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Romancing the Necronomicon

To: alt.christnet.demonology,alt.necronomicon,alt.magick,alt.magick.goetia,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.pagan.magick
From: (Gnome d' Plume)
Subject: Romancing the Necronomicon (was: Necronomicon Sigils)
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 00:50:20 GMT

On Thu, 10 Feb 2000 20:41:08 GMT, (nagasiva
yronwode) wrote:

>50000210 IVom
>"Digital Buddha" :
>>>I am seeking a depiction of the sigil of of the Watcher described 
>>>in the book of the Necronomicon.  Are there anyone who knows of 
>>>where I would find this symbol?
> (Gnome d' Plume):
>>There are not one, but three sigils employed in the Conjuration of
>>The Watcher according to Simon (Peter Levenda) found on page 69 of his
>>book -- however, the first is a regular pentagram, one is a
>>double-ended kamea type (about as functional as a snake with a head on
>>each end) and the third is a kamea with a kink in its tail. 
>lovely response. which one should be used? combination?
>>Why not get copies of real magick books, 
>how do YOU discern the "realm magick books" from the "fake" ones?
>>learn how sigils are actually constructed, 
>what principles are required for sigil construction, by your
>assessment? what qualities are evidence of "false constructs"?
>you know, I'm getting tired of your stupid little song. I may
>construct a parody of it which purports that you are fictional
>if you keep posting it to this newsgroup.
>blessed beast!


I'm going to do something weird and apologize for coming down on you a
little too hard on this "real" vs. "fake" Necronomicon issue. First
off, I'm an old Lovecraft fan from way-back, second, I think that  the
macabre, the gothic, etc. is a genuine element in our NeoRomantic
movement, sub-culture, or whatever; third, I believe that an element
of mysterioso and glamour is part of magick. If I'm going to staunchly
defend Wynn Westcott for concocting a German Rosicrucian origin for
MacKenzie's English Cypher Manuscript (which MacKenzie himself claimed
he derived from German sources), then why can't I bend enough to find
some "reality" behind H.P.L.'s Al Azif?
       The answer is: I can. Lovecraft actually dreamed several (if
not most) of his stories. His idea of The Old Ones harks back to the
disturbing possibility that we have not always been the dominate
intelligent species on this planet. (I just published an article on
this concept  in The Seventh Ray in which I credit Lovecraft for
having a psychic premonition of this.) Although I am not a full-time
diabolist, I very much enjoy the writings and artistic gleanings of
Kenneth Grant, who continually refers to Lovecraft.
        So then why do I poke (pun intended) fun at the various
        Well, the answer to that is pretty easy. I appreciate the idea
behind the Necronomicon, I appreciate its mystique and its glamour,
but when people clap these hoaxes together I wish they would at least
do their homework. Levenda's (Simon's) Necronomicon is full of lifted
Akkadian, bolixed-up sigils that are insulting to those of us who know
how sigils are constructed, and his "Testimony of the Mad Arab" is the
poorest attempt to imitate medieval Arabic style I've seen yet. Why
couldn't he have just read a little Burton first, for Cathulu's sake!
         But, for a moment, let's imagine that somebody does fake-up a
convincing Necronomicon. It would still be a fake -- and sooner or
later the gullible teenager who buys it and treasures it will be
disillusioned -- not to mention the money he forked out for it. A hoax
for fun is often for giveable -- but hoaxes for big bucks, especially
from impressionable teens are something else again: something bad.
         But if you want my vote for a good Necronomicon, I will line
up along side Ludvig Prinn and recommend my old friend Lin Carter's
version of "The Dee Translation." This work captures the essence, is
marvelously entertaining, and gets Lovecraft's visions across far
better than Simon's bastardized cash-cow -- and as far as I can tell
Lin never made a penny on it.  I remember Lin actually created the
first Necornomicon hoax at an early 1950's sci-fi con by baking a few
parchment folios in the oven and letting some younger fen take a peek.
Unfortunately that started it. DeCamp followed with his "Duriac"
version that repeated itself every eight pages, and before long we had
fake Necronomicons all over the place.
        Allow me to close with a line from H.P.L. ". ...and you shall
know them by their smell."
        He was certainly right. Most Necronomicons do smell pretty
bad. *****

Gnome d' Plume

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