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Enochian Magick

To: alt.magick
From: Josh Geller
Subj: Enochian Magick (0000.enocmgk.jg)
Date: unknown

the enochian system of magick is is a very complex system of symbols and
languages obtained from the workings of dr. john dee and edward kelley in
the 1580's. it was (by the theory) dictated to them by beings which they
(of course, being pious or at least convinced christians the both of them)
referred to as angels. it is too involved to explain in detail in a brief
letter, in fact more involved than dee and kelley realized (for example,
the 'great table of the elements' is a six dimensional schema of the 
universe, which I don't think dee and kelley grasped (I don't even think
that geometries involving numbers of dimensions greater than three had
been developed at that point). important work was done in it by some of 
the golden dawn people in the latter part of the last century and the
earlier part of this one (notably mcgregor mathers and aleister crowley).
the picture of the universe used is basically this: the physical universe
is a four dimensional hypersphere simultaneously in motion in two
further directions (think of the three dimensional einsteinian universe in
motion in a fourth dimension (timelike motion I think it is called) for a
decent analogy). the hypershpere itself is divided into elements and 
subelements (earth, air, fire, water; the golden dawn revisions draw 
alphabetic and other symbolic systems into it), which are themselves further 
subdivided, so the force associated with each unit of the whole can be as
specific or as general as necessary.

the entities provided a series of chants (calls or keys) in a nonhuman
language which are to be used in the workings of these various powers.
there are also aspects of the system which are fairly conventional 
renaissance magia, associated with planetary forces etc.

in crowley and victor neuberg's excellent 'vision and the voice' series
of orgia, the fixed stars are explicitly related to the letters of the
enochian alphabet and some other stuff. this, by the way, is an 
exploration of the 'thirty aethyrs', which can be considered as a series
of nested spheres (or hyperspheres) with the aforementioned sphere
(the 'great table of the elements' representing this universe) at the


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