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Kabbalah and Tarot History

To: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.pagan.magick,alt.tarot,alt.divination,alt.consciousness.mysticism
From: hara 
Subject: Re: Kabbalah and Tarot History
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 23:33:05 GMT

50030723 viii kaos day!

"Kadu Flyer" :
# Nice argument you've given below.

thank you muchly.

# Unfortunately, it does seem that 'Science' has stolen the 
# lead on mysticism: 

where they may be said to be at odds, rather than coincident.
there is a good overlap area in psychology of consciousness
and anthropology of conscious states such as are covered by 
authors like Tart, Durkheim, Ornstein, etc., not to mention 
the fundamentals that are provided by philosophy of 
consciousness authors/editors such as Dennett, Hofstadter, 
even Minsky, after the obvious subjectivists such as Hume,
Berkeley, et al.

# mainly because scientific enquiry seems to be throwing up 
# more interesting questions than Mysticism 

it's got a long way to go to catch up with mysticism and
philosophy, in terms of this kind of digging.

# -- a trend which continues as our means of quantifying our 
# cosmic environment becomes more developed.

quantification only serves certain interests. it aligns
itself with reductionism and atomism in ways that are
decidedly helpful toward manipulative ends. I'm not sure
that this is always conducive to mystical endeavors,
as compared with engineering.

# For example: taking the GD and Papus school of Qabalah 
# as a model which may inform our enquiry is a little 
# like taking Crowley's embryonic understanding of Yoga 
# as a reliable guide to that discipline.  Concerning the 
# latter, Jean Overton Fuller (in her magical Dilemma of 
# Victor Neuberg) notes Neuberg's London group hosting 
# a visit from a young Yogic practitioner whose area of
# study was flexible and much gentler than Crowley's 
# approach.  Of course, back in those times, the western 
# view of Yoga suffered from a lack of exposure to the 
# many different systems employed in the East.  

agreed. authority with respect to system also applies
(i.e. too often occultists represent authority where
it isn't present, sometimes pretending to it).

# Similarly, the Qabalah of Papus, Levi, Mathers, etc, 
# only represents an embryonic understanding of loose 
# threads of the discipline filtered through mediaval 
# scholars.

it may also be criticized for its authoritarianism.

# Your response "mystical insight into the principles 
# of the cosmos as discovered by those exercizing 
# inductive and deductive methods, which are 
# abstractions approximating reflection of Law rather 
# than a direct experience of Laws" is very good ... 
# very precise.  

thank you.

# However, this would imply that as our inductive and 
# deductive methods become refined, we should be free to
# evolve our approach and escape the limitations of the 
# Levi/GD event horizon.

I'm unsure that Levi/GD constitute a stable enough
foundation to call it an event horizon, seeing that
its composure and substance appears to have been so
warped by an intent to subvert and deceive quite
without regard for actual mystical success. it has
opened the door for the worship of abject failures
as prophets (e.g. Crowley) on account of its lack
of accountability. 

# We obtained our alphabet from the Phoenecians, 
# but we do not feel the need to construct our 
# sentences in Phoenecian.

precisely. the relation between mysticism and language
is something that is typically overlooked by those who
are interested in purporting the expressions of ages
past as dogmas.

thank you for your attention to this issue,


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