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Mysticism and Psychoactives

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.tantra,rec.drugs.psychedelic,alt.drugs.psychedelics,alt.psychoactives,alt.consciousness.mysticism,talk.religion.misc,talk.religion.newage,alt.religion.shamanism,alt.shamanism
From: (nagasiva)
Subject: Re: Mysticism and Psychoactives

50000114 IVom (Endgamer):
> ...drug use, particularly psychadelics, actually /supports/ and 
> gives basis to the use of ritual, in a very scientific and 
> provable fashion...

my experience is that ritualized psychedelic usage has led me
away from repeated experiences. other psychoactives seem to
inspire repeated ingestion but less ritualism.

> ...Ordinarily, ritual, from a scientific point of view, is
> kind of self-justifying...the only real reason for it is to put
> ourselves into a particular beneficial state of mind for 
> working, or to give respect to the beings we are working with, 
> both of which requirements only exist within our particular 
> "belief structure". 

a structural trigger mechanism is an important part of ritual,
but a more important element of it is the focus and quiet
which it makes possible and the chaos that may come into it
through careful attention to detail.

> But ritual in the use of psychadelics can be proved to have 
> a direct, positive effect on the experience....

depends on the person. I know one person for whom her first
ritual psychedelic event was traumatic and nightmarish,
lasting days, weeks, years into her life. she may never have
recovered as far as I know. preparation is essential, self-
insight doubly so. some are incapable (for whatever reason,
though psychological imbalance at deep levels may be one 
factor) of engaging the psychedelic effects whether or not 
they are contained in ritual structure.

> structures it, it guards against bad trips and crashes, 
> and it can bring positive results (ie self-knowledge and 
> inspiration) out of an otherwise purely random experience...
> the most scientific user of psychadelics will talk about
> "set and setting", and the importance of structured practice 
> in taking hallucinogenics

agreed, though I also think that repeated and persistent
psychoactive ingestion is an indicator that they do not have 
the same transformative effect which is integrated to ordinary
life that a nonritualized (and more gradual/subtle) set
of experiences may engender.

psychoactives are a means of enhancing or tweaking the
inner perceptual filter. they can become an ALTERNATIVE
to actively participating in one's external environment,
leading to the acceptance of aesthetic apathy and even
blindness. ritualizing this can result in a similar
effect to ritualizing television viewing. it can leave
the person bereft of an ability to appreciate beauty
or interact with the real world.

for this reason one's RESPONSE to the psychoactives
ought, as you say, be treated scientifically with an
eye toward extreme caution in reduction of habitual
reliance upon the substances. Crowley, though he was
a habitual imbiber himself and claimed, falsely, that
he had overcome his slavery, was correct in his repeated
encouragement that the aspirant set about BREAKING ALL
HABITUAL BEHAVIOR PATTERNS (even after having set up
some oneself for discipline). doing this once and then
returning to it is not true success. only chaos can 
become a true indicator, and this depends upon numerous
internal and external factors.

habit breeds inattention, inattention is the first
step to somnambulance. the Herd wants us sleep-walking
so as to conform to its norms and support its ideals.
the mage deprograms the hypnotic mechanisms around
hir through whatever means available and rises in
intentionality (thus freeing volition for true action).

substituting one habitual program for another is not
liberation, it is merely routinized hedonism (a lesser
variety of the latter worthy pursuit -- intelligent
hedonism requires a mystical progression and elements
of pain to prevent comfort that lead to ignorance).

-- (nagasiva);
notification: I may post any email replies; cc me if some response desired.

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