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Hey, Poke: Masters of Atlantis!!!

To: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.chaos
From: catherine yronwode 
Subject: Hey, Poke: Masters of Atlantis!!!
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 04:33:03 GMT

Hey, Poke -- somehwere in the GD Cipher thread(s) i asked you if you had
ever read Charles Portis's fabulous 1970s parodic novel "Masters of
Atlantis," which deals with (among many other things) the making of an
occult order's Charter Myth. 

You never replied. 

I decided to do a web search on the book and i found, to my great
plkeasure, that it is BACK IN PRINT and one need not scour the hills for
a rare first edition. 

I recommend this book highly to EVERYONE in the occult, hermetic, and
fraternal order communities, but especially to you, Poke, and to folks
like Josh, Peter S., Paul H., Alex S, et al, because you (like me) are
old enough and hoistory-minded enough to recognize some of the amusingly
veiled references. 

Here is a blurb for the book from the new publisher:


     Masters of Atlantis

     Back in print, Charles Portis's brilliant "white comedy" -- 
     an unforgettable tale of secret societies, lost cities and 
     sacred texts 

     Following the enthusiastically received reissues of Charles 
     Portis's novels The Dog of the South and Norwood comes the 
     republication of The Masters of Atlantis, the third in 
     Overlook's reissues of the novels of this true American 
     master. This publication marks another chance for readers 
     to discover "the least known great writer in America." (Ron 
     Rosenbaum, Esquire)

     This unforgettable novel centers on Lamar Jimmerson, a man 
     in the front ranks of the modern-day Gnomon Society, the 
     international fraternal order dedicated to preserving the 
     arcane wisdom of the lost city of Atlantis. Stationed in 
     France in 1917, Jimmerson comes across a little book crammed 
     with Atlantean puzzles, Egyptian riddles, and extended 
     alchemical metaphors, the Codex Pappus -- said to be the 
     sacred Gnomonic text. Soon he is basking in the lore of lost 
     Atlantis, convinced that his mission on earth is to administer
     and expand the ranks of this noble brotherhood. Taking us 
     through the entire New Cycle of Gnomonism -- through the 
     publication of Jimmerson's own Gnomonic texts (among them 
     Why I Am a Gnomon and 101 Gnomon Facts), through the 
     scandalous schism that rocks the Gnomonic community, through 
     Jimmerson's disastrous bid for the governorship of Indiana, 
     to the fateful gathering of Gnomons in a mobile-home park in 
     East Texas -- Masters of Atlantis is a cockeyed journey into 
     an America of misfits and con men, oddballs and innocents. 
     It is quintessential Portis. 

          "Much as I love Charles Portis's other books, I believe 
          Masters of  Atlantis takes off even higher into the 
          comic empyrean" -- Roy Blount Jr. 

     Charles Portis lives in Arkansas, where he was born and 
     educated. He served in the Marine Corps during the Korean 
     War. As a reporter, he wrote for the New York Herald-Tribune, 
     and was also its London bureau chief. His first novel, 
     Norwood, was published in 1966. His other novels are True 
     Grit, The Dog of the South, and Gringos. 

                    ISBN 1-58567-021-9 
                    $14.95 paperback
                    5 3/8 x 8 
                    272 pp.
                    October 2000


I cannot tell you how glad i am that this book is again widely
available. It has been a real touchstone for me over the years, and
Portis's knowledge of the subject matter is far more than an amusing
poke at some sitting ducks -- it gets right into the middle of the
entire Gnomonic Mysteries!
cat yronwode 

Hoodoo and Blues Lyrics ---------

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