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I need a chaote teacher

To: alt.magick.chaos
From: (Fenwick Rysen)
Subject: Re: I need a chaote teacher
Date: 21 Jul 1997 15:50:09 GMT

lo eskis i

Quoth EnTrOpY315 (
> Hi I am looking for a chaos magickian that is willing to help teach me
> chaos magick.

Here are some basics that will serve you well no matter where you choose
to go with your magickal practices:

  1) Learn to meditate.
  2) Practice any visualization exercises.
  3) Learn to have fun and laugh; enjoy life.

The list is short and sounds simple enough, but those first two should
take you at least a year to become decent at, and only then if you
practice every day.  Go ahead and disregard me if they sound too simple or
not interesting enough; I've taught many many people, and many of them
disregarded my words, only to years later come back and say "Hey, you were
right about that meditation and visualization stuff".  You will be able to
succeed without these, but they will help you incredibly.  And, of course,
there are those *RARE* people who don't need to learn these or are already
very skilled at them naturally, but it's my experience that these people
are usually focused enough that they're already working on something.

And one of the best exercises you can do for yourself is to enjoy life.
This makes a lot of things much more pleasant, and you will enjoy your
magickal path much better if you can get this one down.

> I have read Liber Null & Psychonaught but i am looking for a teacher.  I
> am 2 young for the IOT so i was wondering if any one is willing to teache
> me via E-mail or if ne1 is in columbia Missouri we could meet. 

If you're under 18, not many people would be willing to teach you via the
internet without knowing you personally; there are just way too many legal
things in our society, and magick is fringe enough.  I personally don't
want "Contributing to the delinquency of a minor" following me around, or
the many worse things that could come of it.  My suggestion to you is to
try to find local groups if they exist, and to just keep reading
everything you can get your hands on.  There is an INCREDIBLE amount of
material online for Chaos Magick.  If you haven't read it, then you
should.  There are more than 13MB of material on my website alone, and
much more on other sites.  The three best ones are these:

   Chaos Matrix:
   TOOLS of Chaos:

Also, I recommend joining the Z(Cluster), an online group of Chaos
Magicians who have their own e-list and are an incredibly resourceful and
knowledgeable group of people.  If you join the e-list, make sure to read
your e-mail often; it's a hyperactive e-list.

Good luck to you.

In Life, Love, and Laughter
  o  |   --Fenwick Rysen             -- C H A O S         M A T R I X --
| ___ |      "The only prevalent characteristic of chaotes is their
    /         ability  to confuse you  beyond all hope of  rescue."
   |                                            ---Mathias Karlsson

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