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know who have casted a spell against you

To: alt.lucky.w
From: Christopher Warnock 
Subject: Re: know who have casted a spell against you
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 16:50:15 GMT

Another method of determining whether or not a spell has been cast against you
is provided by traditional, i.e., pre-Enlightenment, astrology.  William Lilly
in his 1647, Christian Astrology (don't be put off by the title, as it is not
really concerned with Christianity) gives rules for determining horary
questions whether one is bewitched or not.  A horary question uses a horoscope
of the moment of the asking of a question to answer the question, rather than
using a birth chart, aka natal horoscope, that most are used to.

    The 12th house is the house of witchcraft, so Lilly looks to see whether
or not there is any contact between the ruler of the 12th, i.e. the planet
that rules the sign on the cusp of the 12th house and the ascendant ruler,
that is the planet that rules the sign on the ascendant, aka the rising sign.
The ascendant always represents the querent, i.e. the person asking the

Lilly goes on to give some natural remedies for witchcraft involving
sympathetic magic.

Christopher Warnock

catherine yronwode wrote:

> Vincent Giry wrote:
> >
> > Does anybody know if a spell to know who have casted a spell against you
> > exists and could give me informations about it.
>  Yes, such spells exisst, and are particularly common in European
> folk-magic. Generally, you try to get something from the one you suspect
> -- say a strand of hair, or a letter, business card, photo, or some
> such. Then you put it in water to boil (or, some say, set it in a frying
> pan with oil to fry). The witch will come to your house or phone you and
> will tell you how "hot" he or she is. Then you'll know you've got the
> right person.
> Cordially,
> catherine yronwode
> Lucky W Amulet Archive ---------
> The Esoteric Archive ---------
> The Mage's Guide to the Internet ------
> news:alt.lucky.w --- discussions on folk magic, luck, amulets, charms
> Lucky Mojo Curio Co.
>    Send e-mail with your street address to
> and receive our free 32 page catalogue of hoodoo supplies and amulets

Message-ID: <>
From: Christopher Warnock 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en]C-BA406S  (Win98; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.lucky.w
Subject: Re: know who have casted a spell against you
References: <8bvr1d$36$> <> <> <>
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Lines: 86
Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 19:54:37 GMT
X-Trace: 955050877 (Thu, 06 Apr 2000 15:54:37 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 06 Apr 2000 15:54:37 EDT
Xref: alt.lucky.w:7202

Well, maybe, maybe not.  The trickiest part of horary astology is
determining the moment of the question.  In this case we probably could go
by the time and date when the querent asked the question about being
bewitched.  However,  the addition of e-mail and the variable ways in which
the message is dated by servers, etc., makes the timing a little tricky.
Best is the querent calls me or shows up at my doorstep and asks, "Am I
bewitched?"  Or writes a letter and says I asked myself if I was bewitched
at 1pm, EDT on April 3.  Plus we really need the location of the querent as

    I took the liberty of casting a chart for Vincent's query using the time
and date of his original question, and using Paris as his location as his
ISP is France Telecom.   Under Lilly's rules Vincent does not appear to be
bewitched, though he is in terrible shape.  Virgo ascends and Mercury its
ruler is in terrible shape, peregrine, in detriment and fall and making an
applying sextile aspect without reception to malefic Saturn ruler of the
sixth house.  The sixth house being the house of illlness and the Moon
conjunct that house leads me to think that Vincent is feeling pretty bad and
might be ill, but not is probably not bewitched on this chart.

Christopher Warnock

catherine yronwode wrote:

