a cache of usenet and other text files pertaining
to occult, mystical, and spiritual subjects.


alt.lucky.w. FAQ

alt.lucky.w FAQ

The alt.lucky.w FAQ v.3.8
by catherine yronwode
First posted to usenet October 5th, 1995
This revision made March 30th, 1999


1) What is alt.lucky.w?

2) What is Lucky W?

3) What is the official logotype of Lucky W?

4) What is Luck?

5) What is W?

6) Where are this FAQ and selected alt.lucky.w posts archived?

7) How can i get my isp to supply me with alt.lucky.w?

1) What is alt.lucky.w?

Alt.lucky.w is a usenet newsgroup devoted to discussion of
the metaphysics of beneficent synchronicity. It includes
catalogues of, experiences with, and rationales for the
operation of artifacts, tokens, and devices intended to
increase beneficent synchronicity and decrease malevolent
synchronicity. Such objects include good luck coins, rabbit
feet, four-leaf clovers, "special" numbers, reverse
swastikas, white elephants, black cats, saint cards,
wishbones, ace and joker playing cards, horseshoes, small
smooth rocks, godseyes, rattlesnake rattles, anointing oils
and floor washes, wadjet eyes, conjure bags, dorjes and
phurbus, zodiacal gemstones, cauls, pocket-sized
representations of human genitalia, powders of varied
chemical composition, pentacles and other geometric figures,
milagros and ex-votos, munachis, magic squares, animal
fetishes, representations of deities and angels, amulet
boxes, prayer candles, protection packets, crystals, the
penis bones of various species of mammals, lodestones and
magnetic sands, coral horns and forks, votary figures,
charmstones, hell bank notes, strategically placed mirrors,
all-seeing eyes, hamsa hands, strange attractors, and
feathers or leaves that fall from the sky and are caught
before they touch the earth.

Offers to buy, sell, and trade artifacts, tokens, and
devices intended to increase beneficent synchronicity and
decrease malevolent synchronicity are permissible in this
newsgroup. Commercial spam is not permitted.

2) What is Lucky W?

That, friends, is the 64 dollar question.

Lucky W speaks to me of Policy Dreambooks; of the Lucky 7
Grocery Store in Nevada City, California; of childhood
Westerns set on ranches known by letter-brands, like the
Flying A and the B-Bar-B; of radio station "KDIA Lucky 13,"
playing R&B music out of Oakland, California (and its
remarkable, musically unresolved theme jingle); of the hair
dressing called "Lucky Brown Pressing Oil;" of fresh fruit
from California's Central Valley packed in wooden crates
with beautiful figurative labels and "lucky" brand names
like "High Hand;" of Lucky Wilbury, better known as Bob
Dylan; of early 20th century "Good Luck" postcards; of
canned vegetables from California sold under the Double Luck
and Lucky Trail brand names; of the 1920s British cigarette
trading cards called Wills's Lucky Charms; of Lucky Luke
cowboy comics (in French) and Lady Luck comics (In English);
of the seventh son of a seventh son; of air-conditioned
motels like the Flying W Lodge in Ozona, Texas; of the
garden roses "Lucky Piece" and "Lucky Lady;" and of all
manner of hoodoo potions, like Sonny Boy's Lucky Hand
Alleged Indian Grandma oil and E. Davis Double Fast Luck
Soap, which i used to buy in Oakland and later in Chicago
and New Orleans -- and Lucky Mojo Brand New Orleans Style
Fast Luck Self-Lighting Incense Powders, which i actually
manufacture myself.

Here are some of the popular brands in the Lucky W family
of products:

Lucky W Washing Powder
"Gets the Blues Out of Your Genes"

Lucky W Ranch-Pakt Asparagus Tips
"Shipped Fresh While U Sleep"

Lucky W Numbers and Policy Book
"Your Winning Ticket to Dreamland"

Lucky W Ripe Olives
"Send 25 Cents for Italo-American Recipe Booklet #4"

Lucky W Lubricants
"Good and Greasy -- Now With New Added Zodiac Oil"

Lucky W Valencia Oranges
"Victorville Orange Growers Association, V'Ville, Calif."

