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Gnome on Goetia, compiled

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Gnome on Goetia, compiled
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 23:00:42 GMT

Due to the mixture of fluff and shards surrounding discussions of magick
in usenet, i found it valuable to compile and edit together (for brevity
and clarity) a couple of recent posts by Poke Runyon on how his system
of Goetic evocation differs from those of Steve Savedow and Lon Milo
DuQuette. Thanks to Chris for asking the question. 



In alt.magick on Fri, 16 Nov 2001, "Chris"  wrote:

> I am very interested in Steve Savedow's methods [of Goetic 
> evocation]. I have never come across any of his material and would 
> like to learn about it.
> I was [...] under the impression that other than the dark mirror 
> facial reflection mirror method, Gnome was staying very true to the 
> "pure" goetia format.
> What about Lon Duquette's mehtods?
> [...] can someone give me a quick summary of the
> differences between the systems [of modern Goetic evocation] ?

Carroll "Poke" Runyon ( replied: 

I've discussed the methods and books of Maestroes Savedow and DuQuette
often on the news group. Steve's book is called *Goetic Evocation*
published by Escathon and available from amazon. Lon's books
 *My Life with the Spirits* and *Angels, Gods and Demons of the New
Millennium* are from Weiser also available from amazon. 

Savedow uses a free form visualization method employing a flat triangle
over which the spirit must be, or become, visualized after intense,
extensive and exhaustive conjurations -- in other words doing it the
hard way. He sees all Goetia "demons" as Klippothic (not so stated in
the Lemegeton) and therefore evil. Some people get confused and think he
summons them in a "black box" but actually this is just the burning box
for the Curse of Chains. 

Savedow is a strict medievalist who assumes a direct Hebrew origin for
the Goetia (quite possible BTW) and operates on that premise. He ignores
the injunction to "Appear in fair and human form" and they all show
looking like gargoyles -- but then I don't use The Curse of Chains, so
we all have our modifications.

Lon [Duquette's system] seems to be somewhere between [my] O.T.A. and
Savedow. He likes most of the Goetia spirits ("Demons are our Friends!")
but he does coerce them more than we do at times, and he uses more of a
free form visualization than a specific conjuration device such as a
mirror or a crystal. 

You should read the books of these modern masters. 

I have always made it clear that I was an "innovator;" that I was
bringing "Ancient Ceremonial Magick into the 21st Century" as we say in
[the O.T.A.] by-line. As [is stated in] my *Book of Solomon's Magick* I
didn't have an extensive background in traditional Western magick when I
had my transformational vision in 1969 as a result of a nearly terminal
illness, in which I went temporarily "mad". I did know about voodoo,
Tibetan tantra, Carl Jung and hypnosis. From those elements, and Richard
Cavendish's *The Black Arts*, plus Paul Christian's *History and
Practice of Magic* (containing the French version of Crata Repoa),
Arthur Waite's *Book of Ceremonial Magic* and Barrett's *Magus* the
O.T.A. was born. 

This is galling to some folks who have spent years in AMORC, OTO or GD,
and were consequently locked into those Victorian models. I broke out of
the "nine dots" and in the process I made the old romantic Arabian
Nights magick (which the GD was incapable of) actually work!  When we
got started back in 1970 Nelson and I used to say: "Hey, you guys, we
really do it," and we did (and we still do). We created the new Goetia
revival because our methods actually worked. You don't have to take my
word for it. Look at Don Kraig's *Modern Magick.* It is the most popular
practical manual on the subject in modern times--and his Goetia method
is derived from the O.T.A. original.

I like and respect Maestro Steve Savedow, and I think his work
is most valuable--in fact essential! I don't think anyone who is
interested in a serious practice of Solomonic Magick should ever
embark on that course without reading both his book and mine, and of
course the wonderful works of Maestro Lon Milo Duquette, especially
*My Life With The Spirits.*  

Together these books prove beyond a doubt that supreme principle of
Hermetic philosophy: "As Above, so Below," to which I would add: "As
within, so Without." 

Gnome d Plume

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