a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


Divination Web News

                                               Venus' Day, February 22nd 
Subject: Divination Web News
        New Builders Yahoogroup

	DivWeb Elist (contact to subscribe)

	Public areas completed; excepting Tree of Life, which we
	are planning to fill out with symbolism appropriate to
	the tradition being used to date.

	Possible Dream Commands
        whereok (@set so that a person can be located; default ON) 
	interests  +search and find others of like mind!
        TYPE 'news index' FOR MORE!   &   watch the Messages Of The Day! 
        Type 'news ' where  is one of the words below.
        BldgPolicy               Building               Information
      Introduction              Management               Networking
        Information Beyond Divination Web
        There are several sources of information (archives, elists, 
        etc.) that lie beyond the realms of Divination Web.  These are 
        scattered throughout cyberspace.  Some of the more popular 
        magical forums include 

       Usenet's alt.lucky.w, alt.magick, alt.magick.tyagi, 
		alt.occult.methods, alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic, 
		talk.religion.*, soc.religion.*, and alt.religion.*; 
	  IRC's #magick, #occult, #thelema, #spirituality, #ascension,
		#jesus, #buddhist, #islam and #taoism, 
     & in email the ARCANA List, Thelema93-L, many 
		other Yahoogroups dedicated to spiritual topics, and 
		various Western Esoteric elists. 

