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race between hare and hedgehog

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     When and where did the unequal race between hare and hedgehog
                              take place?
                        hasige.jpg (7263 Byte)
   This question will dismiss a normal citizen first once probably
   with shaking his head and, into the land of the fantasy
   That this question however can be for an astronomer, in the
   special for an archaeoastronomer of exciting interest. The
   following article may show and energize to the discussion.
   Because of the Millennium and in the aproach of the total lunar
   eclipse on 21st Jan 2000 this topic may be also for a broader
   social class of interest.
   The connection of this fairy tale with celestial movements and
   calendars, seems easily understandable also for a layman. It is a
   model that teaches an astronomically inexperienced how many fairy
   tales represent salient or particularly regular sky
   movements, such as run of Sun and Moon on the zodiac in the
   language of old, passed conceptions of the world.
   In old times celestial movements also must be described similarly
   as this today e.g. with the black holes
   occurs, to show how the things run.....We call it today syndrome,
   if we describe something new, i.e. however literally "runs as"
   and comes of Greek dromos = to run. And here we already are in
   the core of the problem:
   How can you describe the fast run of the moon, if one can not
   take it in your hands and you cannot let him run like in a
   model, but only show can in connection with other heavenly
   bodies, how it runs?
   If you take however a hare and take it as symbol for the fast
   moon, then also a small child can imagine, because it knows how
   quickly the hare runs.
   The German author and archaeoastronomer Ralf Koneckis has
   marvelously explained in his book " fairy tale and myths "
   the connection of this fairy tale with the old styrian farmer's
   calendar. The fairy tale of hare and hedgehog has
   however a special feature with that this article deals.
   The fairy tale begins in such a way:
   This story is to be told lieful - children!- but truely is it
   nevertheless, because my grandfather, from whom I had it, always
   tended, if he told it to me, to say thereby: "Iit must be true
   nevertheless, my son, because otherwise no one could tell it."
   The story however itself has happened in such a way: It was on
   one Sunday morning in the autumn time, just as the wheat
   flowered: the sun has golden risen in the sky, the morning wind
   went warm around the harvested cornfield, the larks sang in air,
   the bees hummed in wheat, and the people of this Sunday's state
   went into the church, briefly, all creatures were diverted and
   also the swin- hedghog.
   The actual fairy tale begins after a double framework, whereby
   father and grandfather protest the truth of this story, which
   starts on a special autumn day and also the hedgehog a special,
   the Swin hedgehog. In addition, Swin is an old name for the sun.
   In the consequence the fairy tale tells of the unfair race and
   that the hare must run exactly 74 times, until the blood flows
   his neck and he remains situated dead in the Heath near Buxtehude
   (Northern Germany). The forceful operational sequence
   lets the blood, which pours the hare from the neck at the end of
   the fairy tale , think of a law of nature and of a lunar
   In the early morning hours on 21st Jan, 2000 takes place the next
   lunar eclipse and at that time again the moon will be colored in
   reddish hue like bloody ball. For a stargazer something however
   is particularly remarkable in the fairy tale, because the 74 runs
   correspond exactly to 2 ˝ moon runs in 74 days, thus the time of
   new moon up to the second full moon following on it.
   If you look into the calendar, then you find immediately that
   between autumn equinox until 6th December there are exactly 74
   days. If you take the speedy hare thus for the fast moon and for
   the jets of the round sun for the pricks of the slow hedgehog,
   then the start of the run is new moonmond. Then from the view
   earth both stand close to each other in the sky and the moon
   starts in its run over the field, the zodiac. If the start, thus
   new moon is exactly on autumn equinox and the hare, or the moon
   runs and runs in such a way its run ends finally 74 days later at
   full moon. This is exactly on 6 December, St. Nicolas Day.
   In the still printed and used Old Styrian Farmers calendar this
   day is symbolized with three golden balls.
                    nikolokrampus.jpg (12510 Byte)
   24th September in this old farmers calendar  has as symbol a
   basket or a barrel and it gives a parallel to the fairy tale "the
   black and the white bride", where the new moon (the black bride)
   robbed of all of its dresses, thus naked and invisibly into a
   barrel is put. The patron on 24th September is St. Rupert!
   Another idomatic expression of Austrian people, if they want to
   instruct somebody very seriously is the following: " Now I will
   show you, where "Bartl" (Krampus/Rupert) is carrying off the
   cider!" This idiom gives another hint to the connection of this
   74 days between Rupert and Nicolaus, "Bartl" and the symbol
   barrel (cider).
                               ALPINABauKal.gif (19149 Byte)
                      Leykam_Baukal.jpg (23499 Byte)
   In Austria St. Nicolas is accompanied still by a black fellow (a
   devil with a basket, carrying away bad  children), that involves
   local legends. Farmhand Ruprecht is one of the names of the
   Krampus (Devil), which is called in  Styria/Austria "Rotsohler"
   (means red soil or red soal). Once he (Luzifer) wanted to build a
   tower towards the sky and carried  with the basket the stones
   from his home which is called "Rothsohl", located at Mt. Veitsch,
   where today still is the St. Nikolas   cross. The stones forms
   today Lucifer's Rock, because they fell there out from his
   basket, as legend of Lucifer's Rock tells.
   These Lucifer's Rock at the scientific symposion is revealed as
