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Aug. 18 is Global Orgasm Day!

To: alt.magick.tantra,alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Aug. 18 is Global Orgasm Day!
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 03:50:15 GMT

Mark Plattner has just put up the Global Orgasm Day web site i mentioned
earlier in this newsgroup. The URL is

Here is some text from the site, which i believe is worth spreading

-- cat



Global Orgasm Day (G.O.D.)

Saturday August 18, 2001 12 am-1am GMT

The G.O.D. Manefesto: Here is what I know and think I know.

Physiological Ecstasy must have some purpose other than mere
biological reproduction otherwise we would be on similar
reproductive cycles as animals and insects i.e. once a month
when the female is in estrus or some such thing.

The Pleasure Principal drives us towards things that make us
feel good.

Therefore I posit that human biological ecstasy is a higher
state or level our consciousness seeks to be at. Those who
seek to squash or control biological ecstasy are actually
working contrary to the flow of nature.

Ecstasy acts as a bonding agent between two or more people.
Making love is a joining experience. At the moment of
simultaneous bliss two separate egos temporarily become one.

What happens when someone achieving orgasm consciously seeks
to merge with others at that same moment? Is it possible to
unite a disparate world through simultaneous orgasm?
Wouldn't it be fun to find out?

It is impossible to hate someone while in the throes of

The white-light, eye-rolling feeling Ecstasy is a state of

It is possible to extend the length of orgasm beyond what
most people are aware of.

With practice it is possible to be in a constant state of
orgasmic awareness.

It's time to get to work.

   The Plan 

The Plan is to first get the word out. Sorry for
the chain letter, but it's the only way I know how. Do your
best not to continually send this to the same people.

The next thing to do is get people to participate. This will
be much more difficult because frank discussions about sex
almost always make people worldwide schoolyard giddy.
Everyone should participate. You don't have to take the
concept seriously (sex should be fun), but your
participation is requested. Give a try once or twice. Enter
a state of orgasmic bliss at the designated time and reach
out to others, I guarantee you will feel something.

The time for the 3rd Saturday of each Month will rotate,
giving people around the world opportunity to have optimal
times as it relates to their social schedule.

   The Schedule* 

Aug 18, 2001 12am-1am GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 
Sept 15, 2001 1am-2am GMT 
Oct 20, 2001 2am-3am GMT 
Nov 17, 2001 3am-4am GMT 
Dec 15 , 2001 4am-5am GMT 
Jan 19, 2002 5am-6am GMT 
Feb 16, 2002 6am-7am GMT 
March 16, 2002 7am-8am GMT 
April 20, 2002 8am-9am GMT 
May 18, 2002 9am-10am GMT
June 22, 2002 10am-11am GMT 
July 20, 2002 11am-12pm GMT

* Time conversion is a tricky business what with all the
different time zones and such. I am looking into time zone
conversion charts, but have yet to find a good one that also
takes into account US Daylight Savings Time. When I find
one, I'll post it. So for now, I leave time zone conversion,
like orgasm creation, in your own capable hands.

   Put Your Orgasm to Work 

There are countless ways to use your
orgasms besides a momentary thrill. As I mentioned before,
Orgasms can be thought of as achieving Godhood-a wordless
experience of union with the All.

Here are some suggestions:

Think of someone you hate and sent your bliss to them.

Tell yourself that you love and forgive yourself for your

Think of someone who is sick and send that energy as healing
towards them.

Do the same as above but picture sending that energy into
the blue/green sphere of earth.

Pretend that you are fucking The Goddess representation of
all Feminine energy and that you are the God of Masculine
force. Next envision yourself as The Goddess (if you are a
man, women do the opposite) being fucked by The God.
Note: This one will blow your mind!


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