a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


File of Alt.Magick.Tyagi Rules and Assorted Dogma - FAMTRAD

Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.tantra,alt.pagan,alt.religion.wicca,alt.zen,alt.consciousness.mysticism,alt.virtual-adepts,alt.memetics,alt.answers,news.answers
Subject: File of Alt.Magick.Tyagi Rules and Assorted Dogma - FAMTRAD
Summary: AMT administration file outlining newsgroup content and purpose. 
Keywords: syncretic meta-knowledge usenet elixir
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.EDU
Followup-To: alt.magick.tyagi
Replaces: 49970101
Reply-To: (AMT ADMIN)

Archive-name: magick/tyagi/famtrad
Posting-Frequency: monthly

Revised: 49990720


	File of Alt.Magick.Tyagi Rules and Assorted Dogma (FAMTRAD)


	"_Student_. His business is to acquire a general intellectual
	knowledge of all systems of attainment...."

		_Magick_, By A. Crowley, ed. Symonds/Grant;
			p. 328, Appendix II

	"The vulgar and debased cannot practice this art, neither 
	 such as have no understanding."

		_Pau P'u Tzu_, by Ko Hung, quoted within 
			_The Forge and the Crucible_, 
			 by Mircea Eliade.

	alt.magick.tyagi (AMT) is the synthesis of meta-knowledge.

	at the nexus of all mystical and magical systems, AMT
	functions as a forum for the synthesis of psychological 
	gold and religious esoterica, purifying the textual
	Universal Medicine, a remedy for runaway technology and 
	rapidly diversifying knowledge systems operating in cross-
	fertilization at the branches of metaphysical speculation
	and the roots of practicality.

	a diffusing specialization may be seen within the academic 
	community as a whole. constellating gradually increasing
	bubble-islands of technical knowledge, cybernetic forums
	dissolve under the influence of entropic conflagration,
	their products are further and further removed from the
	average human being. AMT is a melting pot within which 
	the quintessentia of human experience may be derived by
	the dedicated, flexible and syncretic of mind.


	00 Identity
	01 Charter
	02 Purpose
	03 Posting Rules
	04 Call for Charity
	05 Assorted Dogma
	06 Terminology

00 Identity
	this is the regularly posted reference file for the AMT
	newsgroup. if you wish to post, you are welcome to do
	so provided you keep the following in mind:

01 Charter
	articles shall be reposted and X-posted to alt.magick.tyagi 
	in order to fertilize synthesis and create an educational 
	archive/consortium for the study of magick, mysticism and 
	associated subjects of meta-knowledge (the mysteries). it
	shall also include derived discussion which grows in 
	response to such a fertilization and consortium.

02 Purpose
	alt.magick.tyagi (AMT) is the synthesis of meta-knowledge
	in the fields of magick and mysticism within the usenet 
	internet forum structure:

		alt.	=>	alternative trunk

		magick.	=>	occult and magical arts

		tyagi	=>	monastic and mystical sciences

	the newsgroup is a forum designed to fulfill its Charter (01),
	an educational mechanism and forum of cross-fertilization of
	meta-knowledge within the fields of magick and mysticism.
	access to esoteric information to those who diligently seek 
	it, without restriction, integrating the various disciplines
	and weaving a web of vivifying communication amongst a 
	diversity of global cultures. it is an attempt to utilize 
	usenet as a thinktank and reference engine.


	this group shall be used as a REposting site for articles,
	found in the various internet archives, of interest to mages
	and mystics, including other newsgroups like alt.lucky.w, 
	other alt.magick.* newsgroups, alt.pagan.magick, 
	alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic, alt.religion.*, 
	alt.satanism.*, alt.*.zen, soc.religion.*, talk.religion.*, 
	and any other religious, magical, mystical or miscellaneous 
	newsgroup which qualifies.

	AMT shall also carry subsequent exchanges of threads which
	are of particular interest to esotericists, tied together via
	REpost and Xpost so as to ease access to the working, eclectic
	magical/mystical student.

	this newsgroup shall also function as a place to move very long,
	complicated conversations, philosophical exchanges, regarding
	magick, mysticism and associated subjects that often annoy regular 
	readers of the normal alt.magick.*, psychology, mysticism or 
	religious groups, yet serve the interests of dedicated specialists.

