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alt.magick BOOKs/periodicals REFerence file

a working list of recommended books from internet on magick 
and occultism 
		by tyaginator


Newsgroups: alt.magick,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick.tantra,,
Subject: alt.magick BOOKs/periodicals REFerence file
Followup-To: alt.magick
Summary: This is a REFerence file for the alt.magick newsgroup.  As such
         it constitutes an attendant file to the alt.magick FAQ, which is
         intended as an introductory file and its content may be discussed
         within the alt.magick.* contellation.  The FAQ is available at:
Keywords: Magick, Books, Fiction, Non-Fiction
From: (tyaginator)
Reply-to: (tyaginator)

Archive-name: magick/book2ref
Version: 9604
Posting-Frequency: monthly or by inquir

From: Rick 
To: alt.occult.kabbalah.golden-dawn
Subject: Reading Suggestions for A.O.K.G (21k file)
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 21:41:19 GMT


     The following is a brief reading list which may be
useful to those monitoring this newsgroup.

     This brief list is not meant to be all inclusive or uniquely
suited to the task at hand.  I could have chosen from hundreds.
The books contained in this list represent only a few suggestions.

     You cannot represent the Infinite with the finite, and
the finite cannot represent the Infinite.  Books are finite.
All words are finite.  Only you can actually realize something, books
can only point the way. 

     Ultimately, every student, beginning or advanced, must work
out the challenges and complexities of their own path.  Every
perspective is different, even if only slightly. Every human soul
exists at some stage of initiation, even if it's so early a stage
that the conscious mind of the human being is unaware of it. 
Every soul has its own needs.  

     Some of these books may be out of print.  Libraries, book
search firms, and even the Internet, can help with locating
some of these or related books. 

        Please note that I've thrown this brief list together in
a short period of time.  Please excuse any typos and grammatical
errors Ive missed.

     For the record, with the exception of the single book
referenced at the bottom of this list, which I wrote, I have
no interest, financial or otherwise, in any of the books,
authors, or publishers, referenced on this list.

"As Above, So Below.
The Macrocosm, the Microcosm.
The Entire Universe is Contained
In The Human Creature"
        To The Fallen Angels


~Title:  The Black Arts
Author:  Richard Cavendish
Publisher/Year:  G.P.Putnam's Sons, New York, 1967
     The book jacket claims that this is, "An absorbing
account of witchcraft, demonology, astrology, and other mystical
practices throughout the ages...."  
     That is very accurate.  This book is a good introduction
to what I would call "classical western occultism".  For the
student who knows absolutely nothing about witchcraft and the
occult, this is a very good book to read.

~Title:  Mastering Witchcraft
SubTitle:  A Practical Guide For Witches, Warlocks & Covens
Author:  Paul Huson
Publisher/Year:  G.P.Putnam's Sons, New York, 1970
     This book brings classical western witchcraft and occultism
"up to date" with practical suggestions on how to approach western
occultism in today's world.  

~Title:  The Rites of Modern Occult Magic
Author:  Francis King
Publisher/Year:  The MacMillan Company, New York, 1970
     This jacket says that this book is, "A fascinating account of the
events and personalities involved in the renaissance of medieval
magic and alchemy, from the late nineteenth century to the
     You've heard of the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, The Order of
The Golden Dawn, the A.A, the O.T.O, The Theosophical Society,
Mathers, Blavatsky, the always colorful Aleister Crowley?  Well,
if youre interested in this newsgroup, you should know about these
organizations and personalities.  This book will take you through
the last 100 years or so of western occult history, organizations,
and personalities.   Its primary utility is to set the stage and
context for much, but not all, of the occultism which exists today.  

~Title:  The Secret Teachings of All Ages
SubTitle:  An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic,
Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy
Author:    Manly P. Hall
Publisher/Year:  The Philosophical Research Society, Inc. 
Los Angeles, California, 1928  (current edition - 1988)
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  88-30746
ISBN No.:  0-89314-548-3
     The late Manly P. Hall authored over 150 books and essays on
the subjects contained in this book.  This work is without a
doubt his crowning achievement and an invaluable source of
information.  The book is exactly what the sub-title says it is,
and it is the best single book like it anywhere.  If you only get
1 book on anything associated with the sort of subjects you would
expect to find in AOKG, this is the one to get.
     When Manly Hall passed, this world became a poorer place.
The Elect of this world greatly miss him, but they are fortunate
in that he left a record for them to study from.  

