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What has magick done for you?

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.chaos
From: 333 
Subject: Re: What has magick done for you?
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2003 18:41:44 GMT

50030304 VII om Nulatix-3

onetimes18 :
> I'm curious what magick has done for folks.  

as regards magic

early on, it was an orientation device, helping me to make sense
of the cosmos within conventional and even esoteric society, 
find my place and role, and generally served in the same capacity 
as divination, combined with providing impetus to make headway 
on initial mystical discipline (meditation of various sorts and
investment to the focus of attention in the present).

later, it helped me to stretch out, take chances, experiment,
and create inroads to dimensions and opportunities I never knew
existed, even forging a few new ones or travelling in unexpected
and peculiar directions (predominantly Satanic and demonic). 

recently, it has allowed me to settle into a position of more 
lasting and equilibrated power, begin experimentation with
cosmic mechanisms, and the refashioning of magical equipment 
the improvement on traditional methods others may use to do
similar things (often in orders, socially, but not necessarily).

as regards magicK

initially I thought it had promise, being inspired somewhat by
the writings of the Beast in his 'Magick in Theory and Practice'
and watching the fantastic doings of Thelemic mages whose paths
I was fortunate enough to cross in brief sojourns.

later I began to understand its limitation and myopic application,
restriction to Hermetic norms, and containment within the views
advanced by those who fashioned extensions of Crowley's mechanism
(ceremonial, at times methodically-religious).
now I have little use for Crowleyan constructs beyond reflection
on the insights he shared in his later years as regards divinatory
and gematric tools (tarot, 'qabalah') within his Liber Tahuti and
his Magick Without Tears. one exception to this is his Liber 231,
which I am once more studying along with Grant's "Nightside of Eden".
if any have information about the origins of Liber 231's sigils,
I'd love to hear about that.


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