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Who buys mail order spiritual supplies?

To: alt.magick.tyagi
From: Catherine Yronwode 
Subject: Who buys mail order spiritual supplies? (was: Re: ARW Troll Roster: 
 Dancerbunny Just Keeps Going, and Going, andGoing....
Date: Sat, 08 Mar 2003 01:06:44 GMT

hy wrote:
> Aetyr wrote:
> > Oh yeah.  And anyone who has had this happen [finding roots and hairs
> > or other evidence of being thrown for] runs to the internet
> > to get advice on it......if someone who actually knew what they
> > were doing went to the trouble of hexing these rubes, the kind of
> > bullshit that the [Yronwodes] give out isn't going to help
> > them. There is a sucker born every minute, and they count on
> > that.
> Be realistic. If people feel threatened in this way they either 
> a) are into this stuff and know what to do or have contacts, 
>    and will do it themselves, or 
> b) won't have contacts, and will have to search out help from 
>    somewhere, or 
> c) know what they are doing, and are adding a little outside info
>    into their repertoire.

Hy is right -- and there are a couple of possibilities she overlooked:

d) they know their business but live in a rural area and buy their 
   spiritual supplies online because their family has, for decades, 
   bought such material by mail order, or
e) they have a memory of traditions of how to undo hexes or crossed 
   conditions from an elder relative, but now that the problem has 
   actually arisen, their relative has passed away, so they use a 
   search engine to find the full form or a rite or spell that was
   used in their family when they were young.

Aetyr assumes that only "rubes" or "suckers" buy spiritual supplies
online. However, in the USA, the existence of mail order sources for
herbs, roots, minerals, candles, books, and the like can be traced
back to the World War One era, and is primarily a byproduct of the
extension of the Rural Free Delivery postal service. Mail order
sources are used by many pagans, new agers, rootworkers,
aromatherapists, medical herbalists, homeopaths, ceremonial magicians,
and others -- especially those who live in rural areas. 

There is no real reason to assume that herbs, oils, candles, or books
purchased by mail are inauthentic or are being sold to "rubes" or
"suckers" -- but as in any business that operates at long distance,
there is an element of trust required on the part of the buyer. 

One way to test a supplier for authenticity and fair value is to order
something inexpensive that you know quite well (say, a packet of
Grains of Paradise, which should be in the two to three dollar range)
and to see if what you receive is what you expected to receive, and if
it is fresh, clean, and well-labelled. 

Another way to test suppliers is to order the same inexpensive
brand-named compound product (for instance, a 1/2 bottle of Fast Luck
oil, which should be in the 4 to 8 dollar range) from three or more
different mail order  outlets and then judge the items against one
another for quality, cost, and efficacy. 
cat yronwode 

     Lucky Mojo Curio Co.

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Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
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