~Title:  Lectures on Ancient Philosophy
SubTitle:  Companion To The Secret Teachings Of All Ages
Author:  Manly P. Hall
Publisher/Year:  Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, CA,
originally 1929, my edition 1984
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  84-25365
ISBN No.:  0-89314-820-2
     As it states, this book is the companion to the above
referenced book.  It's a big book (500+ pages) and an excellent
one.  I don't know if the beginning student would really want to
take this one on at first, but I include it an important reference
associated with the previously mentioned book.

~Title:  The Way of Splendor
SubTitle:  Jewish Mysticism and Modern Psychology
Author:  Edward Hoffman
Publisher/Year:  Shambhala, Boulder & London, 1981
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  81-50967
ISBN No.:  0-394-52152-8 (Random House)
     A good introduction to the Kabbalah (spelled in a variety of
ways) and how it relates and what it means to the human mind and
spirit.  This book is very readable and makes a very good modern
case for the study of the Kabbalah and just what such study might
ultimately mean for the student.  And it does this in clear
language.  (Pick up a copy of the ever incomprehensible
A.E.Waite's, The Holy Kabbalah, if you would like to contrast
clear language with something almost unintelligible.) 

~Title:  Man and his Symbols
Author:  Carl G. Jung
Publisher/Year:  Doubleday & Company, New York, 1964
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  64-18631
ISBN No.:  0-385-05221-9
     Dr. Carl Jung was of course the world-famous Swiss
psychologist and, for a brief time anyway, foremost student of
Sigmund Freud.  The purpose of this book is to explain to the
general reader the importance and significance of symbolism in
man's world
     Jung, in my opinion, was a mystic, though he may have
objected to my labeling him as such.  His single greatest
contribution to the areas of mysticism, alchemy (western medieval
mysticism), kabbalah, etc., was that he framed these things
in the language and context of modern psychology, making a
great many of these things accessible to the modern western reader. 
This of course coupled with his psychological theories.
        This book is very readable, as is his autobiography,
"Memories, Dreams, Reflections".  

~Title:  On the Nature of the Psyche
~Title:  Dreams
~Title:  Alchemical Studies
~Title:  Psychology and Alchemy
~Title:  Aion
~Title:  The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
~Title:  Mysterium Coniunctionis
~Title:  Answer to Job
Author of them all:   Carl G. Jung
Publisher/Year:   Princeton University Press / Bolligen Paperbacks,
all referenced titles from The Collected Works of C.G.Jung,
Bollingen Series XX, various dates generally in the 1960s and
        As I stated above, one of C.G.Jungs greatest contributions
was his making accessible to the western mind, eastern metaphysical
and mystical thought, through the setting of such things in a modern,
western, psychological framework and language.  The books referenced
above represent a small portion of his collected works.
        These books are very difficult to read.  Answer to Job, is
probably the easiest and Mysterium Coniunctionis the hardest -- the
latter his last work of book length, "the fruit of decades of study
and reflection on philosophical alchemy, against the background of
his extensive analytical practice."
        When you have reached a point when you can fight your way
through these, you will find treasures buried therein and it will
be well worth the effort.  There is a great deal of repetition
in some of his works, but you will need that.  

~Title:  Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental
Author:  Yogi Ramacharaka
Publisher/Year:  The Yoga Publication Society, Chicago,  1903
ISBN No.:  0-911662-01-4
     As of a couple of years ago, The Yoga Publication Society,
still existed and was still publishing this and a whole series of
books by the same author and others.  I don't know who Yogi
Ramacharaka is or any history associated with him.  His books
however are excellent.  He teaches things associated with the spiritual
path from a somewhat Hindu orientation.  Judging by the date of
publication and the content, maybe he was associated with
The Theosophical Society, or the Order of Ramakrishna?  
     He lays before the student an entire map of where the
student has been, where he is, where he must go, and the rewards
and dangers of along the journey.     

