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AEonic Mystification

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi
From: 333 
Subject: Re: AEonic Mystification
Date: Mon, 03 Sep 2001 05:12:23 GMT

50010902 VI! om Hail Satan!

sri catyananda  quotes Crowley (some snipped here) and writes:
>># The essential characteristic of the Grade is that its possessor
>># utters a Creative Magical Word, which transforms the planet on 
>># which he lives by the installation of new officers to preside 
>># over its initiation. This can take place only at an "Equinox of 
>># the Gods" at the end of an "Aeon"; that is, when the secret 
>># formula which expresses the Law of its action becomes outworn and 
>># useless to its further development.

>># A Magus can therefore only appear as such to the world at
>># intervals of some centuries; accounts of historical Magi, and 
>># their Words, are given in Liber Aleph.
>># This does not mean that only one man can attain this Grade in any
>># one Aeon, so far as the Order is concerned.  A man can make 
>># personal progress equivalent to that of a "Word of an Aeon"; but 
>># he will identify himself with the current word, and exert his 
>># will to establish it, lest he conflict with the work of the Magus 
>># who uttered the Word of the Aeon in which He is living.

>># The Magus is pre-eminently the Master of Magick, that is, his
>># will is entirely free from internal diversion or external
>># opposition; His work is to create a new Universe in accordance 
>># with His Will.  He is the Master of the Law of Change (Anicca).

>># Book 4 Pt 3: ONE STAR IN SIGHT.

> Okay, now Joel, this question is for you, and for siva -- assuming that
> you both are serious Magi, not "light satirists," 

that's JoeL Cosby's description.

> how do the two of you square your actions with Crowley's 
> straightforward statement that "a Magus can therefore only appear 
> as such to the world at intervals of some centuries"? I mean, do 
> you think he was simply wrong? That he was hedging the field about 
> with a fence to keep other Magi from stealing his cabbages? Or ...? 

lovely question. I anticipated this question in T93-L and was about
to repost its analysis to usenet when I read your post, thus:

	Orig-From: 333 
	Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2001 15:59:41 -0700 (PDT)

	this exclusivist perspective therefore leaves only the 
	following options available to the up-and-coming Magus 
	prior to 2000 (2160?) years' passing:

	a) she can submit to the Magus Crowley and identify hirself
	   with Crowley's Word [what you have called the Beta!]

	b) she can accept Crowley's status and dispute his expression
	   on the duration of aeons (leaving room for hir new Word
	   to take precedence (or come up with fantastic loophopes,
	   such as Nema's Word-intrusion into the present from the 
	   future)) [IPSOS indeed!]

	c) she can reject Crowley's expression about singular Words
	   while accepting his status, uttering a new Word and 
	   having them resonate, mingle, combat, etc. [Aquino's XEPER!]

	d) she can reject Crowley's status temporarily, in which case
	   his Word was 'in error' and she may correct it [Crowley in 418?]

	e) she may reject Crowley's status entirely, uttering hir
	   Word and paying little attention to Crowley at all. [FUCK you!]

given these basic options, my tentative choice (I don't really know 
Crowley's motivations other than egotism) had for many years been
c), but as I finally concluded that his attainment was a SHAM, I have
arrived at e), finding value in his expression that ThELEMA is the 
Word of the Law (as is AGAPE!) but not of the Aeon.

here's the rest of my original post to Thelema93-L (still quoting AC):
	#    The Magus is pre-eminently the Master of Magick, that is, 
	# his will is entirely free from internal diversion or external 
	# opposition; His work is to create a new Universe in 
	# accordance with His Will.  He is the Master of the Law of 
	# Change (Anicca).


	while this may be, it is not certain who has and who has not 
	attained such a state, and there are no failsafe methods of 
	determining this (i.e. it is a matter strictly of FAITH, and 
	should not be over-emphasized in matters magical, being a 
	matter more for cultists in general and, at least in this case, 
	Crowleyites in particular). the scientific will look for 
	greater and more reliable evidence.

that is, I have concluded that no matter WHO utters such a Word, only
the result of their pan-dimensional 'utterance' is important, not
whether they did or did not 'attain'. in fact, those who *begin* with
the presupposition that he attained are liable to fall into pits of
horrid Beastamentalism.

> My opinion is that Crowley was fishing for followers, discouraging
> rather than cultivating independent thelemics. The person he describes
> when he wrote, "a man can make personal progress equivalent to that of a
> "Word of an Aeon"; but he will identify himself with the current word,
> and exert his will to establish it, lest he conflict with the work of
> the Magus who uttered the Word of the Aeon in which He is living" is
> little more, in my opinion, than a dues-payer, a beta, a joiner. 

I agree strongly, and so HILARIOUS (beta! how OTOnomous!).

> That person is not an individualist. He is, as i see it, a sinner, and
> the word of his sin is Restriction -- Restriction to the Aeon of his
> Leader, Restriction to the Word of his Leader, and Restriction to the
> Will of his Leader. 

lovely. I'd add the formal title 'Dupe of the Beast'.

> Frater Achad knew this, i believe, and i think that is why he
> deliberately flouted Crowley's assertion that there must be "intervals
> of some centuries" between Magi, Aeons, and Words. 

Crowley even admitted that he might be wrong about this in his
Commentary to the Evul Book, stating that it "might" be as few
as a hundred or so years, as well as that 'do what thou wilt'
might mean *anything* to the "illuminated".

> The Master stands guard like a scarecrow in his fenced field of
> cabbages, shouting his Word and demanding dues be paid at the gate.
> Outside him and above him, the crows are flying about and calling their
> Word to any bird who'll listen. 

the idea was, I think, to establish a religion of Crowleyanity, called
'Thelema' as a symbol to those who wish liberation. I feel that his
intent was to deceive the Herd into promoting something valuable for
the Elite, simultaneously exalting his ego. this is the *best* face I
can provide for the "Master"'s antics. 

blessed beast!

emailed replies may be posted  -----   "sa avidya ya vimuktaye"   ----- 
"that which liberates is ignorance"
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