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Love Formula Advice

To: alt.occult.methods,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.lucky.w,alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic,alt.witchcraft
From: blackman99 
Subject: Love Formula Advice (was I need recipe or trick)
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2002 06:54:45 GMT

50020121 VI om

"Desperated" :
> Please I'm desperated , I felt in love and he does'nt correspond me 
> this is my last chance , please, give me a recipe.

by 'a recipe' you appear to be asking for a love potion or formula 
that you could use to your benefit. as another poster who offered 
you advice without recipes has commented, you don't give us very 
much information to go on, such as how much access you have to the 
individual, whether you might introduce some of your concerns to 
hir food, dress their items, a letter written to them, or whatnot. 
also, English seems to be your second language (this may be some
impediment to assimilating the advice, but I'll do my best).

the following FORMULA would seem to be most suited to your needs
based on the little I know about natural magic and application of
hoodoo Oils, Powders, and Bath Salts: 

			Follow Me Boy

for example, Follow Me Boy Oil can be used for anointing oneself 
or dressing candles. for information on candle magic see the 
following web page:

particular herbs worthy of mention with respect to having someone
come to love you include Licorice Root Chips and Mandrake Root.
you could use a base of Olive Oil or Almond Oil, for example, and
add generous quantities of Licorice Root Chips, shake, and use the
resultant oil to dress a love letter you send, for example, or add
the oil to some scentless bath crystals and dump a dallop of the 
mixture, catalyzed with some of your monthly blood, into the rinse
water of the man's clothes in question. you'll want to check out
the 'Follow Me Boy' section of the following web page, which has
all kinds of good ideas for your formula:

additional 'spices' of weaker but attractive quality would include
Attraction formula, Cardamom Seeds, Catnip Leaves, Come to Me formula,
Coriander Seeds, Cubeb Berries, Juniper Berries, and Rose Buds. I
would also consider essential oils like Rose or Lavender as additions
to your formulaic concoctions. 

the links below contain many different types of lovespells,
from drawing love to you to specifically attempting to getting
someone you designate to love you and want you.

use them with care and a critical eye,



Free love spells at

More free love spells at

Free spells of female domination at

Free information about sacred and magical sexual practices at

Free information about how to make and use a nation sack at

Spell kits for use in love-drawing for sale at

share what you know in terms of what you have found in response
to this inquiry. post it in this thread and copy me any spells
you have acquired so that I can add them to alt.magick's
REFerence Spell Compilations reachable from:

which is a supporting document for the alt.magick FAQ at:

for a mammoth collection contained within the Esoteric Archive
(largely constructed by sri catyananda). some others of which
I am aware may be found at:


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Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
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Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges
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Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists
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