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To: alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic
From: blackbriar 
Subject: Re: scrying
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2000 09:15:12 -0800

In article <_wjt4.67696$>, "Robb"
>Hi all,
>I was wondering if any of you knew any good ways of scrying or
knew of any
>books that you could recommend. I'm interested in the one using
inked water
>in a chalice or basin, but any forms will do.

when i first learned scrying, i learned fire scrying, but in the
past few years i've started to prefer the inked water method

see if you can find a black bowl.  or you can get a clear glass
bowl, and spray-paint the _outside_ of the bowl black.  give it
several coats.  with a black bowl you won't have to use ink,
which can be terribly messy.  there's a black bowl with matching
black candlesticks in the window of a local antique shop i've
been dying to get my hands on... some people prefer to use a
black cast-iron cauldron, too.

if you don't have or wish to use a black bowl, use just enough
ink to blacken the water.  add it one drop at a time.  if you use
too much ink, you'll have a horrible mess, and possibly stain the
bowl holding the water.  make sure the water has stilled after
adding the ink, before you attempt to scry.  the water must be
perfectly still for scrying.

dim light is best, and here's an area where some people disagree:
 some like to have a reflection of the candle flame on the
surface of their scrying water, others will move the candle so
that neither reflection or shadow is cast upon the water.  my
only advice there is experiment, and find which is best for you.

same goes for scrying aids such as incenses, or ritual brews.  it
seems the favorite herb for aiding scrying is mugwort, which you
can buy at an occult shop or herb store.  if you do, you'll be
paying too much, because it's best used fresh, and it's one of
the most invasive weeds in city or suburb, at least here in the
northeast.  i took the trouble to learn to identify it, and now i
have all the fresh mugwort i want for free.  you can burn it over
hot coals as an incense, tie it up in a bundle like a smudging
wand, or brew it into a tea.  i've had good results using the hot
mugwort brew as the scrying water itself, inhaling the vapors as
i gazed, but the brew has to be well-strained: the fluffy little
leaf-bits floating on the water do _not_ help!

as you gaze, don't stare.  blink whenever you need too.  and what
ever you do, don't "try" to concentrate on scrying, or you'll
only end up frustrating yourself.  _just gaze_.  let your mind go
blank.  if a distracting thought floats into your mind, let it
float right out again.  scrying is a sort of visual meditation.

there's more disagreement as to how the images scried are viewed
by the scrier.  some will "see" the images on the surface of the
water, some will "see" them in their mind.  don't try to see them
with your physical eyes - your "third eye" is what's doing the
seeing here.

hope that helps.  if you've got any more questions, feel free to

never thirst,

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