together.  Those are much easier to glue 
and/or sew down, especially for borders, straight lines and solid area fills.

Personally, if I'm going to embroider a cover for an item, I do _not_ use
stretch fabric, because the stuff doesn't support the weight of sequins and
beads well.  It also means that my cotton foundation is fitted to the item
with a minimal amount of stretching and pulling, as well as often having 
a fusable interfacing backing for more stability.  If you're going to go to
all that work, you might as well make sure it stays together past the first
time you use it.  Also keep in mind that some glues dissolve when exposed 
to alcohol.  

Lee M.Thompson-Herbert	      KoX 1995, SP4
Head Muso, White Rats Morris
Member, Knights of Xenu (1995).  Chaos Monger and Jill of All Trades.
"A head-on collision between Morticia Adams and Martha Stewart"

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