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Cacodemonic Copulations

   [from ]
Subject: Cacodemonic Copulations
  by Phil Hine
   The subject of Incubi and Succubi and their visitations is rarely
   dealt with by modern magical writers, although they have been
   used time and time again by various hacks of the horror genre.
   Sex-Demons have been banished - either explained away as
   hallucination or junked as a product of Christian mastubatory
   mythos. Any occultists this side of the twentieth-century that do
   mention them, usually do so in the context of warning against
   traffick with such entities, believing that the dangers of loss
   of vitality or obsession is the inevitable result.
   One of the few modern magical writers who does look at incubi and
   succubi (or, succubi and succuboys), is William Burroughs: incubus or succubus can be harmless, or it can be
     destructive. Like any sexual situation, the danger depends on
     how you handle it. All sex is potentially dangerous .... Our
     sexual feelings make us vunerable. How many people have been
     ruined by a sexual partner? Sex does provide a point of
     invasion and the succubi and incubi simply makes us intensely
     aware of this.
     --from, A Report from the Bunker (V. Bockris.)
   In the novel, The Place of Dead Roads, protagonist Kim Carsons
   enjoys several encounters with sex-demons:
     He knew that the horror of these Demon Lovers was a gloomy
     Christian thing. In Japan there are phantom lovers known as
     fox maidens, and the man who can get his hands on a fox maiden
     is considered lucky. He felt sure that there were fox boys as
     well. Such creatures could assume the form of either sex.
   According to Burroughs, peoples attitudes towards these beings
   may change, but such visitations are probably more frequent than
   most people suppose. He classes them as a type of familiar (they
   certainly are!) and notes that, like animal or elemental
   familiars, they are dependent on a relationship with a human host
   for their own development. Similar ideas can be found in the
   Kaula school of Tantrika, where there are rites for contacting
   such beings. The general approach is that you fuck them and they
   do you a favour in return. Burroughs speculates on the
   possibilities of increased frequency of contact between humans
   and sex-demons:
     Sex is physics. If anyone could push a button an receive an
     incubus or succubus, I believe that most people would prefer a
     phantom partner than the all-too dreary real thing.
     --From The Report from the Bunker.
  So How do you Go About Aquiring a Demon Lover?
   The Liminal Gnosis
   Playing with such entities generally falls into the class of
   magical technique known as Evocation, and a form of Gnosis which
   is often the most effective is the so-called Liminal state, when
   one is half-asleep, half-awake. The body is completely relaxed,
   either from a relaxation exercise, or physical exhaustion; yet
   the mind is clear, and you simply allow images and sounds to
   arise before you. If you can learn to enter and prolong this
   state, then it is very useful for scrying, dream control or
   virtual (astral) explorations.
   Erotic Evocation
   To prepare for the Evocation of a Demon Lover, seek to inflame
   yourself through all possible modes of sensory stimulation -
   books, films, pornographic material, the diffusion of perfumes
   that have erotic association, body massage, masturbation without
   orgasm - any technique which serves to heighten your sexual
   arousal globally - that is, without being directed to any
   particular individual (real or imaginary).
   The Evocatory scenario is a progression of intense sessions which
   may begin as follows:
    1. Lie naked on your bed - the room is in darkness, but for the
       glow of a single candle. You have bathed and relaxed
       yourself. Seductive perfumes are diffused throughout the room
       and you have prepared the space as though you are about to
       receive a lover. Slowly, begin to caress yourself, intensely
       feeling each touch, each shiver of pleasure; imagining that
       the touch comes from an invisible lover who hovers above you.
       Concentrate at first on secondary erogenous zones when
       inflaming yourself, and stay as relaxed as possible. Any
       significant dream-images that follow such a session should be
    2. Repeat this experience, gradually allowing yourself to become
       increasingly excited, and slowly visualize the build-up of a
       shadowy form - fingers, lips, breast, thighs - parts of the
       lovers body which come into fleeting contact with your own.
       As you repeat the experience, associations will form between
       sensory stimuli and it can be helpful if you can create a
       special scent which, while having erotic associations, is
       unique for this operation. You should also take care to note
       any particular body postures and gestures (caresses) that you
       find yourself making - these can act as sensual asanas and
       mudras for the operation.
    3. The final session of this sequence proceeds as above, but
       slowly allow yourself to approach orgasm. If you are
       experienced enough, and in touch with your body enough to
       allow yourself to hover on the brink of orgasm for as long as
       possible, then so much the better. As you approach orgasm,
       begin to vocalise love-noises, letting these sounds become
       glossolalia - until a distinct sound (it may or may not be an
       actual word) begins to repeat itself through you. As you
       attain orgasm, project this sound into the shadow-form above
       you, and see the shadow-form becoming distinct and clear. You
       may find that details of the entity which have been hitherto
       indistinct, will become clear in the illuminating flashes of
       orgasm. Sexual fluids released in this working can form the
       basis of a material sigil, but this is optional.
  Now that You've Evoked me here, what are we going to do?
   Having gone through the process of evoking a Demon Lover, what
   can you actually do with them? The first point to consider is the
   states in which interaction with the entity takes place. What
   little magical writing there is on the subject tends to
   concentrate on Dream Magick, but it is also possible to continue
   using the Liminal Gnosis and, an often-undervalued area of
   magick, Working with Mirrors. There is also the possibility of
   Invocatory work with Demon Lovers.
   Dream Yoga
   Once you have evoked your demon lover, you can choose to interact
   with it through dreams. One of the easiest techniques of Dream
   Control is to use a sigil. Since Im sure most people are familiar
   with the basics of Sigil Magick, I will merely draw your
   attention to the point that a sigil need not be either a glyph or
   mantra, but can also take the form of a scent, or sequence of
   images. You can use earlier practice in the Liminal Gnosis to
   launch a sigil to meet your Demon Lover in your dreams. You could
   even try and key the appearance of the entity to the triggering
   of a Lucid Dream.
