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transcribing sanskrit spells into futhark...

To: alt.religion.asatru,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.magick
From: "buddhababy" 
Subject: Re: transcribing sanskrit spells into futhark... (runemal-kraft)
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:45:19 +0800

Has anyone had any success or experience with the above?
Since most of the phonetic values in the english alphabet have their rough
correspondents in the futhark, I was thinking that it may be possible to use
the english phonetizations of original sanskrit words as the base for
transcribing into futhark. Is this plausible? Or wishful thinking...?
I want to power a buddhist sanskrit dharani-spell into a "nether" realm.

šanks in adv,

eg: jvale (phoneticizedSanskrit) = jera+ehwaz+wunjo+ansuz+laguz+ehwaz?

Newsgroups: alt.magick
From: (Ulfheobar)
Subject: Re: transcribing sanskrit spells into futhark... (runemal-kraft)
Date: 19 Sep 2000 18:07:38 GMT

>Has anyone had any success or experience with the above?
>Since most of the phonetic values in the english alphabet have their rough
>correspondents in the futhark, I was thinking that it may be possible to use
>the english phonetizations of original sanskrit words as the base for
>transcribing into futhark. Is this plausible? Or wishful thinking...?

Anything is plausible, I would suggest looking into the Anglo-Frisian Futhark,
its has more correspondances to modern english than the younger or elder

>I want to power a buddhist sanskrit dharani-spell into a "nether" realm.

Let me know how it works out...

They will call you destroyers of morality, 
but you are only the discoverers of your selves
~Thus Spoke Zarathustra~

From: "buddhababy" 
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: transcribing sanskrit spells into futhark... (runemal-kraft)
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2000 10:46:27 +0800
Organization: The University of Western Australia
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Also sprach Ulfheobar:

> Anything is plausible, I would suggest looking into the Anglo-Frisian
> its has more correspondances to modern english than the younger or elder
> futharks.

You are definitely right. The Anglo-Saxon futhark does bear more
resemblances to modern english, and would be an easier medium to transcribe
to than the Elder. However, I do want to keep my dharani-casting in the
latter format; because I (personally) reckon that in terms of symbolism and
efficacy it is far more potent.

> >I want to power a buddhist sanskrit dharani-spell into a "nether" realm.
> Let me know how it works out...

Will try... But it all depends on whether the other side sends a "response"
back. :-)


From: Julia A M Simon 
Newsgroups: alt.religion.asatru,talk.religion.buddhism,alt.magick
Subject: Re: transcribing sanskrit spells into futhark... (runemal-kraft)
Followup-To: alt.religion.asatru
Date: 21 Sep 2000 13:09:36 GMT
Organization: Snails R Us
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Xref: alt.religion.asatru:60435 talk.religion.buddhism:136385 alt.magick:210853

[F'up truncated to ARA.]


In alt.religion.asatru buddhababy  wrote:
:> Has anyone had any success or experience with the above?
:> Since most of the phonetic values in the english alphabet have their rough
:> correspondents in the futhark, I was thinking that it may be possible to use
:> the english phonetizations of original sanskrit words as the base for
:> transcribing into futhark. Is this plausible? Or wishful thinking...?
:> I want to power a buddhist sanskrit dharani-spell into a "nether" realm.

First of all: I'm just hypothesizing here, so YMMV, and don't sue me if
unpleasant beings from that "nether" realm enter your life in unpleasant
ways. >;-)

Secondly, I have no idea how, or even if, using a different writing system
will affect your spell (though I can hazard a guess that the symbolic
values of the runes you use will make themselves known in some way); I'm
writing this from a purely linguistic perspective.


It should be possible to spell a Sanskrit word (or a reasonably close
phonetic approximation) using runes; AFAIR the Sanskrit phoneme system is
somewhat larger than that of any rune-using language I'm aware of, but you
can probably make do using letter combinations (something+Hagalaz for
aspirated stops; Raidho+something for retroflex ("cerebral") consonants,
just like +something is pronounced as retroflex, um, something in many
Swedish dialects; something+Jera for palatal consonants; and so on).

:> eg: jvale (phoneticizedSanskrit) = jera+ehwaz+wunjo+ansuz+laguz+ehwaz?
:> (J-Eh-W-A-L-E???)

If that's the transcription system used by traditional western Sanskrit
grammars,  isn't something I would express with Jera+Ehwaz... I guess
I'd use Dagaz+Jera (palatal "cousin" of /d/, or voiced palatal plosive for
the phoneticians among us ;) . Otherwise, I'd use the same runes.

			Julia 8-)

           Julia Simon --- Hyppääjätär --- Sprachen-Freak vom Dienst

        Don't you just love the way everything I say sounds important?
              --- Mustafa, "You Wish"

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