	A diversity of congregated forums exist for the purpose of
	discussing religous and arcane subjects. Divination Web is the
	only MUD dedicated to such lofty aspirations.
        Many of these are listed in the Mage's Guide to the Internet at
        See also: 'news networking' and 'help interests'.
        Welcome to Divination Web, a TinyMuck dedicated to experiment 
        and networking in the fields of spirituality and the occult.  
        The Web started a few years ago as a project facilitating cyber 
        ritual and setting the stage for unknown online developments.  
        One database wipe and some managerial shuffling later, it is 
        beginning a rejuvenation.
        Use the 'help' and 'news' fields to discover all of the tools 
        available to Players.  Speak with others in the Web regarding 
        their favorite hangouts and activities.  Join the DivWeb Elist 
        for a more thorough connection to the community.
        We are exploring new technology and community, and your 
        participation is encouraged.
        Building Guide
        All of the following can be referenced by 'help '.
        EXamine - used to peruse construction in detail
        Look - to see desc fields on Objects
        @owned - used to view a list of owned Objects
        @dig - make a Room
        @open - make an Exit
        @link - connect one Object to another
                (Thing/Player + Room => ; 
                 Exit + Room => )
        For more, see 'news Building2'.
        EDit  = ;//
                changes the text of a field
        detail : [;tag2;tag3;...] = 
                adds tags to an Object which may be seen with look
        @DESCribe - seen when a Player Looks
        @SUCCess - seen by a Player when an Object is used
        @OSUCCess - seen by other Players when an Object is used
        @fail - seen by a Player when failing to use an Object 
        @ofail - seen by others when a Player fails to use an Object 
        @drop - seen by a Player when an Object is drop'd
        @odrop - seen by other Players when an Thing is drop'd
                 (or seen by Players in the destination of an Exit)  
        @name - sets the name of an Object 
        For more, see 'news Building3'.
        Miscellaneous Commands
        @lock - keeps access to an Object limited to a designated key
        @project - designates or identifies the current construction 
         - an Exit @lock'd with fail and ofail fields designed 
                  to simulate an activity/action
        For more, see 'news Building4'.
        Objects of Import
        me - the Builder
        here - the Room in which the Builder stands
        number (#) - the identifying number (PID) of any Object 
        Other Topics
        Communication - various commands for talking
        Transportation - various commands for moving about
        Purpose - description of why DW is here 
                        (see also 'news introduction')
        Networking - ideas for how to make connections 
                        (see also 'news networking')
        For some building TIPS, see 'news bldgtips'.
        TIPS FOR GOOD BUILDING (not rules, tips)
        1. Work on rooms one at a time.  Don't @dig twenty rooms
        and plan to get to them all 'some time soon'.  If you
        don't have time to complete twenty rooms in one sitting,
        don't dig twenty rooms.  Do each room completely before
        @dig'ing more.
        2. Don't @dig a Room unless there's a reason to have that Room
        exist.  If you want a Privy outside the Castle wall, frequently
        an adequate job can be done using 'details' (see 'help detail')
        or a 'bogus exit' (see 'help bogus') instead.
        For more tips on good building, see 'news tips2'.
        3. Use synonyms when naming Exits.  If you have an Exit that 
        goes north, name it 'North; n'.  If this Exit is a door that 
        goes north and there are no other doors in the Room, name it 
        'North; door; n; d'.  If the door is the main route people 
        would take to get out of your area, name it 'North; out; o; 
        n; door; d'.  If you already named an Exit 'North' and want 
        to rename it 'North; out; o; n', type: '@name north = North; 
        out; o; n'.
        4. Don't assume that visitors will think just like you do.
        Include enough alternative exit names that they will be able to
        move around freely.  A good rule of thumb is:
              Full Doorname; fd; Full; f; Doorname; fdn; dn; do
        in which complete words, their first syllables and initials are
        usable as movement commands, as well as possible abbreviations
        such as first initials of words and syllables.  
        For more tips on good building, see 'news tips3'.
        5. Don't give Exits silly or unlikely names unless the intent is
        to keep people from finding their way through your area.
        6. Never make Exitnames like 'Right; r; door' or 'Left; l; out'.
        Not only are these names traps for people who use 'l' to Look
        at a Room again, but when Players come back into the Room after
        having gone through one of these Exits, their facings will have
        changed but the Room will still be referring to 'right' and 
        'left'.  Get more creative.  Compass directions are old too.  Try
        to find new ways of looking at traditional things, such as by using
        'Widdershins' and 'Deosil' or 'this way' and 'that way'.
        7. If you north from Room A to Room B, you should be able to
        go south from Room B to Room A, and so forth, unless there is
        some very good reason otherwise.
        For more tips on good building, see 'news tips4'.
        8. From anywhere in your construction typing 'out' or 'o'
        should eventually get the Player back to a recognizable public
        area.  You may also wish to designate one route as 'in' so as
        to facilitate the sights 'not to be missed'.
        9. Give *every* Exit a: DESC, SUCC, OSUCC and ODROP.  It is
        very annonying to some to be standing in a Room and have someone
        just 'arrive' rather than 'bounding in from the Spring Picnic'.
        Without the OSUCC and ODROP being defined, it will seem as 
        though Players simply vanish from the area.
        10. Examine your Rooms and Exits and Things carefully.  Many of 
        us have built extra Exits because we've @open'd an Exit, forgot 
        its number (#), and then @open'd another Exit with the same 
        exitname.  If we'd EXamined the Room, we'd have seen the original 
        and saved ourselves future headaches. 
        For more tips on good building, see 'news tips5'.
        11. Spell everything correctly unless you have good reason to do
        otherwise.  If you can spellcheck your work, do!  Misspelled
        words in the DESC-field and in Exitnames are maddening to people
        trying to explore your area.
        12. Be thorough and painstaking.  Make sure that every Room has
        a DESC; make sure all Exits have the appropriate messages in
        their Object fields; and be sure that you don't leave any
        @unlink'd Exits lying around (people can steal/move them).
        See also: 'news building' and 'news bldgpolicy'.
        THE CURRENT DIVWEB Building Policy may be found by typing
        'info new-web-prop'.  Eventually this document will be
        expanded into a very short and curt Policy Nonstatement. ;>
        If you want a look at the defunct, old policy, you can get
        it in bulk with 'news oldpol'.  Good reading!  Happy building!
        See also: news.
        Divination Web Building Policy
        0.0 Introduction
        In order to maintain the quality and focus of Divination Web, 
        a policy for Builder-bit (B-bit) dispensation and project 
        construction has been instituted.  This includes specific 
        quotas and processes of Proposal and Review.
        1.0 Quotas
        So as to minimize impact upon the DW database and preserve 
        prompt response-time, a quota system has been installed with 
        the following limitations:
        General Players: 0 Objects
        Muckers and Builders without a project: 6 Objects
        Default Builders with projects: 150 Objects
        'Coins', the currency whereby building may proceed, are 
        effectively useless and we may find some way of allowing 
        people to increase their own cache.
        Type 'news bpolicy2' for more.
        1.1 Quota Increase Request
        If a Builder desires a greater quota, they can contact a 
        B-Manager familiar with their project.  At that time they 
        should provide an explanation for their request.  Generally 
        the 150-Object maximum will remain firm except under unusual 
        2.0 Proposal Process (Getting B-bits)
        In order to be able to build on DivWeb one must first procure 
        a B-bit, and these are dispensed by the B-Managers:
        Xiwangmu (
        Shawn (
        Email a Proposal to one of the B-Managers and await a response.
        Type 'news bpolicy3' for more.
        2.1 Proposal Contents
        This Muck has very specific goals and purposes and in order to 
        serve these, a loose restraint has been placed upon building 
        In general, a proposal should contain thematic orientation and 
        at least a vague concept of structure.  Estimates on the number 
        of Objects to be used and a building schedule are also valuable.
        Ultimately it is up to the B-Managers whether or not they wish 
        to sponsor a proposed project, for to do so indicates their 
        assumed responsibility for the review and expedition.
        2.3 Proposal Review
        Each proposal will be reviewed by B-Managers and should any of 
        them desire to sponsor the project, they will coordinate with 
        the new Builder on a quota and review schedule.
        Should such sponsorship not be forthcoming, then suggestions 
        for revision or a request for additional information will be 
        Type 'news bpolicy4' for more.
        3.0 Review Process
        In order to facilitate efficient use of database resources 
        and to preserve the enjoyment of Players, periodic reviews 
        will be scheduled on all building projects currently underway.
        3.1 General Review Guideline
        The following is intended as a guideline rather than a strict
        standard, and a review schedule may be conducted differently 
        by a B-Manager based on specific project complexity and/or 
        3.2 Suggested Timing
        Suggested Initial Review: 2 weeks
        Periodic Update Reviews: every 2 months
        Type 'news bpolicy5' for more.
        3.3 Review Criteria
        B-Managers will be looking at internal consistency (where 
        appropriate), in comparison with the projected construction 