Lucky W Russian Style Hot Sweet Mustard with Horseradish
"It Packs a Wallop!"

Lucky W Cafe
"You'll Love Our Full-Cream Coffee"

Lucky W Weatherstripping
"Your Best Protection Against the Unknown"

3) What is the official logotype of Lucky W?

The official logotype of Lucky W is this:

In upper/lower case Rope Script, the word "Lucky," with a
four-leaf clover twined into the starting loop of the
initial "L"

In an upward (U-shaped) horseshoe, the letter "W" in upper
case Stempel Garamond Bold.

4) What is Luck?

For the purposes of alt.lucky.w, luck is beneficent

5) What is W?

W is the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. 23 is a prime
number. Fnord.

W is the only letter of the alphabet whose English name is
described in terms of another letter -- and it is at the
same time the only letter of the alphabet whose name is a
blatant falsehood: it is in fact a "double V," not a
"double U."

The use of Stempel Garamond Bold in the official Lucky W
logotype (see question 3 above) is a reminder of the radical
contradiction between the form of the letter W and its name.
Stempel Garamond Bold is one of a few select type fonts in
which the upper case W is composed of two separate but
overlapping Vs.

6) Where are this FAQ and selected alt.lucky.w posts archived?

Both can be found at the Lucky W Amulet Archive. The URL for
the FAQ is The
URL for the topic index, which includes archived articles,

7) How can i get my isp to supply me with alt.lucky.w?

At the present time, alt.lucky.w is available through most
service providers. If your service provider does not carry
alt.lucky.w, address a polite letter to the system
administrator or newsgroups administrator and ask for
alt.lucky.w to be added to the list of accessible
newsgroups. For complete directions on how to do this, see
"How to Access Arcane Newsgroups" at

Alt.lucky.w is a Reconditioned Newsfroup (tm) acquired
through Froggy's Usenet Salvage Company. Used newsgroups are
the ecologically sound and economical choice!  For your own
reconditioned and low mileage used newsgroup needs, visit
Froggy's Usenet Salvage Company, conveniently located at

Alt.lucky.w -- What it did for ITSELF, it can do for YOU!

copyright © 1995-2003 catherine yronwode. All rights reserved.

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each dealing with a different branch of
religion, mysticism, occultism, or esoteric knowledge.
Here are the major ARCANE ARCHIVE directories you can visit:
interdisciplinary: geometry, natural proportion, ratio, archaeoastronomy
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societies and fraternal orders: freemasonry, golden dawn, rosicrucians, etc.


There are thousands of web pages at the ARCANE ARCHIVE. You can use ATOMZ.COM
to search for a single word (like witchcraft, hoodoo, pagan, or magic) or an
exact phrase (like Kwan Yin, golden ratio, or book of shadows):

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Southern Spirits: 19th and 20th century accounts of hoodoo, including slave narratives & interviews
Hoodoo in Theory and Practice by cat yronwode: an introduction to African-American rootwork
Lucky W Amulet Archive by cat yronwode: an online museum of worldwide talismans and charms
Sacred Sex: essays and articles on tantra yoga, neo-tantra, karezza, sex magic, and sex worship
Sacred Landscape: essays and articles on archaeoastronomy and sacred geometry
Freemasonry for Women by cat yronwode: a history of mixed-gender Freemasonic lodges
Satan Service Org: an archive presenting the theory, practice, and history of Satanism and Satanists
Lucky Mojo Usenet FAQ Archive: FAQs and REFs for occult and magical usenet newsgroups
Aleister Crowley Text Archive: a multitude of texts by an early 20th century occultist
Lucky Mojo Magic Spells Archives: love spells, money spells, luck spells, protection spells, etc.
      Free Love Spell Archive: love spells, attraction spells, sex magick, romance spells, and lust spells
      Free Money Spell Archive: money spells, prosperity spells, and wealth spells for job and business
      Free Protection Spell Archive: protection spells against witchcraft, jinxes, hexes, and the evil eye
      Free Gambling Luck Spell Archive: lucky gambling spells for the lottery, casinos, and races