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What Do Women Really Want?

From: catherine yronwode 
Subject:  What Do Women Really Want?
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 19:39:58 -0700

 : Young King Arthur was ambushed and
 : imprisoned by the monarch of a neighboring
 : kingdom.
 : The monarch could have killed him, but
 : was moved by Arthur's youthful  happiness.
 : So he offered him freedom, as long as he
 : could answer a very difficult question.  Arthur
 : would have a year to figure out the answer;
 : if, after a year, he still had no answer, he
 : would be killed.
 : The question was:  "What do women really
 : want?"
 : Such a question would perplex even the most
 : knowledgeable man, and, to young Arthur, it
 : seemed an impossible query.  Since it was
 : better than death, however, he accepted the
 : monarch's proposition to have an answer by
 : year's end.  He returned to his kingdom and
 : began to poll everybody: the princess, the
 : prostitutes, the priests, the wise men, the
 : court jester.
 : In all, he spoke with everyone but no one
 : could give him a satisfactory answer.
 : What most people did tell him was to consult
 : the old witch, as only she would know the
 : answer.  The price would be high, since the
 : witch was famous throughout the kingdom
 : for the exorbitant prices she charged.
 : The last day of the year arrived and Arthur
 : had no alternative but to talk to the witch.
 : She agreed to answer his question, but he'd
 : have to accept her price first: the old witch
 : wanted to marry Gawain, the most noble of
 : the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur's
 : closest friend!
 : Young Arthur was horrified:  she was
 : hunchbacked and awfully hideous, had
 : only one tooth, smelled like sewage water,
 : and often made obscene noises.  He had never
 : run across such a repugnant creature.
 : He refused to force his friend to marry her
 : and have to endure such a burden.
 : Gawain, upon learning of the proposal, spoke
 : with Arthur.  He told him that nothing was too
 : big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur's life
 : and the preservation of the Round Table.
 : Hence, their wedding was proclaimed, and
 : the witch answered Arthur's question:
 : What a woman really wants is to be able
 : to be in charge of her own life.
 : Everyone instantly knew that the witch had
 : uttered a great truth and that Arthur's life
 : would be spared.  And so it went.  The
 : neighboring  monarch spared Arthur's life
 : and granted him total freedom.
 : What a wedding Gawain and the witch had!
 : Arthur was torn between relief and anguish.
 : Gawain was proper as always, gentle and
 : courteous.  The old witch put her worst
 : manners on display.  She ate with her
 : hands, belched and passed gas, and
 : made everyone uncomfortable.
 : The wedding night approached:  Gawain,
 : steeling himself for a horrific night, entered
 : the bedroom.  What a sight awaited! The
 : most beautiful woman he'd ever seen lay
 : before him!  Gawain was astounded and
 : asked what had happened.
 : The beauty replied that since he had been
 : so kind to her (when she'd been a witch),
 : half the time she would be her horrible,
 : deformed self, and the other half, she
 : would be her beautiful maiden self. Which
 : would he want her to be during the day
 : and which during the night?
 : What a cruel question!  Gawain began to
 : think of his predicament: during the day a
 : beautiful woman to show off to his friend,
 : but at night, in the privacy of his home, an
 : old spooky witch?  Or would he prefer
 : having by day a hideous witch, but by night
 : a beautiful woman to enjoy many intimate
 : moments?
 : What would *you* do?
 : What Gawain chose follows below, but
 : don't read until you've made your own choice.
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 : "The Answer"
 : Noble Gawain replied that he would let her
 : choose for herself.  Upon hearing this, she
 : announced that she would be beautiful all
 : the time, because he had respected her
 : and had let her be in charge of her own life.
 : What is the moral of this story?
 : The moral is that it doesn't matter if your
 : woman is pretty or ugly, smart or dumb.
 : Underneath it all, she's still a witch.


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Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
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Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: spirit-led, inter-faith, the Smallest Church in the World
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