~Title:  Raja Yoga
Author:  Yogi Ramacharaka
Publisher/Year: The Yoga Publication Society, Chicago, 1906
     Raja Yoga, or The Royal Yoga of the Mind, is the approach
and training associated with the "bringing under control" of the
Mind and the conscious manifestation of the powers and forces
contained therein.  Raja Yoga is one of the 4 paths (works,
religious devotion, philosophy, training of the Mind) generally
spoken about in a great amount of Hindu oriented mystical
literature.  Crowley's "concentration exercises" would seem to
have their roots in this school.  (Crowley references Raja-Yoga
by Swami Vivekananda in one of his reading lists.)

~Title:  Raja Yoga
Author:  Swami Vivekananda
Publisher/Year:  Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, New York, 1982
(paper edition)
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  55-12231
ISBN No.:  0-911206-23-X
     Reference above for comments on Raja Yoga.  Swami
Vivekananda was one of the two main figures associated with the
original organization of the Order of Ramakrishna (the other
being Swami Brahmananda).  The Order of Ramakrishna is dedicated
to the person and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna (1836-1886), an
Indian Mystic, and perhaps, as some believe, Avatar.  Swami
Vivekananda appeared at the Parliament of Religions held in
Chicago in 1893.  (Could Swami Ramacharaka have been associated
with Vivekananda?)   
     A great deal of very high quality writings have come from
the various personages associated with the Order of Ramakrishna,
and the various associated organizations existing throughout the

~Title:  The Lesser Key of Solomon - GOETIA  
SubTitle:  The Book of Evil Spirits
Author: Original author unknown.  Crowley claims authorship in
one of the editions I have.  I seem to remember that Mathers may
have done the original translation, but I'm not sure.
Publisher/Year:  Ram Importer Inc., 1970
Publisher/Year:  de LAURENCE, SCOTT & CO., 1916
     This book would generally not be appropriate for reading by
a new student, however, an essay by Aleister Crowley titled, "The
Initiated Interpretation of Ceremonial Magic", appears as an
introduction to this book.  This essay is one of the best
introductions to ceremonial magic I've ever seen.  When Crowley
was good, he was very good, and when he was bad........

~Title:  MAGICK  (Originally Magick in Theory and Practice)
Author:  Aleister Crowley (ed. by Symonds/Grant)
Publisher/Year:  Samuel Weiser, Inc., New York, 1973
ISBN No.:  0-87728-254-4
     We had to get to Crowley sooner or later.  
     Crowley was a master magician.  He worked his will upon the
world and rightly should be called a Magus.  He also destroyed
himself with drugs, was a master con artist, and generally was
the sort of person you wouldn't want your sister, or brother for
that matter, spending much time with.  
     I would label all his writing, except the essay mentioned
above,  "for advanced students only".  The new student does not
have the "tools" to understand Crowley.  At best, the new student
will hurt themselves a little.  At worst, if he takes Crowley too
literally, the new student will generally end up hurt, dead,
dying, babbling, dribbling, or to put it in scientific language,
seriously whacked.  (Eating cakes made from cooked menstrual
blood and worse - yuuch.  Slicing your arm with a razor blade
every time you break concentration - I don't think so.)
     I've included him however because his name is so prominent
in occult literature and he has written so much.  He can't be
avoided.  And he has written a lot of really good stuff, but not
for the beginner.  MAGICK includes his famous BOOK 4, some of his
777, and other writings.  
     Some of his writings are absolutely brilliant, but again,
not for the beginner. 
     His Qabalistic system is just that, his Qabalistic system. 
If you want to learn about the Kabbalah, start with the book
referenced above by Hoffman, or read Gershom Scholem (next).
     Volumes could be dedicated to Crowley and this isn't the
place.  If you want to get and read only own one of Crowleys books,
this is probably the one it should be.  