03 Posting Rules
	there shall be no restrictions as to *who* is allowed to post
	to the group and yet the group's parameters are clearly stated

	AMT can be used for this purpose, exposing the commonality
	of subjects and patterns within them to the many readers who
	will almost certainly prove amateur in all.

	overall, post in a manner which serves the Purpose (02) of the
	newsgroup. AMT was created to address a specific need. posts 
	made to it should generally be of three types:

	these should be the most common seed fodder. their function
	is to make accessible articles from other internet forums 
	which could be of interest to mages who don't have the time 
	or incentive to read *every* group which is relevant to their
	field. they can also be used to expose the post to newsgroups
	which were pertinent but not originally within the header.
	Followups to all relevant forums are fruitfully specified.

	these should used subtlely to join disparate disciplines
	when contributing articles which apply to their intersection
	or when a particular post within any newsgroup would likely
	be of interest to those whose studies include the subject of
	magick or mysticism.

	discussion subsequent to posted articles should be less common
	and determined by interest and quality of the posts to which
	response is given. humor and quips should be minimized, or
	utilized to effectively place in contrast the overseriousness
	of the author to whom one replies.

	for a set of general guidelines, see the alt.magick RULES at:

	REposts should be made in something like the following manner:

	     [a] find a pertinent newsgroup other than AMT;
	        (if you don't know what's pertinent, don't post,
	         read alt.magick or alt.consciousness.mysticism 
		 for a month or two first and see how this 
		 compares with AMT)

	     [b] find an article that is thought-provoking,
	         well-researched, representative, or otherwise

	     [c] pretend you are going to 'follow-up' but instead
	         of leaving the 'Newsgroups:' 'Reply-To:' lines as
	         you found them, replace the newsgroups with
	         "alt.magick.tyagi" and any other applicable
		 newsgroups omitted in the original posting, and
		 use the address given in the automatic 
		'response-indicator' ("in article , 
writes:") for both the 'reply-to' field and for what is called an ATTRIBUTION: "[from : ]"; [d] remove all the 'quote-symbols' from the text that were applied when you began your follow-up (usually a left sidebar of '>'; this can be done with the command: ':%s,>,' in VI) and be sure that the header fields are accurate (sometimes when I remove all those >'s I get the first one in the 'References' field also, or in the author's name); [e] you may also change the Subject: header to include the author's name -- first init, last name, then a reasonable subject header with (Was ...) if the original was ugly. [f] fill in the 'Followup-to:' with the original groups if applicable and any others to which you sent it, targetting the most applicable and being sure also to include AMT. exclude forums that don't like followups, such as alt.magick.chaos, or those that don't tend to like massive Xposting. ___________________________________________________________ 04 Call for Charity contact if you have extra time to volunteer for archival activities, would like to mirror the Esoteric Archive, and/or have interest in lending technical expertise to its improvement. ___________________________________________________________ 05 Assorted Dogma alt.magick.tyagi lies fallow or burgeons with ripe cyberfruits dependent entirely upon the dedication of the few. through the REposting and Xposting procedure (detailed above) many specialists within diverse fields of meta-knowledge are brought together into one forum allowing us to envision our commonalities. it thus makes possible a networking function which would otherwise not be possible, whilst the group itself serves as an outlet for a sometimes verbose and syncretic type of communication. other alt.magick.* newsgroups by far the bulk of traffic within the alt.magick.* newsgroups occurs in the original group (alt.magick). alt.magick.chaos is a forum which often contains posts and discussion on chaos and chaos magick as understood by its regular posters. alt.magick.tantra was started as an alternative to the glutted, and includes posts regarding tantra, taoist sexual alchemy and sex magick. alt.magick.order and alt.magick.ethics were created in frustration at the volume and noise/signal ratio within alt.magick, and are being utilized to divide up the various areas of interest that collide in the hub group. alt.magick.folk and the related alt.pagan.magick are subforums to the alt.magick and alt.pagan newsgroups which place focus upon the more religious aspects of magick. alt.magick.* groups of other types exist, but these do not, by and large, contain posts relevant to magick. other related forums for other newsgroups, elists and other related internet forums, please see the alt.magick FAQ: ___________________________________________________________ 06 Terminology the word 'tyagi' is Sanskrit (East Indian) and can be literally translated as 'monk' or 'one who renounces (or sacrifices) all'. in this way the newsgroup name symbolizes the fusion of magick and mysticism through the combination of terms, and provides a kind of arena in which writings of a decidedly esoteric nature may be drawn together, compared, contrasted and fused into a cybernetic Hieros Gamos. ---------------------------------------------------------------- comments to: ---------------------------------------------------------------- EOF

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