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World's largest masonic emblem at Woodlawn Cemetery

Subject: World's largest masonic emblem at Woodlawn Cemetery

spelling and format editing has occurred within these posts;  
some email addresses may be out of date.

Date: Fri, 9 Jul 1999 18:55:06 -0800
Subject: World's Largest Masonic Emblem


The George Washington Masonic National Memorial recently
dedicated what they claim to be the "World's Largest Masonic
Emblem".  The announcement has been widely published on the
WWW and Scottish Rite Bulletins.  After reading it I felt
compelled to send certain individuals the following e-mail. 
I was wondering if any of you knew any other Masonic Emblems
that may be in contention to that claim.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Harry Maslin, WM
Santa Monica-Palisades #307, GL of CA F&AM
32=B0, Valley of Los Angeles AASR

To Whom it May Concern,

I had occasion to read the article entitled "World's Largest
Masonic Emblem" in both the Los Angeles Scottish Rite
Bulletin and the Long Beach Scottish Rite Reporter.  I would
be willing to assume that this article has been printed in
most, if not all, recent Scottish Rite publications.  Since
you are still seeking donations for this project it becomes
my duty to inform you that the  emblem is not the "Worlds
Largest".  In fact it falls far short of the Masonic emblem
located at Woodlawn Cemetery here in Santa Monica,
California.  The Masonic community occupies a portion of the
cemetery 325 feet wide and 240 feet deep.  On the ground in
the center, is the actual  Square & Compass emblem, which is
168 feet high and 186 feet wide.  As you can see this is
over three times larger than the emblem located at the
George Washington Masonic National Memorial.

The Masonic plot at Woodlawn Cemetery was commenced in 1935
and contains room for 2200 graves . Although architectural
landscaping is the basis of the emblem, there are 230 graves
that are also incorporated in its design. In 1946 there was
a memorial monument designed which is now located within the
circle at the top of the compass.  An aerial view of the
site is quite impressive.

I am not writing you this letter to attain bragging rights
over who has the largest emblem.  My goal is only to set the
record straight.  It seems there is an obvious unintentional
false representation over your claim. Since you are asking
for contributions partially based on this, I wouldn't want
the facts to come back and haunt you in any way.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
my Lodge or return e-mail.

Sincerely and Fraternally,

Harry Maslin, WM
Santa Monica-Palisades #307, GL of CA F&AM
32=B0, Valley of Los Angeles AASR

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