> Christopher Warnock wrote:
> > catherine yronwode wrote:
> > > Vincent Giry wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Does anybody know if a spell to know who have casted a spell
> > > > against you exists and could give me informations about it.
> > >
> > > Yes, such spells exist, and are particularly common in European
> > > folk-magic. Generally, you try to get something from the one you
> > > suspect -- say a strand of hair, or a letter, business card,
> > > photo, or some such. Then you put it in water to boil (or, some
> > > say, set it in a frying pan with oil to fry). The witch will come
> > > to your house or phone you and will tell you how "hot" he or she
> > > is. Then you'll know you've got the right person.
> > Another method of determining whether or not a spell has been cast
> > against you is provided by traditional, i.e., pre-Enlightenment,
> > astrology.  William Lilly in his 1647, Christian Astrology (don't
> > be put off by the title, as it is not really concerned with
> > Christianity) gives rules for determining horary questions whether
> > one is bewitched or not.  A horary question uses a horoscope
> > of the moment of the asking of a question to answer the question,
> > rather than using a birth chart, aka natal horoscope, that most are
> > used to.
> >
> > The 12th house is the house of witchcraft, so Lilly looks to
> > see whether or not there is any contact between the ruler of the
> > 12th, i.e. the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 12th
> > house and the ascendant ruler, that is the planet that rules the
> > sign on the ascendant, aka the rising sign. The ascendant always
> > represents the querent, i.e. the person asking the question.
> >
> > Lilly goes on to give some natural remedies for witchcraft
> > involving sympathetic magic.
> >
> > Christopher Warnock
> In other words, if we went back to Vincent Giry's original post (he is
> the querent) and looked at the date-stamp on it, and constructed a chart
> for that date/time, and compared the ruler of the 12th house of that
> chart (ruling witchcraft) to  the ascendent on that chart (ruling the
> querent), we would be able to determine if he was bewitched or not.
> Cool!
> (alt.astrology added to the cc list, for comments)
> cat yronwode
> Free Spells Archive ------------
> Lucky W Amulet Archive ---------
> Karezza and Sacred Sex ------
> The Esoteric Archive ---------
> The Sacred Landscape -------
> Freemasonry for Women -------
> The Mage's Guide to the Internet ------
> Comics Warehouse ------
> news:alt.lucky.w --- discussions on folk magic, luck, amulets, charms
> Lucky Mojo Curio Co.
>    Send e-mail with your street address to
> and receive our free 32 page catalogue of hoodoo supplies and amulets

Message-ID: <>
From: Christopher Warnock 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en]C-BA406S  (Win98; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Newsgroups: alt.lucky.w,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.astrology
Subject: Re: know who have casted a spell against you
References: <8bvr1d$36$> <> <> <> <8cordu$3aj$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 59
Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 14:25:31 GMT
X-Trace: 955290331 (Sun, 09 Apr 2000 10:25:31 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 09 Apr 2000 10:25:31 EDT
Xref: alt.lucky.w:7223 alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic:21303 alt.astrology:288340

I only originally posted this to alt.lucky.w so here goes:

Vincent's question about a spell to determine if one was bewitched was date
3-30-2000, 5:14 pm time zone +2, since his ISP is France Telecom I used Paris as
his location,  48N52 2E20.  Note that the time and location could be wrong.

Under Lilly's rules Vincent does not appear to be
bewitched, though he is in bad shape.  Virgo ascends and Mercury its
ruler is peregrine, in detriment and fall and making an
applying sextile aspect without reception to malefic Saturn ruler of the
sixth house.  The sixth house being the house of illlness and the Moon
conjunct that house cusp leads me to think that Vincent is feeling pretty bad
emotionally and physically and
might be ill, but not is probably not bewitched on this chart.

Christopher Warnock

Racer A wrote:

> catherine yronwode  gasped out...
> >In other words, if we went back to Vincent Giry's original post (he is
> >the querent)
>         Yes.
> >and looked at the date-stamp on it, and constructed a chart
> >for that date/time,
>         Yes.
> >and compared the ruler of the 12th house of that
> >chart (ruling witchcraft) to  the ascendent on that chart (ruling the
> >querent), we would be able to determine if he was bewitched or not.
>         Well, it's a hoary question - it's just that the subject matter is
> 'bewitching' so the house to look to would the twelfth (particularly since it
> seems to be from a concealed enemy).
>         However, the rules for determining a yes or no answer (to any hoary
> question) are somewhat more complex than a simple comparision.
>         Flip us the chart (or the date and time, anyways) and we can look.
> >(alt.astrology added to the cc list, for comments)
> ash
> ['Comments made.']
> --
> _________________________________________________________________
> 6       One       ...that which we are, we are.       2       ash
> freerandomnumbersnoocelotsforanybodydonteattheposesrepeatsinfinit
>                                 /|
>                              \`o.O'
>                              =(___)=
>                                 U
>                           ACK!THPTTTTT!

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