        It is suggested that projects be broken into sectors, with 
        regular completion of a specified sector prior to each review.  
        The size of each sector is left to the discretion of the 
        Builder to be based upon available time and expertise.
        3.4 Review Results
        A B-Manager sponsor or another B-Manager who is familiar with 
        the proposal, quota and schedule for the project will review 
        the whole with careful scrutiny of any sector designated as 
        'completed'.  Results from this review will be sent to the 
        Builder and to other interested B-Managers.
        Exits to reviewed and completed sectors will be made visible 
        to the public.  In this way the projects will emerge gradually 
        and the review process will be kept to a minimum of effort.
        Type 'news bpolicy6' for more.
        3.5 Corrections
        If there are problems within a sector which was planned to 
        have been completed, then the Builder and their sponsor 
        B-Manager can work together to resolve these problems and get 
        the sector open to the public.  An acceptable means of 
        dealing with these problems would be to revise the 
        time-schedule and set a new review date.
        3.6 Warnings
        Given severe delays and the lack of logging in 
        (e.g. 180+ days), Builders may receive a warning that their 
        project and properties are to be recycled unless management 
        is contacted within one week.  If no such communication is 
        received within that week, then their unfinished project is 
        subject to recycling by the management.
        Divination Web is managed by the following individuals:
                Builder Bits and Construction Projects:
                        xiwangmu (
                    and Shawn    (
                Mucker Bits and MUF Programming Projects:
                        Shawn    (

		Owner and Operator
			Daneel   (
        If you can't find the Manager you're looking for, contact 
        Divination Web is set up to be more than just a fun playground 
        for building, programming and ritual experimentation.  It is 
        also a crucible and centerpiece for networking regarding 
        spiritual and occult topics.
        Just look at all the ways you can connect with your fellow 
         ':'  - an action others in the same Room can see.
        SAy  or  "  - Talk to another Player in the same Room.
        Page or  p  - Send a message to someone who is logged on.
                (For more information type 'help communication'.)
        For more networking suggestions, type 'news net2'.
        Page #MAil  - Send a message to someone who isn't logged on.
                        (For more information type 'page #help'.)
        mail        - Send MUFmail to someone.
                        (For more information type 'help mail'.)
        interests   - Find those who have interests or list your own!
                        (For more information type 'help interests'.)
        For more networking suggestions, type 'news net3'.
	DivWeb Elist - Talk to Webmates via email (!
	For more information email 
        Divweb Website - Get helpfiles, newsfiles and faqs!

                 or email xiwangmu (
        If you have other suggestions regarding networking, contact 
        the management!  We're doing what we're able to make this a 
        very wonderful experiment.


The Arcane Archive is copyright by the authors cited.
Send comments to the Arcane Archivist:

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Then please click on the Paypal Secure Server logo and make a small
donation to the site maintainer for the creation and upkeep of this site.

The ARCANE ARCHIVE is a large domain,
organized into a number of sub-directories,
each dealing with a different branch of
religion, mysticism, occultism, or esoteric knowledge.
Here are the major ARCANE ARCHIVE directories you can visit:
interdisciplinary: geometry, natural proportion, ratio, archaeoastronomy
mysticism: enlightenment, self-realization, trance, meditation, consciousness
occultism: divination, hermeticism, amulets, sigils, magick, witchcraft, spells
religion: buddhism, christianity, hinduism, islam, judaism, taoism, wicca, voodoo
societies and fraternal orders: freemasonry, golden dawn, rosicrucians, etc.


There are thousands of web pages at the ARCANE ARCHIVE. You can use ATOMZ.COM
to search for a single word (like witchcraft, hoodoo, pagan, or magic) or an
exact phrase (like Kwan Yin, golden ratio, or book of shadows):

Search For:
Match:  Any word All words Exact phrase


Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including slave narratives & interviews
Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Sacred Landscape: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy, sacred architecture, and sacred geometry
Lucky Mojo Forum: practitioners answer queries on conjure; sponsored by the Lucky Mojo Curio Co.
Herb Magic: illustrated descriptions of magic herbs with free spells, recipes, and an ordering option
Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers: ethical diviners and hoodoo spell-casters
Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church: spirit-led, inter-faith, the Smallest Church in the World
Satan Service Org: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists
Gospel of Satan: the story of Jesus and the angels, from the perspective of the God of this World
Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive: FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups
Candles and Curios: essays and articles on traditional African American conjure and folk magic
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century ceremonial occultist
Spiritual Spells: lessons in folk magic and spell casting from an eclectic Wiccan perspective
The Mystic Tea Room: divination by reading tea-leaves, with a museum of antique fortune telling cups
Yronwode Institution for the Preservation and Popularization of Indigenous Ethnomagicology
Yronwode Home: personal pages of catherine yronwode and nagasiva yronwode, magical archivists
Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, etc.
      Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells
      Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business
      Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye
      Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races