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'Real' vs. 'Nonhistorical, Intuitive' Meanings

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.tarot
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Re: 'Real' vs. 'Nonhistorical, Intuitive' Meanings (was Re: Dog in The Fool card?)
Date: 18 May 1997 14:09:29 -0700

49970518 AA1  Hail Satan!

since I think I've assimilated at least the basic premise from which
the Case-workers are attempting to promote their favored ideology, I
will now begin to attempt to assist them in their efforts at communi-
cating it, trying to see whether or not they will agree with my
assessments so that we can move on past the initial squabbles, either
agreeing to disagree or thorougly examining whatever perspective-line
is being discussed.  commentary/review welcomed.

Paul Mitchum:
>>> This seems to indicate a) that there's some level of expertise one must
>>> acheive before CREATING A STORY WITH TAROT CARDS (ie, the thing you say is
>>> NOT equivalent to reading the cards....) and b) 'literal' to you means 
>>> matching the card meaning to its context. Matching the card to its 
>>> context sure sounds to *me* like bending the 'traditional' meanings to 
>>> one's whim, although you say to not 'make it fit,' which seems inconsistent.

no, Mr. Mitchum, the 'context' in question is the particular framework of
understanding in which the symbols and formatting of the cards as explicated
by Mr. Case and others of his lineage.  that is, what is often unsaid is
that there is an Interpretive Lineage which had some hand in crafting an
emblematic tool for the purposes of conveying esoteric knowledge or wisdom.
Mr. Karlin appears to value the restriction of 'context' to this sense,
though he does not always make it very clear. (Paul Mitchum):
>Why are storytelling with the symbols of the tarot and reading the symbols
>of the tarot not the same thing? 

the reason the Case-workers do not presume them to be the same is that
they presume that the tarot is *emblematic*, particularly in that it
is a tool to convey *specific information or understandings* through
an assimilation of traditional symbol-associations and a specific type
of focus upon the cards themselves.

>How do they differ? 

storytelling is the construction of an *alternative* context than the one
which the Case-workers presume to be built *into* the tarot as a tool.

imagine someone sending you a small note in the mail which reads "go to
the corner store and pick up some apples".  if you were to 'make up a
meaning' about the note by understanding the words in a way not intended
by the author, then you could interpret it to mean "extend yourself to the
far reaches of the cosmos and procure the sublime elixir of the goddess",
when in fact it is merely an instruction to walk down the street and get
some fruit.

the example is unimportant, since the point is that the tarot is, within
this ideology, presumed to contain a very specific 'message' or 'content'
which can be 'unlocked' or 'properly understood', through a thorough and
dedicated exposure to the source materials (likely those by the lineage
mentioned in other threads here, such as Waite, Case, perhaps Crowley,
and as many others as these folks may accept into their knowledge-base).

reading, by this meaning, indicates 'understanding the communication in
its proper context and signification'.  it is very straightforward and,
once one accepts the initial presumptions, exacting.

see  and  call: 408/2-666-SLUG!!!
 ----  (emailed replies may be posted)  ----  CC public replies to author ---- 
 * * * Asphalta Cementia Metallica Polymera Coyote La Cucaracha Humana * * * 

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