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To Be Silent?

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.religion.wicca,alt.witchcraft,alt.pagan,alt.pagan.magick
From: lorax666 
Subject: Re: To Be Silent?
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 22:33:33 GMT

50030429 VII om peace

#> I guess my real question would be this.  Is it best to be silent?  

depends on the circumstances. one size doesn't fit all.

#> I'd prefer to raise my children in a society where I could at least talk
#> to them about wicca, in specific terms, and not be afraid that they'll
#> be ridiculed at school or alienated from their friends.

your geographical and community surrounds will indicate your best course.
where you choose to live and how you meet up with your local community
is the best evaluative meter to determining how "out" you can be. you
may be required to pioneer occult/neopagan advances in order to secure 
such a safe operating space in your local area. it appears that certain
'intermediary' religious organizations can help facilitate this,
inclusive of Unitarian Universalists, whose Covenant of Unitarian
Universalist Pagans (CUUPs) might be a bridge to local pagan 
worship which does not need to conceal itself. of course if you're in
the Bible Belt or in Syria or something, then it may not apply. ;>
# You face the problem that many face.  There is no quick and correct
# answer.  Factors that need to be considered is where you live and what
# you want to share.  To be totally silent about any path removes teaching
# by parents about any path, leaving the children to learn from their
# peers or parents.  The best advice I can offer is seek a balance
# between  knowledge and danger.  Some believe that fantasy fiction
# provides such a balance.  I am not where you are so can not tell you
# what is best for your family.

good advice. fiction (such as Harry Potter) offers one course of 
approach. historical analysis (e.g. "The Burnin Times") offers another.

btw, in some occult communities 'The Power to be Silent' is something
lauded and encouraged, though it doesn't always apply within one's
local community about one's religious pursuits so much as restraint
about one's magical successes or projects (on account of some kind
of sullying or disturbing character to completed or in-process works).

blessed be!

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