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Master Huang's Site on I Ching

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.zen,alt.philosophy.taoism,alt.divination
From: i@no.self (!)
Subject: Master Huang's Site on I Ching 
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 09:54:48 GMT


	The ancient sages employed divination to
	educate and to guide people to think and to
	act properly in daily life. Consulting the I
	Ching is different from asking advice from
	astrology or horoscopes. It is inconceivable
	that people should have everything in common
	simply because they share the same date of
	birth. Although many people who consult the 
	I Ching would obtain the same gua (hexagram)
	and the same yao (line), however, how to
	interpret the context depends on everyone's
	own intuition. And most important, the
	outcomes solely depend on everyone's own
	effort and action. It is about consciously
	seeking and consciously creating.
	It is worth noticing that in the I Ching no
	words of the last days or the end of the time
	are mentioned. Nevertheless, there are good
	wishes and also solemn warnings. After years
	of studying the I Ching and paying attention
	to the world affairs I got a feeling that the
	transition of the new century and the new
	millennium signifies the beginning of a new
	cycle. I deeply believe that the twenty first
	century and the third millennium will be a
	century and a millennium of seeking harmony
	and great harvest. According to the I Ching,
	after seeking harmony we will obtain great
	harvest. After obtaining great harvest we
	will be most humble. And after being most
	humble we will be able to enjoy great
	delight. This is the spiritual journey of the
	whole humanity. Numerous opportunities and
	challenges are lying ahead in the new century
	and the new millennium allowing everyone for
	further growing and achieving.
	We are so fortunate that in the history of
	mankind not many people have the fortune to
	live across two centuries. However, we are
	living not only across two centuries but also
	two millennia. Such a blessing!
	In the beginning, I Ching was a collection of
	ancient life experiences and beliefs compiled
	many thousands of years before The Bible. It
	was written solely with symbols before the
	time when written characters were invented.
	Later on words were appended, and gradually
	the I Ching became a philosophy of life.
	...Meditation is cordially recommended.

and from

The Bean Method

	Originally the Rice Method was used for
	divination. Rice is the staple food in China,
	and can be found in every household. People
	more often employ rice rather than yarrow
	stalks to divine. I disfavor rice as its tiny
	size is difficult to count so I prefer to use
	beans. Any kind of bean is suitable except
	round ones, because they will roll on the
	table. My favorite is pinto beans. Their
	size, shape, and color are almost perfect.
	The bean reminds me of a Chinese exhortation:

           "Plant melons and you get melons;
            Sow beans and you get beans."



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