~Title:  The Golden Dawn
SubTitle:  A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic,
Four Volumes in One
SubTitle:  The Original Account of the Teachings, Rites and
Ceremonies of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Author:    Ed. by Israel Regardie - current edition is 6th (I think)
Publisher/Year:  Llewellyn Publications, St.Paul, Minnesota, USA,
part of Llewellyns Golden Dawn Series, 1989
Library of Congress Catalog Card No.:  86-15247
ISBN No.:  0-87542-663-8
        This is a very sizable book containing what is says above in
the 2 subtitles.  The Golden Dawn, was originally a secret,
Freemasonic flavored organization, (no surprise considering some
of its original members,) dedicated to the accomplishment of the
"Great Work", perhaps better identified as "absolute spiritual
illumination", through study and the practice of ceremonial magic.
The Golden Dawn, and its members, have been very significant
influences in the modern history and content of western occultism. 
This work is a very significant work. 
        If youre going to have only one book on/about The Golden Dawn,
this is the one to have.
        From what I understand, many independent, and semi-dependent
lodges currently exist throughout the world.

~Title:  Kabbalah
Author:  Gershom Scholem
Publisher/Year:  Dorset Press, New York, 1974
ISBN No.:  0-88029-205-9
     This is a thick book, and a very complete survey of the
Kabbalah by a recognized authority.  I've heard some talk that
some of the recent literary discoveries in the middle-east have
modified or changed some of what Scholem says, but I have not
looked into it.  This book is a very good survey.  It also can
be relatively flat and colorless, maybe a little boring.

~Title:  Esoteric Buddhism
Author:  A.P.Sinnett
Publisher/Year:  Theosophical Publishing House LTD, London,
Adyar, India, Weaton, Ill., USA, 1972
ISBN No.: 0-7229-5230-9
        This book appears to be a much shorter way to sum up the
overall system contained in Blavatsky's 800 page book, The
Secret Doctrine.  Sinnett describes an evolutionary system, in
which the object and purpose of creation is the evolution of Man from
idea in the mind of Creation, to mineral, to God.
        I definitely think that this book is worth reading.  The idea
that man is part of a long spiritual evolutionary process
is a good idea to embrace.  Whether or not some of the details of the
process presented in this book are correct is almost secondary.
A mythology is important.  It's a starting point and a context. 
Even if the details in this work are mythology, they can push the
student further along the path.  That is the primary function
of all formalized religions and mythologies. 
        There are many books which have originated from the
Theosophical Society and its sister organizations.  I dont mean
to slight Blavatsky's huge works, The Secret Doctrine, or,
Isis Unveiled, in recommending this book first.  These books also
provide interesting suggestions and ideas, but, Esoteric Buddhism,
gives the basic "system" in the least amount of words.  The other
books are worth having and can be enjoyable to read, but Id
recommend this one first.

~Title:  The Temple Legend
Author:  Rudolf Steiner
SubTitle  Freemasonry & Related Occult Movements
Publisher/Year:  Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1985
ISBN No.:  0-85440-540-2
     I seem to remember that Steiner started out in the
Theosophical Society.  He was an amazingly prolific writer and
lecturer on all sorts of subjects generally related to the
spiritual evolution of man, society, God, the universe, and
everything.  I personally really like to read his stuff.
        I don't mean to offend, but I think that the intellectual
quality and level of "illumination" was higher with Steiner than
it was with Blavatsky.    
     Steiner generally provides a richer context within which to
place the evolution of man and mankind, and The Temple Legend
specifically sets this within the idea of an evolved, future,
"greater", Freemasonic order. I have to admit that being a "high-grade"
Freemason myself, among other things, I find this especially appealing.  =

     A lot of Steiners writings are very good.  If you want to
start with the bare essentials of Steiner, get "The Essential Steiner,
The Basic Writings of Rudolf Steiner".  

**Other Books**

~Title: The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels.
~Title: Adam, Eve, and the Serpent, by Elaine Pagels.
~Title: The Nag Hammadi Library, edited by James Robinson.
      Get these to learn what original Christianity may have been
like and how different modern Christianity may have become from
the original.

