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Making Planetary Talismans

From: "Marianne Sarkis (ANT)" 
Subject: Re: Making Planetary Talismans
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 01:45:50 -0400 (EDT)

08.27.96 e.v.


On Tue, 27 Aug 1996, Jeffrey Smith wrote:

> First, thanks to Sr. Lyllyth for a remarkably clear explanation of
> talismanic praxis.  But it does beg the question:  is magick external or
> internal?  Are those planetary energies objectively "out there" or are
> they merely our own forces which we experience, and all those hours,
> metals, and other objects just aids to help us focus those energies?

Both. It really depends on your relationship with the planets. Doing
planetary magick has helped me see the ineteraction between the
macrocosm/microcosm. And once I associate the planets with the appropriate
sphere, I find out that I am also coming into harmony with the particular
"energy field" of that planet/sphere. There is a distinction between the
internal and the external, but they are not seperate. They exist in a
symbiotic relationship. Once you affect the one, you affect the other.
After all, isn't that the entire precept of Hermetic Magick and the
Qabbalah? "As above, so below"?

> I lean to the second alternative, in part because I find all those things
> are hindrances, not helps.  My way of making a talisman:
> Find a physical object which seems appropriate, or create one through
> arts and crafts methods.

Sure. Though please remember that I was being specific to planetary
talismans. A Way to harmonize the self with the planets and bring those
energies into one's life. It's very similar to pathworking, in a lot of

> Clear the working space,  clear one's mind,  and equilabrate one's
> interior space.

Please explain what you mean by "equilabrate".

> Focus on the aim and practical problem to which the talisman relates.
> Concentrate one's interior energies and will, and invoke the external
> energies of the Universe/Divine.  I find that simple statements of
> purpose and identification  ["Aphrodite!  I want someone with whom to
> engage in sex without complications!", for instance, if you are seeking
> help in that direction.  Or,  "It is my will that I find buried treasure.
> Plutus, aid me!"--Examples are purposely stereotypical and trivial.]
> work the best, especially if repeated many times.

For sex magick and other such workings, I try something a little bit
1. Clear the working space, and "invoke the Temple" (which is very person
specific, but for me this allows me to put myself in a Working frame of
mind. I stopped doing banishing a while back, but I found that the
"invokation to the Temple" is the best".
2. Think of the aim of the working.
3. If it is to bring a lover in, or to "link" more intensely to one, I
Usually will draw a seal/sigil on a piece of paper or even sometimes
object if that's what the purpose of the object is.
4. Raise as much energy and "break it" letting it spill on the talisman.
In other words, if it is a sex magick ritual, then I put the fluids on
there. If I want a little extra push, the "breaking" will include some
blood, either menstrual or from cutting. The important thing is to
interrupt the energy buildup and refocus it on s aparticular object.
5. Focus as much Will and Energy on the object.
6. Burn the talisman if it made of paper, thus relaesing its energies. Or
wear it if it something to be worn.
7. Forget about it if it is a sex magickal working, or redo the operation
over and over again, until it becomes really focused or I get what I want.

> Bring the energizing to some sort of climax, as seems appropriate at the
> moment, and seal them into the talisman, by saying,  "So be it!"  or
> "Amen!" or similar.

For me, I don't let it climax, but I interrupt the climax by redirecting
the energy.

> Put the talisman in a place you find appropriate.  Some writers suggest
> putting it in a place you will forget it, others the reverse.

Similar to burning it, I guess.

> The real problem is, if you get what you ask for, is it really want you want?

Sure.. why not? :>

Btw, I'm glad we got this thread going. I usually don't share or compare
my magickal techniques too much, but I'm starting to change that, so you
may be seeing a little more rituals posted on here.

As Above, So Below!

Sr. Lillyth93

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