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Binding Love Spells

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.pagan.magick,alt.religion.wicca,alt.witchcraft,alt.magick
From: lorax666 
Subject: Re: Binding Love Spells
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 05:52:51 GMT

50030319 VII Hail Satan!

"Minkshaman" :
> Hmmm... You know, loving and respecting a friend and then using 
> a spell for love doesn't really strike me as "honest" 

it can be honest, but it isn't respectful, in equal standing.

the person using the magic is attempting to gain an advantage 
by virtue of some extra-ordinary object, method, or formula. 

> but do as you will. 

precisely my advice.

> By the way you do know this WON'T WORK! 

you appear to believe that the spell would fail. 
but that's not what you subsequently comment:

> She'll find it as every one else has said.

so she does... 

	"What's this bag with the candle and your picture in it 
	 doing in between my mattress and my box springs, honey?" 

	"It's my magic love charm, dear."

	"What does that mean?"
	"It means I adore you and worship you and love you deeply,
	 and that I have constructed a charm to symbolize and
	 catalyze my desire. I am a magician and magic charms 
	 are just one of the things which we may have about us.
	 I hope you can understand my magic, and if you have
	 any questions about any of it at any time, I will be
	 happy to talk with you about it. Sometimes people 
	 are afraid of what they don't understand, and I want
	 no misunderstandings between you and I. :>"

now if it were me, having made the choices that this guy
says he wants to make, I'd completely confess and tell
her that I wanted to be sure I was the one that she was
eventually going to settle down with, that I was *so*
set on it that I wanted to enhance that possibility by
practicing what are called 'magical arts' and I got a
spell from someone on usenet's alt.magick for this aim.
he could take it from there as to his real feelings and
motivations for why he was doing it. it isn't something
that I can imagine myself doing, but that's ok by me. :>

placement of the object is best left to the individual 
doing the spell, since they are much more likely to know 
about the most hidden and least searched location that 
a charm or trick could be cast. between the mattress and
box springs is just traditional (as for leaves/charms).

> And then she'll kick your ass six ways to sunday!

with confession and humility, all things are possible.

even if she was completely upset, persistent niceness and
an attempt to win her back by compromise would probably
be real avenues to a continuing relation (whereas a hum-
drum life of ignorant magiclessness might be something
she's trying to escape). you can live in and amongst magic
without being suspected by everyone you know that you are
somehow doing a whammy on them. if one is open about one's
magical involvements, these things become real options. 
Buscaglia said something similar about 'crazy' behaviour:
after doing about what a group of people might show concern,
it can become accepted if the results aren't considered to
be harmful or objectionable. 'crazy supersitions' by locals,
or 'weird magic beliefs' by esotericists and spellcrafters,
are envelopes of behavioural opportunity for offering some
explanation for any particular spell or charm one makes.

this isn't to say that I'm recommending lying, but if you're
going to take the trouble of making a spell such as I have
described (to completely enclose and dominate a target whom
you intend to marry and love forever), then if it is found,
lying to her about what the item is will be nothing, just 
a sacrifice to the greater glory of the relationship. 

not being in a place to judge him, just offering technical
advice as I'm able, I would appreciate input from others
who know something about spells and their construction in
response. thanks. :>

blessed be!

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