~Title: Real History of the Rosicrucians, by Arthur Edward Waite.
      I really don't like people who take volumes to tell you that
they know all the answers to the mysteries of heaven and earth,
but they can't tell you because you're not an initiate of their
own particular and very special illuminated organization.  Waite
does this all the time.  I find that really annoying! 
     However, this book is good.  It contains among other things,
translations of the original "founding" documents associated with the
legendary original secret order which has come to be known as the

~Title: From Socrates to Sartre: The Philosophic Quest, by T.Z.Lavine.
     Really good introduction to "heavy" philosophy.

~Title:  Meditation and Spiritual Life by Swami Yatiswarananda, Order of
     This is not a beginner's book.  It was assembled from notes
taken by monastic students of Yatiswarananda.  It is however the
best single book on approaches to spiritual illumination that I know
about.  There is a lot of Hindu terminology in this book, which for the
unfamiliar might be difficult to get around, but it's pure instruction.

~Title:  The History of Magic by Eliphas Levi (Tran. by A.E.Waite).
~Title:  The Key of the Mysteries by Eliphas Levi (Tran. by A.Crowley).
        Levi's books are ok.  There are some interesting ideas
and suggestions made in these books.  A curious aside is that
Albert Pike, the main personality behind the current manifestation
of The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, was
versed in the writings of Eliphas Levi.  I have found word for word
corrospondances between some of Levi's writing and some of Pike's.
(Levi's came first.)                                                     =


~Title:  To The Fallen Angels,
Mans Spiritual Heritage, Earthly Mission, and Evolutionary Destiny
by Richard D. Murad.
        To The Fallen Angels, is a series of brief statements,
in the form of individual letters, addressed to the "Fallen Angels",
generally involving different aspects of Mans struggle in
this world and the next. 
        This is not a text for new students.  It's more for mid-level
students.  Each brief monograph is pointed and specific.  It really
needs an analysis and commentary associated with it to make the
concepts in it more accessable to students.

Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.moderated,alt.magick.order
Subject: MRyan: What is Golden Dawn?
Followup-To: alt.occult.kabbalah.golden-dawn,alt.magick.tyagi,alt.magick,alt.magick.order
Date: 29 Mar 1996 10:57:40 -0800
Organization: Portal Communications (shell)

[from alt.occult.kabbalah.golden-dawn: Mark Ryan ]
[alot of prelim quotation deleted - tn]

Yeats's Order name was D.E.D.I. (Daemon Est Deus Inversus).  He belonged
to the G.D. and its successor the for at least 20 years.
For more on Yeats and the G.D.,  see --
   The Unicorn   by Viginia Moore
   The Mystery Religion of W.B. Yeats  by Graham Hough

Some other notable G.D. members:  
   Maude Gonne -- Irish Actress
   George Russell (AE)-- Irish poet and artist
   Arthur Edward Waite -- Englist occultist (and author of the Tarot deck
        incorrectly attributed, above)
   Dr. Wynn Westcott -- English pathologist and occultist

Sources for G.D. tradition, from oldest to newest--
   Egyptian magical papyrii -- mostly just Egyptian trappings for rituals
   The Hermetic tradition  -- many ideas, especially that of correspondence
        between microcosm/macrocosm
   Jewish mysticism (the Kaballah, etc.) -- heavily drawn on for 
        system of correspondences and paths, including degrees of initiation
   Neo-Platonism -- Great Chain of Being, reincarnation
   Rosicrucianism  -- used for rituals, symbols
   Renaissance speculation (e.g., Giorgano Bruno, Ficcino)
   Dr. Dee's Enochian system, "Angelic" language
   "Grimoire" magical manuals
   18th and 19th Century magicians, e.g., Eliphas Levi
   19th Century spritualism

Anybody who can find any practical use for this disreputable hodgepodge 
of ideas has my admiration.  Somehow, the G.D. founders (the real ones,
Mathers and Westcott, not the fictitious Frauline Sprengle of Germany)
managed to make it all hang together, at least enough to capture the
interest of a guy like Yeats, who was no fool.  In fact, Yeats was asked
to leave Madam Blavatsky's group ("Theosophists") because he was given
to making practical experiments... Later, he used much of the G.D. doctrine
in his own system described in "A Vision," and said to have inspired or
influenced dmuch of his later poetry.    Despite this, a lot of the
G.D. is the most outrageous claptrap and balderdash.

