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A Taxonomy of Sex and Magick


Subject: A Taxonomy of Sex and Magick

        by xiwangmu

I. Sexual Magick (paganus)  => magick applied during sex

        a) Battery => energy-storage; astral or physical
                containment of generated energy

        b) Possession => love/entrapment; enchantment or
                ensnarement of the sexual partner; being
                possessed by demons or other non-deities   (Merlyn/Nimue)

        c) Divination => oracle; reflective contact with
                the Otherworld                             (Delphi)

        d) Great Rite => mediation; engaging or channeling
                the gods or a god                          (heterae)

II. Sex Magick (gnostikos)  => magick using sexual energies/fluids

        a) Dedication => energy direction; direct application of
                generated energy toward conscious ends

        b) Sigilization => glyphs/vevers; construction of a
                spell using effluvic symbols/letters       (Spare/TOPY)

        c) Consecration => baptism; effluvic initiation,
                blessing, aspergation or naming of an
                individual, tool or place.                 (christening)

        d) Black Mass => eucharist; agapic feast; the
                celebration of the sacred mysteries of
                Eros, Genesis, Thanatos or Canibalis,
                through consummation and consumption
                of effluvia                                (gnostics)

III. Magical Sex (tantra/rosicrucia/shih) =>
                magick caused by certain types or effects of sex

        a) Malefaction => curse; psychospiritual disruption
                or destruction, often via deceit and/or
                incest                                     (Arthur/Morgana)

        b) Prophesy => necromancy; communion with the dead and
                the resultant foreknowledge obtained via sex
                in a grave or corpse

        c) Conception => golem; creation of a magical child or
                daemon by coordinating elementary, planetary
                and zodiacal influences; or animation of
                siphoned sexual energies                   (succubi/Lilith)

        d) Transformation => shape-change; alteration of
                experiential form in response to particular
                sexual movements                           (werewolf)

        e) Immersion => tantric yoga; obliteration of surface
                consciousness through gradual ecstatic
                overload                                   (panchatattva)

        f) Great Work => alchemy; catalytic transformation
                and rarefaction of consciousness due to sex
                under synchronized psychospiritual
                conditions                                 (boboroshi/shih)

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