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Merlyn-Druid or Christian? -The Secret of the Grail Here!

To: alt.legend.king-arthur,alt.magick,alt.pagan,alt.mythology
From: (Jan ilauem-arluth Tomaszewski kailin-er)
Subject: Re: Merlyn-Druid or Christian? -The Secret of the Grail Here!
Date: 22 Jun 1995 15:41:04 GMT

Wesley H Clark ( wrote:

> My problem with magic is that, for me, it erodes the credible in
> historical (and Arthuian) presentation. For interest, I groan whenever
> Robin of Sherwood encounters Satan, witches and weird bald guys casting
> spells. (Herne the Hunter I can almost stand.) For me, history is 
> sufficiently interesting. Why gild it with a lot of hocus-pocus?

Wes, as a historian, you should remember that the advent of non-religious 
bias in historical documents is a rather recent thing. In my study of 
literature, I have found that the authors who chose to record history in 
this period had a strong underlying belief in the "otherworld". Such 
deeply held faiths (including magic and demons) show up in archetecture 
(e.g. the Cathedrals of Europe are covered in such representations) 
Literature, and History. The filter thru which the Medieval Historians 
saw life wias tinted with the supernatural (The Voyage of St. Brenndan is 
one example, even tho it was a direct copy from earlier Celtic oral 
traditions.) I understand your wish for "historical fact", but if you are 
using period literature as source texts, then you have to include "magic" 
in the "historical fact".

> Whoops! Are we talking about the druids/merlin/Alfred the Great business 
> here or something else? If it's the former, the original poster is simply 
> wrong ina lot of his assertions about Alfred the Great. If it's not, 
> remind me again of what it is that you take exception to, please!

I was actually a poster with a idea very similar to this early on. And 
was politely shot down :-) No arguement here from me. However, one of the 
conceptualizations is that "Arthur" is not *one* singular historical 
figure, but several. All of which contributed their own particular 
element to the fabric of the legend. Interesting concept, no? Would 
expalin how historically seperate sociological constructs have been 
melded into one body of legend. My Arthurian Legend class at the 
University of Texas defined one of the great paradoxes of Mallory as the 
Complex/Simple. It wasn't until Mallory that one really sees a synthsis 
of the Arthurian legend as "The Matter Of Britian". Mallory may have a 
complex work, but what he took was a *vast* body of both oral and written 
traditions and melded them into one, much simpler, body of legends. Who 
knows what the history of the period *actually* was. Factual history is a 
recent invention.

And as W, Churchill said re: the legends: "...It is all true. And if it 
isn't, it *should* be... and more besides!"

> And thoroughly literary, BUT NOT HISTORIC! I am interested primarily in 
> history - fact.

And as I stated earlier, what *is* fact? The original historians thought 
they were reporting fact when Merlin prophesyed to Vortergin (sorry for 
the spelling.) The Histories of the Jews have people being struck dead 
for touching the Ark. Hindi histories have the gods walking the earth. 
Historical fact is a rather elusive, and somewhat flexable concept. If 
all you are looking for is what happened, good luck in finding it. Even 
Geoffery had to please his patrons. And remember, History is usually 
written by the victors. Who tells the other side? With that concept 
expanded, how will you ever *really* know what happened? And if such is 
the case, where are your facts?

Honest, this is not intended as a flame, but one of my concerns re: 
Historians is their forgetfullness of the fact *everyone* reports not 
facts, but *interpretations* of facts. Even today. As such, the Fisher 
King, while now legend, may well have been fact in the Middle Ages.

> Perhaps you've perceived my anti-magick quotes as something more than they
> are. I repeat: I want a credible historical Arthur, shorn of medieval and
> magickal baggage. 

But to remove the Medieval "baggage" is dangerously close to removing the 
idea of Arthur totally. As was earlier said, what if Arthur was not one 
person but an amalgam of several, spanning a long time frame? Then there 
*is* no "Historical" Arthur, but a body of legend which speaks to what 
the people want to believe instead of what happened. Unfortunately, 
*much* of history is just that; what the people *want* to believe, not 
what actually happened. Just look at Vietnam.

Thank you for your most invegorating posting, and I honor you for your 
grace in admitting your harsh treatment might have been inappropriate.

John "Skizyx" Tomaszewski

P.S. remember, Gildas was a believer in magic, and recorded it in some of 
his histories.

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