Questions:  Is there anything of value in all this stuff? If so, what is it:
esthetic, mythological, psychological, philisophical--or what?  If not, why 
does the subject keep croping up every few hundred years, and why does it
interest so many otherwise intellegent people?  Lastly, why is the current
crop of "New Age" devotees so much less organized and talented than their
counterparts 100 years ago?

This document is Copyright (c) 1996, authors cited.

All rights reserved.  Permission to distribute the collection is
hereby granted providing that distribution is electronic, no money
is involved, reasonable attempts are made to use the latest version
and all credits and this copyright notice are maintained.

Other requests for distribution should be directed to the individual
authors of the particular articles.

nagasiva, tyagi
tyagI@houseofkaos.Abyss.coM (I@AM)

Newsgroups: alt.magick
From: Amanda Walker 
Subject: Re: Beginner seeks advice.
Date: 10 Nov 1998 21:36:56 -0500

Historical: Gareth Knight's "Magic and the Western Mind"
Practical: Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki's "Ritual Magic Workbook"

Both of them are chock full of useful information, and refreshingly
free of "new age" snake oil.

For those of a more religious bent, I also recommend:

Jewish: Aryeh Kaplan's "Meditation and Kabbalah"
Pagan: Caitlin and John Matthews' "The Western Way"
Christian: Robin Amis's "A Different Christianity"


From: "lesa whyte" 
Subject: Re: (O) Books and the Occult
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 17:21:35 -0700

Here are my favorite "beginner" and "not so beginner" books:

"Paths of Wisdom" by John Michael Greer (on Cabala)
"Circles of Power" by John Michael Greer (similar in concept to Kraig's
book, sans the lessons)
"The Magician: His Training and Work" by W.E. Butler
"Ceremonial Magic" by Israel Regardie

Chic and Tabitha Cicero books are also quite good - you might try to find a
copy of "Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition" because it has an
excellent study guide....

I like Donald Michael Kraig's book well enough, though it diverges from my
way of thinking in places.   It's not a bad place to start though.   He
seems obsessed with categorizing magic into a color scheme, which is sort 
of silly, but understandable given his apparent goals.


Date: Wed, 22 Sep 1999 23:44:27 -0700
From: Christopher Chase 
Subject: Re: (O) Books and the Occult

Frankie wrote:
> One writer I left out {translate-forgot} was Dion Fortune....
> If memory serves me, she founded the group which spawned
> W.E. Butler.

I understand that to be the case as well.  The best short book I've 
come across to get a quick overview of her practice is Richardson's
"20th Century Magic."  She brought out the more Christian aspects
of Golden Dawn practice in her book "Mystical Meditations on the
Collects" which I have found to be most useful.


From: (Gnome d Plume)
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Re: beginners, beginners
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 02:11:41 GMT

As you will discover if you hang out here a while, I'm "Mr.
Traditional" -- so with that in mind, here are my recommendations 
foryour study course:

(1.) The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish
(2.) The Golden Dawn (6th Edition) by Israel Regardie
(3.) Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley
       (the new edition contains Book Four and is titled: "Magick")
(4.) The Theosophical Enlightenment by Joscelyn Godwin
       (or The Occult by Colin Wilson)
(5.) Three Books of Occult Philosophy  by Henry Agrippa
(6.) Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon
(7.) Enochian Magick of Dr. John Dee by Geoffrey James
(8.) Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition by Frances Yates
(9.) The Key of solomon the King --Mathers
(10.) The Goetia--edited by A. Crowley

 -- And if you want ceremonial magick instruction on video 
 (invocation and evocation techniques) visit our web site at:

Good magick!

Gnome d Plume



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Satan Service Org: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists
Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive: FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist
Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, etc.
      Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells
      Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business
      Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye
      Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races