   stone-age sky observatory and calendar.
   The story, which tells Grimms fairy tale thus, describes the sky
   run, in another language, in another conception of the world.
   The run of the same thing, only in other words described. The
   fairy tale is truth in another conception of the world,
   us however unconsciously daily. So also the Easter hare is
   nothing else than the first full moon after beginning of spring,
   if sun
   and moon rise exactly at vernal equinox in the East. (The hare in
   the east). What the full moon in
   spring represents for the beginning of the warm yearly half,
   obviously corresponds to the black moon in the autumn for the
   winter term.
   At least also the " sports field ", where the unequal race
   started, gives us a wink. This is the constellation virgin, the
   constellation of the sun 2000 years ago. It's main asterisk,
   Spika the corn ear, was name giver for ages (era). This was the
   flowering wheat at begin, because on Earthan fields in autumn
   nothing flowers.
   Those astronomically and calendarious relevant data, which can be
   derived from this fairy tale, if it actually represents the run
   of sun and moon, are sufficient to date this event. It needs only
   some criminalistic and astronomical detailed work.
   The following facts are present in the fairy tale: 
   The location: Buxtehude in Northern Germany.
   The celestial location: the constellation where sun stands in
   autumn is Virgo with Spika.
   The beginning: A Sunday at autumn equinox.
   The end: A lunar eclipse, which takes place 74 days later, on 6th
   To find the actual date of this event, the following conditions
   must be fulfilled:
   1. A year, where new moon coincideds with autumn equinox.
   2. This autumn equinox must be a Sunday.
   3. This New Moon Sunday Autumn Equinox must be followed by a
   total lunar eclipse! This weekday must be a Thursday or
   Wednesday(the night before).
   In the entire passed 2000 years there were only about 11 lunar
   eclipses, which fell on 6th December of Gregorian Calendar.
   Only a few of this eclipses were observable however also in
   Northern Germany.
   These eclipses took place in these years:
   1862, where the fairy tale was however already present.
   1424, 1405 (partially), 420 (partially), 401, 355(partially).
   However in no one of these cases, the autumn equinox (74days
   before) fell on a Sunday.
   Since it is assumed that also in the Northern cultures the seven
   days week had validity and in the assumption that it ran with the
   Christian Jewish synchronously, the conclusion is obvious, the
   event is past almost 2200 years and happened in the year -185
   (astronomical), - for historians it is the year 186 B.C.!
   In the early morning hours of this Thursday (Julian Day 1653826.8
   GMT) took place the only lunar eclipse, which a new moon
   preceded on a Sunday on autumn equinox. The sun was in direct
   proximity of Spika, the "celestial flowering" cornear and
   because of precision at autumn equinox 2000 years ago still was
   the constellation of Virgio . The moon on the 74 days later
   following lunar eclipse, was in the constellation of twins
   (Gemini), that was spring equinox constellation about 8 000 years
   and symbolizes the the paradies (lat. with the two), to which
   corresponds to golden ages (see Ovid: aurea prima sata'st = at
   beginning was the golden age). The Gold medal, which the Swinegel
   at the end of the fairy tale wins, corresponds thus to the
   red-golden moon in the constellation of twins.
   A more than 2000 year old astronomical hare chase is perhaps
   successful and shows how long humans retain a special sky
   event in their cultural memory.
     The position of Sun, Moon and planets at autumn equinox year
            -185; Julian. Day 1653752; Sept 23rd, 186 B.C.:
                       HTNG-186.jpg (24399 Byte)
   The Sun (Swin Hedgehog) and the Moon (Hare) are situated close to
                 Spika, the cornear (flowering wheat),
         also Venus (morning star and symbol larch) is there,
   in addition Mars and Mercury too, which could represent the bees
                      at begin of the fairy tale.
    The planets in the graphs are represented in following colours
                              and sizes:
     Moon: grey (New Moon) white (Full Moon); Sun: yellow, large;
       Mercury: red, small; Venus: blue, large; Mars: red, large
   Jupiter: yellowish green , large; Saturn: yellow, small with beam
       The positions of Sun, Moon and planets at the Total Lunar
            Eclipse, year -185; Julian. Day 1653826,8 GMT;
                at early morning of  Dec. 6th, 186 BC.:
                       MOFI-186.jpg (25026 Byte)
     The reddish hue darkened Moon is situated in constellation of
     Gemini and is desribed as  the blood pouring  from the hare's
    neck. Twins was once the Golden age of Paradise! It represents
            the Golden medal the hedgehog has won in Twins!
   MOFIfoto.jpg (12575 Byte)               mofihase.jpg (3867 Byte)
                      Pic of Dale's Moon Gallery
                                The hare in the moon.
   Just like at the end of the fairy tale of " hare and hedgehog"
   the hedgehogs as winner receives his Golden medal , so I also
   promise to the one, who can disprove conclusively this
   interpretation and this calculation a Golden medal!
                   Join the astronomical hare chase!
   The CountDAWN (Sepp Rothwangl) in the meantime lays down under a
   tree and waits there, until finally a suiting female
   Swin hedgehog will be passing and sings meanwhile the following
   song: " run rabbit run....."
   While he sings, he reflects how the hedgehogs love each other.
   PS: Please excuse my imprecise English!
   You are invited to translate it into propper English, or any
   other language!
   Pls email me your results!
          Bitte geben Sie uns einen Link auf Ihre Homepage !
                Please give us a link onYour Homepage !
                      Copyright © 97 CALENdeRsign
                    Last update: 09. December 1999

Date: 1999 December 09
Subject: race between hare and hedgehog

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