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Demon Protection

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.lucky.w,alt.magick,alt.christnet.demonology
From: (blackman99)
Subject: Demon Protection (was Demon appearance)
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 07:38:36 GMT

>>>> What is indicated to do when one sees a demon at night and cannot speak or
>>>> scream?

"is indicated" is the difficult part of this request, because most of the
literature that I have seen thusfar doesn't take into account the idea of
being unable to speak or scream aside from protection that will avail
the mage of a certain god's or spirit's powers at all times. there are
ways of getting around this, however.
Sentinel :
>>> If you are a Christian then call on Jesus with your mind (he can hear you.)
>>James 4:7 "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will
>>		   flee from you." 

this is the logical option: mental activity in defense. reciting Psalms,
for example, are well-known protective spells. Muslims would probably
also suggest certain Surahs from "Qur'an", and as it is dedicated from
the same deity (ostensibly), this might also be effective.

there are oils, amulets, bags and other magical objects which may be
worn for protection against demons. there is a Run Devil Run Oil,
for example, often worn by Christians. "Fiery Wall of Protection"
formula is also good against those who assault you, whether they are
demons or human beings. a little Black Arts Oil mixed in with this 
would specifically protect against demons. formulae and items associated 
with King Solomon (like books, rings, etc.) are especially well-regarded
on account of his reputation for being able to order spirits/djinn
around so easily. amulets such as holy medals (like St. Michael
holding Satan at bay) or St. Martha or St. Patrick (today's his day!)
are sometimes sworn by for the especially reptilian antagonists.
some suggest that crosses, silver, or holy cards are valuable to
have on hand as talismans of protection. there is always the "God
Protects" holy jackknife. many of these items can be found on the 
following web site:

or at the main page

there are a number of books describing seals and other types of
magical protective agents also to be found at:

most of these can be safely used by the believing Christian,
as has been the case in hoodoo tradition for decades.

>>> If you are not a Christian then you have no protection.

at least you know of none, this much is clear. (Gnome d Plume):
>98% of the real demonologists in the Western world are pagans,
>Thelemites, or Hermetic Rosicrucians (more Egyptian Pagan than

what distinguishes a "real" demonologist from a "fake" one?
how did you determine that all of these were pagans? I'd
tend to agree but am curious.

>We deal with these entities on a regular basis and most of us
>have few problems controlling them. 

some don't find what Christians (or others) call "demons" to
be antagonistic at all based on our alliance and/or support
for them.

>If she is a Christian then certainly she should call on Jesus,

or Jehovah or some archangel or something. even a guardian angel.
some Christians might call on saints, or even hir OWN power as a
potent Christian mage. I think St. Michael (archangel too!) is
the usual defender of the magically-faithful. 

>but a good strong Banishing Pentagram Ritual (G.D. style) would 
>do equally well, 

if you don't mind being coercive and offensive. besides, you're
unlikely to be able to do such a ritual if you can't move.

>whether she's Christian or not.****

false. some Satanists would not use this method because it is
contrary to the support we are providing to the demondim.

-- ; ; 
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