   Liminal Gnosis
   If your earlier practice has been successful, you will already
   have some experience of the Liminal Gnosis. Sexual Arousal is but
   one of the entry-routes into this state, and you might try and
   find other routes. Interaction with the Demon-Lover can be made
   in this state, and you might find here that you get dreams which
   follow-through the encounter.
   The Liminal Gnosis can be enhanced by the use of a mirror. The
   use of reflective surfaces for interacting with entities has a
   long and venerable history, ranging from shamanic practices among
   the Moari, Pawnee and Nkomis of Africa, to the explorations of
   Dr. John Dee. Demon-Lovers may be summoned into a mirror, where
   they may be cross-examined. A cautionary note here is that Dr.
   Dee made the claim that from time to time, one of the spirits he
   contacted - a young girl called Midimi - would emerge from his
   scrying crystal and cavort about his study This could have
   interesting possibilities when working with a Demon Lover!
   Whichever states you choose to explore, the next consideration is
   of course, what you are going to do. Well, the very act of
   experimenting with this approach should in itself be instructive,
   and at the very least, enjoyable. However, the following
   applications for Demon Lover work include:
   Here, you are basically forming a Pact with the entity - using it
   as you would use any other kind of Sorcery Servitor - you fuck it
   and it carries out its assigned task (which is not necessarily
   confined to the sphere of sexuality). One technique is to seed
   the entity with a sigil, which will gestate within the body of
   the entity, in a similar manner to a wishing box.
   According to Austin Osman Spare, desires are spirits that wish to
   incarnate. You can deploy a Demon Lover to assist you with the
   formulation of an Alphabet of Desire, wherein each sacred letter
   can become a sex-demon in itself, to be used in acts of
   self-exploration and self-modification. Your Demon Lover can
   assist you in recognizing, binding, and integrating the hidden
   demons of your psyche which relate to sexuality and other primal
   Divinatory applications include dream-oracles, or flash-gnoses
   which may extend into the waking state. You may find, for
   example, that, following a request for a dream-oracle, your demon
   lover only gives you half the key, as it were. The other half is
   waiting in the waking world - some incident that sparks a moment
   of gnosis in which you realise the link between thought/emotion
   and some physical object or situation. Oracles are rarely
   Traditional magical theory (such as it is) tends to frown on
   invoking entities such as Demon Lovers, as they are not
   considered to have enough of a developed persona to make it
   worthwhile. However, long-term magical use of such an entity does
   tend to build up the appearance of an independent persona,
   particularly if you make careful note of any quirks, personality
   traits, or mannersims that the entity seems to be displaying. I
   see no reason why, at some stage, you shouldnt try invocatory
   work with a Demon Lover. It could be instructive, if only for
   shifting latent sexual selves into the directors chair of the
  A Word of Warning
   The practice of intercourse with Demon Lovers is not without its
   dangers. The most obvious of these is obsession. In its broadest
   sense, obsession is the term we apply to a situation where the
   magician has relinquished will to an entity (usually of his own
   creation). Obsessions with a sexual component are particularly
   difficult to deal with - anyone who has had an obsessional crush
   on someone else will know what I mean. Sex, like anything else,
   can become an addiction which erodes the will. Intercourse with
   Demon Lovers is no exception, so self-discipline at all times, is
   important. Although a Demon Lover can generate a great deal of
   fascination and erotic tension, this should only be employed as a
   source of gnosis and magical work, and not allowed to get out of
   control. It can be useful to only use the entity for specific
   projects, and then, at staggered intervals. Intercourse with
   these entities can be exhausting. This is not so much due to any
   vampiric quality on their part, but is related to working in
   unusual states of consciousness - similar problems arise with
   extended astral, dream, or liminal work.
   Another problem relating to this work is also fairly obvious -
   that the Demon Lover becomes a substitute for a physical partner.
   As with any relationship between human and entity (be it demon or
   deity), it is useful to assume its independent existence - if
   only during the interaction. However, I have seen warnings in a
   variety of magical grade papers that hint of the dire
   consequences of giving these entities the same regard that you
   would a human lover. By the same token, conjuring a Demon Lover
   for the precise reason that you lack a human lover is tantamount
   to inviting obsession, with all the attendant problems. As
   success with this technique requires an appreciation of your own
   sensuality, bodily awareness, sexual feelings and orgasmic
   response, it should not be attempted by the overly frustrated, or
   the sexually inept or inexperienced.
   This practice should also lead to a wider appreciation of your
   sexual being and possible range of sexual identities. If you have
   sealed disturbing elements of your sexuality behind blocks, then
   you might well find that this practice leads you into a situation
   where you have to confront these experiences. This may not be
   pleasant, but can be, if you allow it, instructive, and possibly
   If, for whatever reason, you do find that working with a Demon
   Lover brings up problems that you find difficult to handle, then
   there are basically three strategies which can be brought up. The
   first is to perform a thorough Banishing of the area you are
   using for this practice (i.e. bedroom). Secondly, you can evoke
   the entity and confine it into a spirit trap such as a triangle,
   bottle, or crystal, and ritually re-bind it to your will.
   Thirdly, there is the option of reabsorption, which can be
   performed as a ritual or within the Liminal Gnosis. The simplest
   approach here is to take back the entities name, destroy any
   material base, visualise the emotions/sensations/abilities you
   may have bestowed upon it as withdrawing back into your body and
   finally (and this can be difficult) denying it any sexual
   response or erotic association. Then, go and have a cold shower.


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